So. Here's the sitch Cred Forumsros. Unless I get a heart transplant in the next three months...

So. Here's the sitch Cred Forumsros. Unless I get a heart transplant in the next three months, Remaining on this mortal coil will be a non negotiable prospect.

I need ideas of things to - assuming the worst happens, and despite being mobility challenged.

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Kind of pointless when nature's willing to do it for me.

Get a last good fuck in

Alas, that will likely give me a quite fatal heart attack.

leave something to be remembered by, plant a tree or bury a box with personal shit in it or sumfin

I actually quite like that one and it's easy to do while I'm going out of my mind with boredom in hospital.

>Remaining on this mortal coil will be a non negotiable prospect.

Top priority: tighten up your writing style.

You really don't have time to write long-winded sentences like that.


"I'm about to by the fucking farm"


Lot of time in a hospital bed will also provide you with plenty of time to write, write your life story, lessons learned, advice to pass on, add it into that box. Bury the box next to the tree , could be a hundred years before its found, and in the year 2150 someone will be talking bout you and that person will think of that tree as the reimbodiment of you.

I actually know just the tree. There's an oak not far from where I live - it's something insane like 400 years old. Yeah. I like that idea. A time capsule would be a cool thing to do.

Hopefully won't come to that though, Good luck Bud, Hope things work out for you

go to china for a heart transplant.

They'll murder a faulun gong and have a heart for you the same day

Thanks, it's much appreciated. Everyone's rooting for a transplant, but a match hasn't shown up yet. Oddly, I've kind of accepted it - I mean...Don't get me wrong; I'm not actively hoping for death, but I've reached a place of acceptance.

>by the fucking farm

Better, but skipping vowels to save time is going too far.

Basically do this


Every tried an heroing in a fucking hospital dipshit? I'm hooked up to machines, and have nurses check on me. Constantly.

> Drink a ton of alcohol.
> Fuck a ton of hookers
> Enjoy your time OP

Rest in Peace fam.

Relax man, life goes on. You'll die and then be pleasantly surprised that you're still conscious.

Short time as a ghost, then once you've overseen proceedings you're off to wherever they all go. Honest.

I was boardering on being an athiest until my girlfriend was possessed. All kinds of shit happened and I think about it nearly all of the time. Don't talk about it much.

Just don't get stuck here, it can be really bad. I know I sound like a loon but trust what I say (on Cred Forums, eurghhhhh!)

Pic related - probably heaven.

Did she use the possession excuse when she sucked on Tyrone's big black cock?

Hahaha funny.

You'll see. Death is not the end. I think the question should rather be, "when is the end?" if there is any end at all.

Has your acceptance of death changed your daily thoughts and beliefs in a noticeable way? Also, I've read about people dying of cancer doing MDMA to connect better with family and having a nice loving experience. I don't know if you could handle that, but it's all I got.


Go look into syncardia systems, there are more permanent artificial hearts out there if you can't find a donor user, they're expensive but hey it's all about how much you value your life

>I was boardering on being an athiest until my girlfriend was possessed
Get tested for toxoplasmosis.

Don't need to.

Just die and you'll prove my point.

Call in see us every now and then OP keep us up to date

You will be on a waiting list of hundreds of people waiting to get a heart transplant. Your only option is the black market.