Why is The Wall considered a bad/mediocre album?

What do you *personally* think of it?

Too much filler. Could cut the album down to a good 45 minutes or so

Big problem with it is that it's kind of whiny and suffers from the whole "woe is me I'm so alone" attitude, as if his childhood upbringing was the worst thing ever and now he's socially isolated forever. Also sometimes the wall metaphor just seems kind of corny DESU overall it comes across as a kid pitching a fit over nothing.

Too long. Too many short tracks. The Trial felt like I was in a broadway show

My brother says watching the movie instead actually makes the album better

>child abuse is nothing

which song is about him being abused as a child?

Another brick in the wall 2

wtf no

kind of overreaching in terms of grandiose story telling. it's like they were on a roll and said well how can we top the last four albums? and got to pretentious and filled it with a bunch of grandeur filler. it's got good stuff, even great stuff--but it's not worth 2 albums worth of music. movie's cool too but it suffers from the same thing, though the imagery in both is absolutely great.

Why not?

It's literally in the lyrics
>When we grew up and went to school
>There were certain teachers who would
>Hurt the children in any way they could
>"OOF!" [someone being hit]
>By pouring their derision
>Upon anything we did
>And exposing every weakness
>However carefully hidden by the kids

legendary songs with alot of filler

>normal english education

corporeal punishment isn't child abuse

it's legally sanctioned

Too bloated imo, the concept itself is great but it just feels overly self indulgent and ambitious. It works much better as a film.

>it's legally sanctioned
Not relevant

Is that what's wrong with all of you? You were all abused as children?

Is this why amerifats are so loud and obnoxious? You were never disciplined?

whats abuse

Nice teeth btw

makes me think of charles dickens books

the fillers the best part of the album imo

It suffers greatly from Waters' text-centric songwriting style. He often sacrifices cohesion for the benefit of his storytelling, which is almost always his signature adolescent whining. This also leads to the bloat issue that mentions. There's simply too much that sounds like it shouldn't be in there- it sounds more like a soundtrack (and works better as one) regardless of what the "rock opera" apologists say.

There are some very pleasant tracks on it, however.

"Abuse" is relative to the dominate culture in which it takes place. The legality of corporeal punishment of the time is entirely relevant.