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To be fair, the music is pretty integral part of the show, Flying Lotus wrote music 4 it and shit and he's a pitchfork approved meme musician

this is totally music news. it means the ukulele fad will finally die.

>music board

you're totally right and this makes me unimaginably happy

Theres still Stephen Universe

the best way to solve the p4k problem is to STOP. READING. THAT. FUCKING. SITE.

>Shit dripping out till 2018

p4k's popularity has been its biggest downfall though.

they've been relegated to college radio buzzband level psuedo-intellectual SJW's. people hate admitting they found a band through p4k.

So in other words, I'm right?

only if you want them to get better. if you want them to die (which at their size is the only option) then just keep reading the site. it's the same as rolling stone, they are no longer credible

I haven't watched AT in a while but I loved it when I did. I think the later seasons honestly got too weird for me.


pitchfork is garbage at this point. They're so un-self-aware that it's almost funny, except it's actually become sad. They're pushing the whole diversity/black artists thing which is great except they clearly know mostly very little about those artists and their genres, so every fucking hiphop related album gets between a 6.6 and a 7.9 except ones they're sure will be "cool" and "talked about" and "by Kanye West" and then every once in a while they review an "A Love Supreme" reissue and give it a 10 or an 11 or something and rave about all the Good Jazz Sounds on it. they still review relatively little-known good artists, which puts them a notch above rolling stone, but only just. I give it five years before they start doing their equivalent of putting mick jagger solo albums in their top albums of the 2000's list

it's pretty simple. As long as it has been connected to something they have written about or something that is in the whole "trendy indiesphere" then they will write about it. As an user pointed out, Fly Lo made music for it. It's the transitive property of Pitchfork.

yeah, many fucking disgusting subhumans may like adventure time but it's a solid show. I am not one of those Cred Forums faggots that watches cartoons for children but adventure time is pretty patrician if i can say so myself.

Adventure Time's OST was pretty unique, especially for a kids' show.

Also, I should add that it gives them more traffic as they seem to be appear high in search results.

They've been like this since the early 2000s. Why is everyone here so revisionist of their history?

aw fuck you're right


I also like Malcolm Gladwell's new podcast

Western animation sucks dick.

Most of it is just glorified gag reels with simple art styles and visual direction.

You'd literally have to be a child to find it interesting.

dude there's nothing wrong with watching kid's cartoons, just don't be a sperg about it.

there's lots of good kid's cartoons

i guess i shouldn't have expected more from a bruneian Gamelon tuning forum

>t. some weeb who's never watched a single episode of Adventure Time

>muh nippon anime frames folded one thousand times

Anime art was literally Disney derivatives, and the 'simple art styles" you bitch about are what allow animation to be possible in the first place. Every anime with halfway decent animation (Kaiba, Ping Pong, Mob Psycho 100) has simplified shading allowing for more frames of movement (actual animation) while the more iconic "anime" style like DBZ or most shows from the '90s barely has any movement at all and barely qualifies as animation.

Even pleb garbage like Naruto understood that simplified art styles were necessary for intense movent.

nice reddit arrows and the redd/int/ tea meme, what color is your hair

Please stop, I have enough nu-males shoving that crap in my face at uni thanks.

where are you from? I bet you are American but are a weeb that hates your own country and idealizes nippon, you waste of space.

more like mid to late 2000s p4k

early 2000s p4k was still pretty good

>reddit arrows

lol get the fuck out newfag


nice meme

My mistress says men aren't allowed to dye hair, so it's just blond at the moment
uhhmmmm racist and sexist much?

I'm Irish and I'm not a weeb but I think Japanese animation is far superior.


>uhhmmmm racist and sexist much?
lmao are you serious?

Fuck off faggot.

It's hipster millennial news, which is what Pitchfork represents.

Typical bigoted anime viewer, why is this shit still legal?

oh boy, this piece of shit from the whitest country I know claiming he's not a weeb. Please seppuku with your katana while Guinness pours from your intestines onto your red pubes, you weeb.

"Ironic shitposting is just shitposting" - mot

are you over the age of 30?

if no, you are a millenial

Cred Forums is inherently right wing, stop acting like this is Twitter or Tumblr or something.

And I don't get why it's such a taboo to prefer Jap animation, it's kind of obvious unless you care about FPS or lip sync or something.

lol trollled hrad xd lol lmao xd

Watch His and Her Circumstances, it has almost no animation at all, almost every shot is static, especially in terms of character animation, but the editing, writing and shot composition are leagues above anything else on television.

Now watch Adventure Time. Fluid animation, but flat composition, editing that is only in service to the story, writing that takes a backseat to action.

I have never heard of any western animated film or series, be it cel, digital or CGI, that features editing of any note, yet in anime there are plenty of examples of it being the case. It's like the soviets back in the day, historically Japs couldn't afford to make particularly well animated shows, so they cut corners and denoted characterisation and narrative through editing. Arguably Japanese animated television is more impressive and intellectually complex than Western animation because of this fact. To deny as much basically proves how little you know about storytelling in visual media.

Not that guy desu

What does that have to do with what I said? Both Pitchfork and Adventure Time are popcorn for hipster millennials, they go hand in hand.

you're talking about millenials like they're a bad thing when YOU are one.

>muh Anno
>muh composition
>muh wrong generation chinese cartoons

Rebuilds were better.

Cinematic qualities are hipster bullshit, what about minority representation and female empowerment?

millenials suck, there are no good millenial bands, generation x was way better

>yet in anime there are plenty of examples of it being the case. It's like the soviets back in the day, historically Japs couldn't afford to make particularly well animated shows, so they cut corners and denoted characterisation and narrative through editing. Arguably Japanese animated television is more impressive and intellectually complex than Western animation because of this fact. To deny as much basically proves how little you know about storytelling in visual media.

>"I'm not a weeb"




You seem to lack reading comprehension. Stop trying to push your shitty, irrelevant argument.

christ what's wrong with you fuckers, japanese animation isn't inherently better than "western" animation, it's not even inherently distinct from western animation. that's like arguing that korean cinematography is inherently better than american cinematography. why are you guys so sensitive about literal cartoons



what did Fantano mean by this?

>falling for his obvious bait


>Cred Forums is inherently right wing

it wasn't always like that.




>every other opinion is wrong xD

why do you guys care what this melon has to say
