Does Cred Forums like pic related and their other records?

does Cred Forums like pic related and their other records?

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/r/music might, go check it out


Mariachi Slipknot

yes but not blindly
sounds like something you would like

They're Cred Forumscore, of course

bro drunkenship of lanterns is a hot hot hit

they're not

Eh. I liked ATDI way more.

Frances the Mute is god-tier

i dont

they need to get deported who the FUCK is with me? like this comment baby hit that like button babyyyyyy

Why does every prog band have a shit singer? I just don't get how all of the other members are ridiculously talented on their instruments while the singer is always absolute garbage.

I really like Cedric's voice. Curious as to why you don't


"Day of the Baphomets" is a pretty good track too

t. Guy who has never seen them live

But yeah, their first 3 albums are the best prog albums since the 70's. Cassandra Gemini and this song are some of the greatest tracks ever recorded.

As for Cred Forums liking them, they're pretty polarizing on here it seems. Though I think a lot of the hate they receive is because of their fanbase and because pitchfork apparently hates them,

Frances the Mute is our generation's Close to the Edge.

I've always said Dark Side of the Moon, but that's not bad. Frances is just SIGNIFICANTLY darker.

I get that his voice sucks live, but the studio stuff still sounds amazing. Also their sound is relatively noise-y, even if there isn't much actual noise music.

I enjoy their first 3 releases
Frances the Mute is one of my top albums through, that album is amazing

honestly I gave them a shot once and never listened to them again for no reason in particular.
At The Drive-In is pretty rad, though

Frances is their peak and Amputechture is underrated
>reggaeton Limp Bizkit

is cedric diabetic?


Yes they were from 2009-2011 before p4k kids

don't believe me go look at old Cred Forums charts

almost certainly

Dear Hunter check it out


I've been on and off lurking Cred Forums for about a year looking for new music, and fucking finally I found some gold to my ears. Thanks man.

hell yeah

anyone digging omars new solo stuff?

>dear hunter
>not deerhunter
underage back to Cred Forums

>The Mars Volta is my most scrobbled artist on

not sure how to feel about this

Omar is cute.

Sworn Virgins was pretty good. Didn't care much for the lo-fi stuff he's been releasing since.

Cedric's great on studio recordings, but pretty hit and miss on live shows
I can't believe Pitchfork gave both De-Loused and Frances the Mute such low scores, then the accompanying reviews were just about the dumbest things I've ever read

Octahedron is genuinely one of my favourite albums of all time

I love Omar but it's hard to get into these new albums because I don't like his vocals at all. I'm not sure what it is about them but as soon as they hit my ears I'm just instantly bored.