I've got 01-49 personal questions to ask. Some are mundane, some are deep

I've got 01-49 personal questions to ask. Some are mundane, some are deep.

Anyone want to give me a number and answer? Don't roll, just gimme a number between 1-49.

If you post a number, please do answer.


Tell me about something in popular culture you feel is underrated.




Do you have brother(s) sister(s)? What are they like? They cool, or not?

Tell me about an opportunity that slipped through your fingers, and you hate yourself for losing it.


Something you stand by, that no-one else around you agrees with.


How old you are.

What brings you to Cred Forums.

19 years old

>Tell me about something in popular culture you feel is underrated.

Rick Astley. I genuinely love that man and his Music in General. Together Forever is my Jam.
Side note, being an amateur DJ, I also Rick Roll people all the time and it never gets old. Not sure why I keep getting gigs but I know while I'll never be Famous.

Not even an opportunity. It was fate, and I didn't care. Multiple chances I had to talk to this girl, she knew I was going nuts over her and she just wanted to be with me too... eventually my parents got divorced and I haven't seen or talked to her since.

Do you mean like, why did I come on just now or why did I come here in the first place??

One sister, four years older than me. Other people would say she was cool, but we stopped getting along when I was 11, she looked down on me and was generally a bitch. Haven't seen her since '94 though so she could be anything from a born-again baptist to a crack-whore single mother with nine kids for all I know (or care).
She taught me to steal and to lie to our parents when we were little, which I thought was cool at the time but looking back I find nothing respectable about her.

in general. why first time, and why you stay.


Self agency and responsibility.

You are the master of your own destiny, and your decisions are yours whether they're good or bad.

A time when you fucked up.


A probe is being launched into the cosmos. Tell us what you want on board.

Biggest one was taking my ex back. She cheated. I justified taking her back because we have a daughter together. It was a mistake because she cheated again and was a shitty mom anyway. It's just me and my daughter now, and it's for the best.

First time I came was a few years ago, because I was browsing on the Internet, saw Cred Forums pop up in certain circumstances a few times, so decided to visit it. Went on Cred Forums coz it was random. I like just random stuff and the "nsfw" tag implied there would be random porn threads, which I thought would be cool coz I quite liked any random porn at the time. Stayed because, at the time I first visited, the porn threads were great and the ylyl threads were actually funny. Still come on every now and then in hope of finding more of these good threads. I'm gonna go again, 19

sorry about your shitty ex
I hope you and your daughter are comfy now

I do like 'Cry For Help'

It gets a bit happy clappy but I dont care

>Multiple chances I had to talk to this girl,
What went wrong?


A habit you really want to get rid of.


The circumstances surrounding your first orgasm.


The public transport in your area, assuming you use it. Ideally, sum it up in one word.


I wanted to write somthing nice and meaningful, fuck this thread.

would you like someting a bit deeper?

I did say that some questions were mundane


The ideal circumstances leading up to your death.

Oh fuck that was kinda an embarrassing experience, it happened pretty young, around 9 or 10. I was home with my sister and mom when they were making dinner. I was in the living room watching a movie when I got an erection from something in the movie. I then just whipped it out grabbed it with my index and middle finger on one side thumb on the other. I just started moving up and down and i enjoyed it so I did it till I came, all over myself. I also ripped some of dick skin from my shitty technique. II was kinda ashamed so i just ran to the bathroom to clean up. I wasn't caught

what movie was it? Do you remember?

If someone said i would die a certain day

Procrastinating about taking the trash out, I suppose. I've already stopped smoking cigarettes and weed, I'm good about clearing out food containers (such as tv dinners) that would spoil and stink, but the clean cardboard boxes they came in tend to pile up a bit longer, as do empty water bottles. Basically I tend to make two trips down to the dumpsters when I should be making three. It's several flights of stairs and I tend to say "fuck it, those boxes aren't going to spoil anyway...." after taking out the higher priority trash.
Maybe I should start taking the boxes and water bottles out first so the last trip will be the stuff that will get nasty if I procrastinate?

Fuck dude that was like 12 years ago I cant recall at all. I just remember it was one of the shitty sex scenes where the actor and actress get under the covers and start having a PG-13 rub down


A trait you admire in someone else.


Something you see in the world that fucks you up.

Being able to admit when you are wrong. I'm not sure if there is a single word to describe this.

The control of knowledge, history, people.
something like that.


