She cut off her tits because she feels like a boy

she cut off her tits because she feels like a boy
takes pills, some facial hair comming out

mental illness

Broken mind


Does this mean if she/he punches me I can by law defend myself by slamming she/he's face to the ground?

good job

Y'know how it is... "What doesn't kill you... gives you some fucked up coping mechanisms"


mentally ill

Nice tits. If you were a girl I'd touch them

Yes, equal rights.


Or it's a statement on toughness. I'm a man at heart, see!? I can take anything. Desperation can be this powerful.

yeah, somethings fucked up in her head. prob been raped too many times by her dad or brother.

Meaning, sometimes people desire change that just isn't available to them, or forbidden.

No. It has aids in it.

If you were born a female I would



i think i can see one in there.

lol i'm a virgin because im a shut in neet so i'm clean
your loss

The faces of feminism.

Good for her. It effects my life in no way.


>and lefts

Seriously. Couldn't give a fuck less if someone wants to be a chick or a dude

you retarded faggot kayla

stop looking so manly

This also. Let people be fucking happy. Just because I think it's strange doesn't mean it's not somehow hugely fulfilling to this, uh, dude. Still awkward tho.

as if any amount of tits can fix this ugly man faced hon

that pic is before hormones moron, of course I looked like shit, just like any guy would trying to be a girl for the first fucking time, that pic is almost 2 years old.

cant delete the truth you cone titted ugly man faced fucktard

If someone, after psych evaluation wants to fuck up thier body then chemicallyembalance it go for it. I really could care less. I'm bisexual & I've dated guys who were pre op & it was fun. Each got mad because your never a male or female if you do not have the functioning parts to reproduce. That is what makes you that sex.
>There are only 2 genders on planet Earth

hows the boy haircut going you ugly turd

This trap needs more hormones and longer hair

Not unless you're cornered. You can if you're in a "stand your ground" state.

As if tits can fix a manly ass face and horrid haircut that makes him look even more like a boy

Boys are born with dicks.

See, I'm all for yourself thinking that you are whatever. I don't care.

But apparently I'm being forced to regard this person as whatever they think they are.

If I don't call that chick "he" I could get fined or something nowadays.

That's not cool.


oh my god you are stalking me
what a fucking creep

Get on my tranny level m8's

his face

Or you pissed someone off. Not a statement, just an educated guess.

stupid head

Looks like a straight up skinhead


I remember this.

You should, ive posted my pic a fuck load of times over the last month lol


Feelings don't matter. Feelings don't make fact.

cone titted? i dont care if that is a mans tits or womans, how dare you call them cone tits. they are called puffy nipples. and they are the sexiest ones out there. fucking virgin.

cone tited kayla in a wig, youre such a joke and an ugly man

It is kind of silly to ask people that would gladly curb stomp any race they hate to be friendly and respectful in terms of sexual identity. It's about the same if you ask anyone for something that's basically impossible for them. I guess pretending in order to be polite, is better than just having to deal with closed minds and vocal hatred. But not by much. That's how I see this argument. People are going to be assholes. It's their nature.

hows living with your parents at what, 26?

never having been kissed

looking nonpassable and manly

It looks like a neo-nazi lmao

no you dont understand you fuckboi, im saying puffy nipples are fucking amazing. amazing to look at, to suck, and to rub my cock all over. with all due respect, i am only attracted to females.

such a man body for such cone tits, your flat for someone with such cone-y tits

eww lardass

How did this become a self trap comparison bread ? "Who has the most convincing mental illness "

>because she feels like a boy

I don't understand this reasoning. How do you KNOW what being a boy feels like unless you are one?

How do you know that isn't how every girl feels, or that there is no difference between how you feel as male or how you feel as female?

You can never perfectly swap genders, so you'll never really know, so saying "I feel like a boy" is a completely useless concept.

i meant to respond to your post. not my own, fuck.

wrong person bro the only picture i posted was of jeb. here ill show you my nips wy not.

Red green ultraviolet yellow

how did kayla/kyle get so manly and ugly indeed

>wants to be more like a man
>probably does only analysis
>cant change skeletal structure so probably still has thick assistance
8/10 would make a man out of her with my 7 inch python

If the bitch has any of these colors painted into hair plz avoid

he just put on a wig

It's a combination of poor parenting and genetic vulnerability.

wtf is going on with coppercab, i mean claire? have not seen a god damn video in a while.

True dat

poor sick People.
they should be redeemed.

Or if you're black and your first name is Trayvon


Redeem your mentally ill trannies at your local Wal Mart for 10 points, no purchase necessary

one person less in the gene-pool - darwinism at it's best

Gavin really tore him a new asshole, so copper thinks he has a vagina.

dem kim possible titties

>face doesn't pass

Not a trap user.

she doesn't feel like a boy cus she is trans, she wants to feel like a boy cus she is batshit crazy.

they used too hide them in the woods, back in my days. Asylums were they called. Old Pepeerfarm remembers. Hi fellow redditors

Will it fuck?