Cred Forums approved newer punk releases

I'm looking for newer punk releases which resemble 80s hardcore punk, and I'll listen to any new release you guys recommend.

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so new

Nothing good has come out since, so...

any Against Me! released an album this year pic from 2014 but still good

Rufused has at least 1 good album

this, or preoccupations

i feel really good to have nice safespaces like these :) its very PC & punk :)

This album is pretty good.

I don't like LGBTQ thinking they're the most punk people ever.

The media is so biased towards them it's punk to be conservative and love your country these days

Pic related; have an 8" of it. Short af but good shit.
Joyce Manor, Loma Prieta, Merchandise are some of my favorites. The Boston Strangler is pretty good. I recommend checking out the Katorga Works label.

why? the lead singer was punk before the sex change. it doesnt matter shes lgbtq. theyre punk. period

No one gave a shit about against me until their vocalist came out as being trans. Just like how no one would give GLOSS a second glance if it weren't for their politics, but if you publicly denounce either band - even if it's just legitimately criticising their music - you're labeled a *whatever*-phobe in the scene.

Have you been close to anyone in a punk scene or do you just listen to the music? They're incredibly accepting of LGBTQ. I've gone to local Portland shows where they made that very clear and were against any hate speech.

lmao against me is hot topic punk

>No one gave a shit about against me until their vocalist came out as being trans.

thats not the point here he asked for good recent punk with old style. i agree with you.

they're aight but i couldn't give less of a fuck about the singer- then again i bet it took some serious balls to be yourself like that in her position so that's prety cool actuallly
why does the punk "scene" care so much about their scene?

any good hardcore to come out in the last decade guys?

>why does the punk "scene" care so much about their scene?
Well I don't like homophobic / transphobic assholes. I'm sure many don't. I think punk musicians, or at least the artists I've seen/listened to, don't want those people associated with them. Seems to make sense to me.

no real punk gives a fuck about the "scene" just do whatever you want if it makes you happy. if it pisses someone else off then settle it. but leave it at that. the people that give a fuck about the "scene" are people that try too hard to be punks

>don't want those people associated with them

hmmm i guess that makes sense

i've been into it for a while and "punks" seem to ironically care the most about their image i'm always dumbfounded by some of their comments

i would have thought that they should care most about diversity of opinion and just not giving a fuck in general

fidlar? idk. maybe joyce manor

hardcore punk is a breeding ground for both "sjws" and nazis

lmao what?
reinventing axl rose was huge
shut up lol

Most hardcore from the last decade is just derivative of hardcore from the past 3 decades desu. But if you like beat down/metallic hardcore in the vein of disembodied, Integrity, etc. Then you should check out the new Knocked Loose record.

look up Triple B records and Revelation records
some of the best hardcore ever coming out these days
some good bands are Fury, Freedom, Unified Right, Boston Strangler

Dangers - Anger + Messy isnt It?
Verse - Aggression
Crucified - Coldest Winter

Compare the hype behind Axl rose to the hype behind trans dysphoria blues.

p e r s p e c t i v e

how did they go from anarchy to fascism???

are there papers on this? there should be

thanks for recs i really appreciate that man

but i want something new that makes me feel slightly uncomfortable and is a little too abrasive compared to what i know :/

you said no one gave a shit about Against me before, which was simply not true
i'd say the hype was the same, just amongst different crowds
Axl Rose was the Punknews crowd, Dysphoria Blues was the Pitchfork crowd

>anarchy to fascism


just compare Pussy Riot's ultra liberal lyrics to Darby Crash's apathetic nihilism to Ethnic Cleansing's hatred of everything besides Hitler and it all stems from anger at something

The leather jackets were a catalyst

Ty Segall - Slaughterhouse

You won't regret it.


nothing new in the hardcore scene, a lot of bands with hype
check out krimewatch, firewalker, fury, warthog

Also what y'all think about The Coneheads?