Lets go again, 47

An object in your possession that has personal significance. And the significance.

Give me 8 and 11

What will our society look like in 100 years?

Your relationship status. And evaluate it in one sentence.

The circumstances surrounding your first orgasm.

dont be greedy with your numbers


Where you would go if you had an unlimited plane ticket?

In a hundred years I'd assume that our technology would be a lot more advanced. I doubt we would be in a WALL-E situation in hover chairs living in VR (despite that sounding awesome.) It would depend on some key points like how the PC stuff turns out or if there is a WW3. I'd say that the buildings will all become sky scrapers because people will want to build up rather than out. There is going to be problems with global warming. I can't think of a solid answer haha


Sorry for the greed, and of COURSE I would get those two. Fuck my life.

Recently broke up with the love of my life, although i realized today that I made a huge mistake jumped to conclusions. I hope she can forgive me.

Fapping in my grandparents bathroom at 13, looking at Nina Hartley

Guy who said 27 here, saw it was already asked. How about 39?

I'd probably first go to Britain, it's pretty similar to the U.S. but also distinctly different in a lot of ways. It seems like a good place to ween yourself into worldwide travel. After that I'd probably go to nearby areas, maybe Scotland or Ireland. Then I'd get out of Europe and go to Japan because I'm a fucking weeb. While there, I'd make sure to order a Japanese prostitute that is dressed up as Kagome from Inyuasha due to my very specific fetish. Once she's sucked my dick I'll make her leave, but as soon as she's left the door I'd run outside, tackle her, and re-enact the Silence of the Lambs cell cannibalism scene. Overall I'd have to say the advanced technological landscape and polite, formal attitude of Japan and its people would attract me the most, though. It's a very different place compared to America that still references Western culture a lot while maintaining its unique identity, and the "everyone is part of the system" mindset would be interesting to see from inside the country.

3, please

Something that -in your opinion- is unjust.

Something that happened in school that has stayed with you.

thats a lovely plan, I hope one day it comes to fruition


I think for this I have to answer the US prison system and its results. You can be sent to jail for twenty years for selling some weed, and come out a hardened criminal. Then once you're out, you can't easily get a job or a house or anything like that, because you're a felon. So they basically dump you into the world with not much of a chance of success. I know someone whose son went to jail for a bit on drug charges and went through rehab. He's clean now, and has been for probably six months, but he can't get a proper job because of his record. Shit sucks.

Your current job / what you are studying.


Motion designer (irregularly freelance for now)
right now I'm studying my tolerance to THC and useless facts around the world.

Also, 8

Tell us where the biggest collection of stupid is.

Britfag here, Great Britain is the island where England, Wales, and Scotland are situated.
Ireland is the smaller island next to it that consists of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (which is a part of the United Kingdom government).

Your relationship status. And evaluate it in one sentence.

Thanks for the correction, I meant England and Northern Ireland.

22 obv

The worst possible thing a friend could ask you to do.

You're talking to him

"We need to talk"- status
I'm relieved and disappointed

also 13

Aw man, don't be like that
You are better than you think, I'm sure

>The worst possible thing a friend could ask you to do.
Read his doctoral thesis

I meant I'm close to becoming single due to... complications

are you chaining your numbers?

Something in popular culture you feel is underrated.

(I like connecting dots and chains)

Youtube Poops are underrated af

Also 21

The first thing you would buy / do if you had $1000 / £1000 / whatever.

Hit me with 32

What brings you to Cred Forums.

unclaimed numbers:

If I can stash it away, I'll do it.

Otherwise some decent videocamera (have no idea which one yet)

I've given you four numbers yet, can you tell me which is the next one without asking for help to anything/anyone?

one thing that happened was i stopped crying. i was a very sensitive child throughout primary school. i was bullied and i was discriminated against and one day before moving to middle school, i just grew a hard shell around myself. and sure, i started growing, i got respect, but i never learned to love myself, despite being a completely different person now than i was then. i was weak, cringy, clingy and undercooked. I can't deny that I've found many lifelong friends through school. Despite that, school taught me to hate the person i was back then, but not when to stop hating myself.

Perhaps not school as a concept, as a better teacher and better class would've meant the world to me, but the school i was in ensured that i would not only start out broken in life but remain so.

short answer: depression, shame and anxiety stayed with me, and I'm getting better in some ways, far worse in others.

