ITT: Bands that have both a 10/10 and a 0/10 in their discographies

ITT: Bands that have both a 10/10 and a 0/10 in their discographies

>inb4 faggots defend Make Believe and Ratitude

>Either Blue or Pinkerton 10/10


Parachutes. Fuckin masterpiece, every song is good, even yellow.
Ghost stories. Its complete garbage and turned into meme tier music.

they have nothing over 5/10. garbage pop rock

Beach Boys



Also I agree with weezer but the true 0/5 in their discog is Hurley

Make Believe cant be a 0/10 because it has the best 2000s Weezer song on it (Perfect Situation).

What was his 0/10?

Green day. From the early Eps too warning it's 10/10. Trilogy was shit and Revolution Radio is shaping up to be shit so far

Recovery saved his career tho.

The Uno! Dos! Tre! thing was 0/10 just for the bad pun title alone.

Nah, their best is a 7/10

Now, which is which

Nah, their best is a 4/10



Recovery is definitely a 0/10. Any album with trash like WTP deserves it.

Long Wave

It's a self self indulgent cover album with little imagination and overall underwhelming production/singing. It sounds like he recorded it and said, "fuck it. I bet people would pay for this."

Saturday Night Wrist
Biggest dissapointment of the year for me.

I didn't think it was that bad.

The single yesterday was decent. If the album has more of that and less like Bang Bang, it may at least be a 4/10.

I agree with this except every album since warning has been below 6/10 and the last 3 are 0/10 - 2/10

To each their own.

Imo the single yesterday was the most uninspired shit they ever did, and this is coming from a fan. They phoned it in so hard, literally any band could have wrote it.

Lou Reed
Transformer, Street Hassle
MMM, Lulu

>They phoned it in so hard, literally any band could have wrote it
That applies to both singles beforehand so much harder.

Ehh. Bang Bang was okayish, but nothing to write home about.

This, Gluey Porch Treatment, Bullhead, and Stoner Witch are great, but then you have stuff like Prick.