>asking Cred Forums for hardcore punk recs
bad move

I'm good friends with these dudes. This is the single of their upcoming record. Not really hardcore, more like 90's emotive hardcore I guess.

ffo: early cursive, jawbreaker, mock orange, mewithoutyou if the singer was drunk and listened to hardcore.

the singer hangs around my town a lot

also this album isnt super hardcore but its solid punk nonetheless


hmmm i was always drawn in from a love of anarchy and freedom... i guess people take it differently

yeah the fashion aspect is always cancer

RIP Ceremony

Birds in Row - Personal War
Ritual Mess - Vile Art
Cult Leader - Lightless Walk
Totem Skin - Weltschmerz

yeah, I don't generally like punk but Ceremony fucking rips

also, Lovechild - "In Heaven, Everything Is Fine" also fucking rips

Why do you need approval from other people?

there are like five actual punks on Cred Forums

listen to

>Coneheads/everything associated with them (Liquids, D.L.I.M.C., etc)


>Lumpy & The Dumpers

>Crazy Spirit

>Dawn of Humans

>NASA Space Universe



>Lord Snow

also check out pretty much EVERYTHING on the youtube channel "Jimmy" (you'll find it when lookin up Liquids stuff), it's all gold and he's constantly posting new shit, past couple weeks have been crazy good

there are like five actual punks left in the world, man

also forgot

>Naomi Punk

you will never hear anything else quite like this band.

no you're just out of touch

>no you're just out of touch
no, you're just missing my point

I reiterate; you are out of touch

I reiterate; you are missing my point
we can go at this all day, guy


Their only good shit is their first album and ep. Get the fuck outta here.


Eh some of that isn't purely hardcore in a classic sense like Anasazi or Lord Snow, but it's all good. Yeah there are really just like 5 actual punks on mu tho I agree.

I get your dumb-ass "there's no REAL punks left!" point, I'm telling you that you are wrong and likely are not/never have been actually associated with any punk scene, with Rolling Stone/wikipedia articles and 50+ year old men recounting shit they did 30 years ago being your only reference points for "punk".

Punk is not "dead", you just know nothing about it. I know nothing about football, doesn't mean the shit's "dead".

Go to a show you sheltered suburbanite.

I reiterate; you are missing my point, just like I'd assumed from the beginning.
All day, guy.

I figured it couldn't hurt to branch out from str8 up hardcore because hardcore punk for the last 10 years has more or less been waves of bands all doing slight variations on the same damn thing with a few stand outs and/or outliers (see: the Black Flag obsession of "mysterious guy hardcore" bands, NYC scene of the early 10s). The whole dark punk/death rock thing is probably my favorite development in punk in a long time.

The midwest/NWI scene is doing a lovely job of breaking up that trend of "predictable-but-not-actually-bad" tho and I love it

naomi punk has got such a unique sound too, very krautrock-y

No idea if they're Cred Forums approved but Gallows and Frank Carter and the Rattle Snakes are pretty decent

Self/Entitled by NOFX

nofx is awful


against me have been big for a while, gloss' demo was sick

That's pretty punk rawk if you ask me

greatest of our time, nothing else in this thread fucking compares

they're not exactly all hardcore but I like old hardcore and I truly dig some songs from this band. especially the lyrics.

complete scum punk know-nothing, take a look at fucking austin, texas scene and tell me nothing good has come out since

nobody in here seems to know real punk besides those who brought up gloss and even then they're nothing

here's the best set thats happened since who fucking know when, tell me again how nothing good has come out since that shitty dead kennedys... you wish you were at this show:

GLAASSSS and Skeleton are quickly closing in on the throne of Texas tho

lol you kinda sound like that guy who was getting mad at ppl in the comments on Coneheads vids for disclosing the title of a Crucifucks cover

glaassss kids are boring as fuck shitty taggers who just collectively broke edge and started smoking pot, they're not closing in on anything lol, they could never touch the 2012 regime. Same goes for skeleton, except victor has a pretty good head on his shoulders, just sucks hes like 22 and hangs around those little kids all the time, i dont know how he hasnt got the fuck out of austin yet.

wasn't me, but I couldnt care less about shit like that, just wish i had bought that $3 tape to resell for $150

>caring about whether someone "breaks edge"
>implying growing out of that annoying ass phase is bad

also their music is better than Blotter ever was desu

i've never been edge.... it's the fact that this is the start of that annoying ass phase for them. If you can take glaassss seriously and honestly think that lakota and david are talented musicians compared to fucking jason lee, cody phifer, and juan carlos then you are tasteless as fuck... even when i sit here having finally realized punk is some of the most awful music, awful people, and worst most cliquey scenes on earth, despite the fact i was in every clique and never had an issue personally... even then i'll still give credit and respect to the people who deserve it... jason was probably the best and most talented person in punk in the last decade and i can assure you that not a single youth from any of these scenes (real cost included) will ever meet the musical intelligence that cody phifer has.

The most boring post punk revival album ive ever listened to