Something to do while I'm bored. All the autism here :v)

24 If you don't mind

The angriest you have ever been. Tell us how it happened.


37 pls

So basically me and my dad have never really been able to connect. We haven't had an actual conversation in years and whenever I try to reconnect with him, He'll do something that reminds me why we don't talk. I like to think I'm quite calm most of the time it's gotten to the point that whenever I see him I just start to feel angry. It's not even as if I hate him, I'm more just frustrated with how he doesn't even acknowledge that he wasn't really a father when I was growing up.

So anyway, that's probably the thing that makes me most angry.

The worst movie you have ever seen.

(some of these questions arent very deep, but I stand by the numbers)


Rate your body. Not aesthetically, but what it’s like to live in.

The first thing you would buy / do if you had $1000 / £1000 / whatever.


Your idea of a living hell.

What #'s haven't been asked yet?



oh shit that's hard. i'd give it 7/10 i think, i like living in this body though i know it could be much better

I'll take 17

give or take a few posts

Or Crtl+f "number"

probably a video game or two
being forced to watch all of my failures over and over again for the rest of time

An opportunity that slipped through your fingers, and you hate yourself for losing it.



Dogs or cats? Explain your answer.

Someone you admire. And why.

I'm not doing 49 #'s dude.

The best thing another person has done for you.

What brings you to Cred Forums.

My first girlfriend
I was 12 at the time and honestly she was the best girlfriend I had
Also up there is not putting more effort into my life and not doing sports when I wanted to




A time when you had to fit in to the situation, but really wanted to get the fuck out.

Dogs. I'm lightly allergic to cats, but I've lived with them before. They're ungrateful bastards that claw you. Dogs always love you as long as you are good to them.

i saw the top 5 infamous Cred Forums posts and wanted to check out the site.

that was 6 months ago


I honestly don't have a lot of examples for that, so I'll go for a cheap answer and say my parents getting me the dog that I grew up with even though they hated her.

A habit you really want to get rid of.




42 :^]

Fictional, or would that then be a concept of a person?

If not, I would simply say my mother. She's instilled a sense of morality in me that I am proud to abide by. Granted yes, any person who has a belief in something will fight for it's validation- but hear me out. If I can help someone, even in the smallest of ways, and maintain something of a positive outlook on life no matter the odds, then maybe, just maybe this world could be a better place.

I know I'm a man against a world of cynicism, which even then I find myself faltering from time to time to it, but that's the naivete of the belief. Hope for the best, and passing it onward.

>tl;dr - user's a dubious pussy

gotta say, probably birdemic 1. while Wiseau's the room was at least coherent, ok production-wise and had a great theme song, birdemic was just bafflingly terrible. the movie is halfway over when the birds appear in a jump cut and explosively (why?) dive bomb some shit. not to mention everything else about the movie... editing, story, setting, sound, music, acting, effects, production and camerawork, were all literally effortless. it was hilarious but also very painful to watch. gotta love imagine peace and the board room scene.

thats good enough, user. Good enough.

I just ignored her. I let the world keep spinning around me. I just spectated. Now I have no one.

Does evil exist?


getting depressed everytime i'm alone for more than 48 hours

Do you have brother(s) sister(s)? What are they like? They cool, or not?




What's number 2 OP
I'm fully prepared to answer all your questions


You’ve been given a chance to present a radio show, as a one-off. What kind of show do you do?

I do have a brother, he's okay in a sense, we are completely opposite people. My dislikes are his likes and vice versa, but in a way I guess he's alright

A habit you really want to get rid of.

Lunch time at high school.
We couldn't leave campus and there was no place to go if I'd skip it.
I didn't have any friends to sit with so I always got in and out quick.


The ideal circumstances leading up to your death.



I'll take 22

that depends on what you mean by evil

if you are referring to some outside force that compels people to be evil then no

if you are referring to the human drive to do evil then yes

I know, was rather late to deleting it.

give me the question faggot op

Me too. I saw that video when it just came out and years after I still remembered it. I just got curious. I'm glad I'm here.

Dogs or cats? Explain your answer.

A large asteroid is gonna hit us with global catastrophic consequensences. What is your first move?

dipping copenhagen. but i took up copenhagen to stop smoking so if i dont get my nicotine from snuff ill be craving a fucking marlboro within minutes

The worst possible thing a friend could ask you to do.

id gather the leaders of every major religion as co-hosts and have them react to news stories
no idea why it just sounds entertaining to me


Something that happened in school that has stayed with you.


