Kahoot raid!!

Kahoot raid!!


Raid my friends

Ok I got in as OP is a FUCK

I am "Trump 2016"

Damm my friends are triggered

Is this like fucking nazi speak

Adolf Hitler reporting in SIEG HEIL

did it die

New code bitches

Nigger tits is here

Join b/ros

Mr. Niggertits standing by

give some backround info, country, class, etc...

Netherlands english sex ed

NiggerCock reporting for duty

wtf you have class at night?

How the fuck does this game work

Thanks my teacher is super angry!!
I am happy

all in a days work


I was first place lol

Still going?

Can you secretly film so we can hear her yelling? Or a pic at least

New code?

fuck niggers having connection issues

probably stopped and giving a speech.

need new pin OP, don't be a fag


going in with 100 niggers

so... what's the pin?

sorry was meant for OP

still, you're gonna need a new pin too lol

Opiee needs to get his shit together

Hell, I went in hoping for a continuation.
