Why are normies so obsessed with singing, vocals and lyrics?

why are normies so obsessed with singing, vocals and lyrics?

I was talking to my Grandpa who grew up in a family of singers and he literally cannot comprehend music that isn't based around singing and lyrics

the confuse singing ability with talent

I look for interesting vocals in music, but lyrics don't matter to me, as long as its not political shit I don't care

yeah but you have shit taste

why because i don't listen to beep boop music?

Instruments that sound like the voice are also favored.

>listening to twing twang in 2016


>why are normies
Stopped reading there.

I've also heard it claimed that instrumental music is less intelligent than music with lyrics.

I really don't get where this complex stems from I don't think I ever had it.


feel free to leave anytime norman

Sometimes lyrics are great. Sometimes they just distract. I can enjoy Nas just as well as i can enjoy explosions in the sky. Lyrics are like another instrument.

Please kys reddit

this is a huge world you know? leave your family and go to L.A. but don't fuck with your familys tradition

please both kill yourselves and stop using that acronym

>b-but muh guitar solo's

>grew up in a family of singers
>literally cannot comprehend music that isn't based around singing and lyrics

I wonder why

Are you literally calling you grandfather, who probably did not keep up with current music and only remembers the pop music from when he was young, a normie?

Jesus, what an embarrassment.


his grandfather is a fucking normie idiot

p.s. that respect your elders bullshit is dead. this isn't asia


so you think being a failure is better? Do you have a case of sour grapes?

In my experience playing jazz, it usually is. A song with lyrical development is a lot more organized and defined than instrumentals.

Because the first human instrument was the voice, and was around for a long fucking time before other instruments showed up.

Vocal melody is literally, LITERALLY, the evolutionary basis of music.

because they didn't have instruments back then you daft punk


99% of the people you're talking about don't actually care about music. they're casuals