Songs that ruin a perfect album

ITT: one or two songs that ruin an otherwise perfect album

i'll start with Radiohead's A Moon Shaped Pool
Desert Island Disk is the black sheep obviously, it's basically a Nick Drake rip-off and feels compeletely out of place, they should have just replaced it with Ill Wind and the album would have been a 11/10

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what was he thinking with logan rock witch

Fuck you, Desert Island Disk is beautiful. It's like a better version of Faust Arp.

___45___ and 21 Moon Water are completly pointless, it's just sad, considering how perfect the other songs are...

at least faust arp was somehow original and preserved their distinctive sense for melodies...
Desert Island Disk sounds like it could be a B-Side from Pink Moon... imagine Nick Drake singing it instead of thom and you'll maybe get what i'm talking about

As a big fan of both Radiohead and Nick Drake, nope you are wrong.

Similarly, Faust Arp kept In Rainbows from being perfect

As a big fan of both Radiohead and Nick Drake, nope you are wrong.

you fucking imbecile

Nick Drake never played DADGAD tuning.

you have no argument

literally sounds nothing like nick drake but ok

Does anyone else hate how retards are capable of formulating an opinion based on no merit?

>you know which one...

goddamn you moron, it's not about the tuning but the whole feeling the song emulates

dont be pleb user.

the album is perfect, all songs are 10/10. Except Tinker Tailor

pleby choice

>Desert Island Disk is the black sheep obviously
Is this a new meme? It's one of the best on the album.

completely different atmosphere. DID invokes a very big surrounding, like Thom is performing it alone, in the middle of a big open field at night.

Pink Moon sounds like it was performed in an attic or some similar small space.

I think you meant Bodysnatchers

nothing kept In Rainbows from being perfect. it is the definition of a perfect album.

you certainly are a special kind of stupid

Faust Arp, house of cards.

The Numbers are much worse imo, the lyrics are Muse-level cringe and it isn't really interesting. It especially sucks because it's right before the Reckoner of AMSP.


Peking o

whatever the song is with that awful choir

I couldn't agree more. The fact that it's after Daydreaming and Decks Dark is what makes me dislike it so much as well as it interrupting the consecutive flow the album had