Faces of Cred Forums roast me faggots

Faces of Cred Forums roast me faggots

You look like if Anything4Views lost weight to look better, and ended up looking worse in some way.




You look like a man, who looks like a boy, in a stupid hat.

oy vey

You look like you wanted a pony for the longest time when you were younger. A year or so ago your family, some of whom are related to you in more than one way, bought you a pony for your birthday. They gave you most of the day; you named it, you began to bond. Then they killed it in front of you, butchered it and forced you to eat most of it raw. It took all night.

You murdered them all in revenge, but the rage never left. It's all you have now, but no matter how many lives you take the rage will never go. It will never be enough.

I'd hit it

Is the thing that lives on your head alive? I assume it's connected directly to the brain. Does it control you directly? Or is it merely living vicariously through you as a human, to learn and take its knowledge back to its people?

You look average as fuck. Yet that mouth looks jewish. Are you a jew user?

Your soft eyes and rounded nose make you look like a fembot from Austin powers. You got silky smooth skin scattered with moles and cut very easily. Looks like you waiting for your balls to drop before you realize you are actually a gay bottom. Your parents committed suicide because you're a useless AIDS dump of man cum and people are embarrassed to be around you. Probably wearing tap shoes and tuck your dick when you check yourself out in the mirror you disgusting homo alf watching Michael Jackson impersonator. You wear dishwashing gloves and mom pants bitch.


yikes ugly

Your own fingers are repeated so often, that you come across as a freak of nature, the likes of which only exist in those weird body horror films men who are scared of vaginas make all the time. You might be nice, though, what do I know?

rate me

funny hair
mods pls
lazy bum wannabe

no h8

u look like a ugly twin brother of the ginger boy in harry potter films

Have a good look at that picture you posted. That's why people don't like you. That feeling that picture evokes? That visceral urge to wipe the smile off that smug face? That's how everyone feels when they look at you.

They're right.

major faggot


one of the most disgusting faces I've ever seen, how happy I am not having to be you

Were you just wearing that shirt while browsing Cred Forums or did you go and grab it for the picture?

Either way, you're a cunt.


is it hard to find decent fitting shirts, with shoulders that small?


Rate me

You look dead. Are you a vampire?

Didn't you kill some people?



Correction: this one is even worse

Did you head get caught in a wheat thresher?

You have fucked at least one close relative.


Rate me?

if minimum wage had a face it would look like this

Macklemore at 10 years old

Meh. Bored enough.

Why are your eyes so big? Did you buy big eyes somewhere? Are there shops selling custom body parts that are slightly, but comically oversized? Where are they?


I can tell by the way you look into the camera that you're a big massive cunt. go fuck urself.

u look like what would happen if someone tried to photoshop a person with downsyndrom into a normal looking person and failed

another angle

7/10 why do people almost never smile though? Looks so much better most of the time

hai muh naym is tehd

Those whales on your top are strangely prophetic. You're young, but one day soon all that sugar will stop bouncing off your metabolism, but it'll be too late. You'll be so conditioned to it that obesity will come looming only to make you loom yourself.

i can`t tell if ur 30 years old or 12.


There's no angle that's going to get you any positive comments. Just stop

See what I mean? You just want to punch it.

you look like a younger, skinnier version of ethan from h3h3

please let me fuck your ass


Fuck are you criticising hair for professor xavier?
Can't tell if you have male pattern baldness, got chemo or the camp officer shaved it off for you

I could spit on you and it would be an improvement

Shit. Just realized this isn't a rate thread but a roast thread. Guess that's what I get.

Am I really that bad?

>me at otakon

Born with a vagina. Sorry.

That's why I got it.

i said no h8 :(

u look like John C. Reilly son and that motherfucker ugly

Are you some sort of failed Minion?

tits or gtfo bitch.

> chill-dude-would-grab-a-beer-with/10

What the fuck is otakon? Please don't be what I think it is

Better, definitely cute


That face swap app makes weird pictures.

You just look sad. I feel bad about saying bad things about you.

That said, lose the stupid animal hat, you look like a cunt.

It's an old picture

You're not ugly kid, you're just an average guy. Theres nothing wrong with you



>That's why I got it.

Funny. But I'm old enough to be your dad; stop flirting with me.

What do you expect when your face looks like one of those bags on a test-your-strength machine?

You look like my son's kindergarten teacher, pretty cute tbh

Here's another one. Before someone comments on my not smiling, I tried and it looked stupid at the time

Definitely a cunt.

You still have a phone from 2008? Or is that just a picture from 2008?

Is that an oily hipster for ants?

Lookin dope corndog bro


I'd hit it

This is me coming home from my $75k a year job nigger

I'd recommend some kind of eye reduction surgery, then you'll be fine.

Doesn't show forehead, therefore you must have a big forehead. 4head kappa

u scottish?

It's hard to tell what you look like, seeing as you took the picture with a supernova coming through the window behind you

Looks like dating material.
But that coming from me means potential psycho :(

As in actual hitting or bangin?