3, 9, 27, 33

A nice hot shower followed by a walk to my bed with cool, clean sheets that I get into blissfully unaware that I wont be waking up ever again

The worst possible thing a friend could ask you to do.

i was molested in my primary school by a 1 year older fag

A large asteroid is gonna hit us with global catastrophic consequensences. What is your first move?

I really have no idea how I would act in that situation but probably I would continue with my day as normal

Anything that would go against my principles. I like to think I'd do just about anything for a friend, but some things would just cross the line.

17 please

dogs. but only big ones. They are fiercely loyal and always fucking happy to see you. I dont mind cats and the way that they are often aloof but I prefer playing around with a big ol happy dog

Someone you admire. And why.

I'll take another if you don't mind, hit me with 39


Something that -in your opinion- is unjust.

get a weapon and sit with my family so we are safe in our last moments

To kill myself


A habit you really want to get rid of.

Tell us where the biggest collection of stupid is.

hows about 7

i've already answered for 3 in but i'm waiting for the other questions

People that are absolutely untouchable. They shit on you as much as they want while you can't do anything about it

What you did today (or yesterday, depending on timezone).


Something you are good at.

>if i had to narrow it down America by far

My mom because she helped me get help after I got molested, assaulted, and after my dad died

Im sorry man

faggop pls

Ill take another- 34

A probe is being launched into the cosmos. Tell us what stuff is on board.

Thinking about how to answer this question has made me sad.

went to the grocery store, bought food and beer for this weekend, then came home and having been trying to knock out so continuing education class online which naturally led to me being bored to tears and finding my way back to Cred Forums.

I'm sure you're good at being a good guy, fella

i could do this all day. break me off some 48

Your irrational fear.

fuck the faggot op i'm out

Oxford dictionary, a picture of my dick, and a sharpie with attached insructions on how they can put it in their ass

do you open doors for ladies that are a few steps behind you approaching the same door? then you are good at being a gotdamn gentleman

thats a tough one. i dont really have one. i guess i fear getting herpes every time i fuck a bitch because condoms dont prevent it


An object in your possession that has personal significance. And the significance.

May I answer 40, Please?

Of course you can. That was very polite.

Here is your question: You are in a coma. What do you think would be the best thing that someone could do to wake you?

OP isn't a fag. This is one the few good threads on this board. I'd love more like this.

number 16


What you did today (or yesterday, depending on timezone).


My bachelor's degree, it's important because I wasted four years of my life on it

Honestly, I think the sound of one of my children in distress would absolutely awaken me. It has before.

>Sound asleep zero-dark-thirty in the morning
>youngest daughter, 3 at the time, throws up in her sleep
>her room is two solid doors and down the hall from mine.
>Instantly awake and in her room, even before she is fully awake

I was in her room checking on her before I really realized what had happened

yup. some kind of bizarro Cred Forums this is, to see people here raring to tell their greater and smaller stories. good job op! LOL (Lots of Love)

OP here, I think we have done all the questions now, for the record here is the list

I originally made it when Cred Forums had colour coded IDs
you were supposed to respond to your colour

It took me a while to come up with all the stuff but I knew I'd get some good stuff from you

Then IDs got removed and I was left with a bunch of questions

Thanks to everyone who posted, I'm drunk and love you all

OP, you're a real nice guy. Thanks for not being a tumor, you really cheered me up. 10/10

Wonderful thread Idea

7 pls

>Awoke, smoked a pipe and a cig
>got up and had ablutions
>Visited my cousins and walked his dog
>shopped for milk and rolls
>ate sandwich with grated cheese.
>smoked more various and drank coffee whilst playing forza horizon(as throughout the day)
> washed dishes, carried shopping in from housemates car
>ate two chicken pies
watered the plants
>stared out the window etc
>killed self
>became faggot
>had a shit
>consumed more cannabis etc etc
>whole day interspersed with looking down at mobile phone,fb ig badoo etc
>gamed more
>on pc now, here
>shitpost etc

Thanks op! Good night and good thread. I suggest going for another round or two of this some time and and compiling and releasing the best answers in a document. mite b interesting.


Goodnight OP and thanks for this.

7 =


i think ops gone

Something that -in your opinion- is unjust.

Im stil here


Not legalizing marijuana while our taxes go to prisons and/or jails.