Handsome as fuck

You sort of look like Alan Tudyk.

Why? Are yo looking for a dick?

Nope. American



Why not both?

your eyes are blue as hell also nice bangs

Then you can afford plastic surgery

You look confused. It's called a camera. It looks at light like your eye, but makes it readable to the computer. Believe it or not, your image has now been sent across the world!

Not sure if bloke.

Is there a bomb in that bag?

I can't help it, "it" took out my city, the rads will get me soon make me uggs
dem eyes


post dick?



Nah, my dick's fine. I always wanted one giant ear. Like Ferengi big, but just on one side.


This nigga looks like a fuckin tic tac

Wow, what a massive fucking dome you've got

You're like a snipers wet dream

Roast my gains

You first


That pic makes you look like Matt Damon




Did you shave the head hair to enhance the epic size of your chin? Because that's what it did.

Brave choice. You're a braver man than I.

Those face swap pics again. Hilarious. With the man faced girl and the girl faced man. What technology can do.

Roast me

My eyes?


vochtige AF


if you insist

thx jabronie

actually my chin is big because of lense distortion lol

Neo-Nazi for sure

Well shit

No amount of hat can hide that forehead, mate

Roast me faggots

Your muscles are large, but your wrists look pretty loose. Says it all, really.

Are you smoking Silk Cut? Wanker.

You look photoshopped. Is that actually how you look?

Get a job in Hollywood. Play aliens.

Blurry as fuck . You need glasses.

u look like that porcelain doll that sits on a shelf in grandmas house nobody wants to be alone with because she kinda creepy/ugly

You should share some chin with leafy

More pictures aren't going to make people complement you

Yeah, the camera adds ten pounds of chin.

your nostrills are so huge it looks like you are preparing for a big sneeze

Do you want us to only roast half of you or what

indeed. post yours?

How many cameras are fucking on him them

tre cool browses Cred Forums?

This. Harvey Dent/Two Face wannabe only looking to get half scorched

Just one. That's what I'm saying.

There's a point where it just becomes greedy. There are people with almost no chin and this guy, chinning about, making them feel bad.

you look like a waste of time lol

You look good.

Niggas nostril so big then inhaled his fucking beard
Patchy ass motherfucker



you will never have the money i have bitches

Your head is so skinny


I can't tell what gender you are. I'd fuck you, though, so there's that.

You look high as fuck. Good for you,

Dude. What the fuck? Seriously. Stop.

> Roast me faggots

You're doing a pretty good job of it yourself.

yeeah they be pretty

you look bi

This ain't a dick rate thread, but ok

Theres a piece of shit below your lip


*Desperately tries to beard*




Damn dude, nice hair.

That's exactly what I was thinking

Is this a stoner from the 70s for ants?

Is this a rich, Asian wannabe gangster for ants?

Something to look at as one drunkenly pounds away.

Exposing yourself on the internet is an interesting choice.

>Is this a rich, Asian wannabe gangster for ants?
No, its me faggot. Im Japanese first of all and i hustle hard. Grinding for my money that you will never have, kid.

High as fuck No 2.

Killed a man for knocking over his beer.

ty ;3

pls rate i'm desperate and i want to die

Still, yours looks quite good. Hope you're happy with it

So rich, Asian wannabe gangster is pretty accurate, then. Where do you stand on ants?

rate me


at least i can afford drugs

y you delete?

Am clearly a dude, just with long hair, thx for the compliment tho

fuck you man... just tell me how do i look

Holy fuck learn to tie a tie.. it's like the flying spaghetti monster laid a cleveland steamer on your chest.

>You will remember this day as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow

I'm wasted, man. I'm not judging.

This guy knows.

Nothing bad, except maybe change the haircut. though I feel it doesn't mean shit coming from me

Nice trips btw


No raughing arrowed

Better picture of me



Roast me



are you at least happy with your D?

I'm not even american

Pic of me on the toilet, roast

I'm not happy with any part of me. That's why I came here. I look towards others for validation

dude stop posting you're gross

Haha what a little jip stain.

God damn.

You look like Dylann Roof's retarded brother.

i found younger picture of you

Rent boy in time square? You look like a fudge packer alright.

Fuck you, post a pic of yourself

Awwwwww he's cute. And underage.

I did, right here.

well, at least it's ok-lengthed and cut. but any chance for a fully soft pic?

You're already roasting yourself. No need for Cred Forums

You're twelve. Don't you have homework, or something?

I'm 18.

You look like you had some hardcore daddy issues



No, sorry. I'll stick to getting my face roasted

One word, faggotini

Get on my level of faggetry

you gonna age like rotten milk

Why are you still dressed?

This isn't you, surely no one is that fucking stupid that they'd take their company profile picture and post it on Cred Forums

Bitch is that a flip phone?

You look like a transgender man. Like you're a woman in the process of becoming a man. Your face just looks way too effeminate. Unless you're just a fudgepacking faggot

No you're not. You're six.

Went for a job interview. Ended the day with a mugshot. Probably Glaswegian.

The struggles of being only a head carried by a hand had served to make him resilient. Even when left out in the sun alone and with no escape from the burning radiation, he retained his composure.




well, if you could spare a few moments, you should post such a pic in here real quick

Bonus: Guess my gender

Are you a jew?

Attack helicopter

Just got this sweet knife

I love cake

Sexy as fuck solid 10/10

Wooow, roasting you would be too easy. Idk, do you even have a gender ? I wouldn't even fuck you with my daughter's dick

Roast and drumsticks.



dude wtf is that haircut are you 10?

Cake is a made-up drug. It's not made from plants, it's made from chemicals...by...sick bastards. One young kiddie on Cake cried all the water out of his body. Just imagine how his mother felt. It's a fucking disgrace.

you look like you'd be a cool guy
would chill with you/10

100 years a Slav

At least change the file name, bro.


Seconding . Your face is a 6.5 btw, just a smidgen above average

hello Cred Forums I'm a neet desu yo

25 homie

me 2 to be honest

Sorry dude, I just don't feel like posting that again

Dig deep

Damn. Hopefully age will be kind to me

I like your face m8

Fucking literally wtf at all guys?

I'm 18 trust me

Gavin McInnes is that you


well, how old are you now? cuz it's pretty unclear

Prove it. Let me groom you and see if the FBI turn up at my house.




Shia LeBeouf? Holy shit, you browse b.

ugly sob who tried to hide his ugly face with a beard


For context, I just wanted to see if you have a visible line/ring


Need more of a chin.

Luckily it's barely visible. They did a good job not fucking me up

You look upset. I love your eyes though. Pretty average, can't really roast,

Yea, just wondered if it was there from a different angle or if my eyes were playing tricks. But, are you happy you're cut?


Hah now I'm getting mixed signals, you and a few others I've know like my eyes, others say I need eye reduction surgery

Thanks anyhow

Fuck any pre-schoolers recently?

As a kid, I never even knew what cut/uncut was, I thought mine was what a dick was supposed to look like. Then years and years later I learn my parents didn't even want me cut but the docs did it anyway. I'd say I'm glad they did in the end, uncut ones look a bit strange

As someone with big eyes I find them really attractive. Plus I love the colour of your eyes. No problem mate, just keep your head up since imo you'll get a ton more girls if you show that you're confident.

there is a difference between beautiful big eyes and frog eyes mate

that's pretty interesting. is your dad uncut then (given your parents' wishes on the issue)? and if you have any brothers, were they unsnipped?

I feel that you can really connect with someone with just simple eye contact. I guess I'm a sucker for eyes.

You look like a guy that still responds to everyone with a Bevis and Butthead huhh huuh huh!

Does confidence work for you even you're ugly as fuck?

Typical Cred Forums these days.

Thanks, user. Whenever I feel down about my looks, I just tell myself, "at least I don't look like this guy"

Meh, imho it's more about girls liking it more cut, and easier cleaning/no cheese. Not who you linked to btw

Yes, guys who aren't insecure and just willing to take risks/have fun are really attractive. Since even if you aren't the most attractive, your personality and charm can swoop someone off their feet.

Brother was, never asked my dad (never will) my family is Catholic so it's interesting they didn't want me snipped

where in nyc do u live

Yea the things you're missing out on dont compare to all the nastiness and potential health problems uncut ppl have.

Post cuts tell me they only lose about 25% sensitivity.

I'm like "why the hell is this even an argument."

Uncut ppl are suuuuuuuuuuper insecure though. Its why most ppl posting in those threads are so angry and defensive.

They know what they got is nasty either consciously or unconsciously. Otherwise, like cutfags, they wouldn't care at ALL.

Think about it. Do you care? Like... At ALL?


You look like this guy from Monsters Inc.

so your brother is uncut? sorry, the phrasing of the answer was a little unclear


My brother said he was cut, that's why I find it weird they didn't do me

Guess the doctors were looking out for me, in the end

Funny, that's one of the comparisons that was made in the thread I got that from

Huh, so you're both snipped even tho your parents oppose it? and if you don't mind another of my intrusive questions, were you snipped before or after your brother was, chronologically speaking?

fucking cutfags. lick it up

That ear screams "I will be working at KFC" when your 60

See, that's why I find it so strange. I have one brother, and he is older than me. My parents, being. Catholic, wanted him cut, so they did it. I was not born at the time. So when I come around, my parents don't want it done for whatever reason but the docs do it anyway. I don't know if they got pissed at the hospital or what, I don't think I'll ever know

My bf just broke up with me after finding out I'm trans. Yeah I still have a penis

It just seems that no matter how much I've taken HRT and speech training, or how much of a girl I look like, it doesn't fucking matter. I'm so tired of everything. I've never been happier being a girl and I'm glad I started HRT before puberty, but holy shit its so disheartening sometimes.


Haven't seen that thread, this was honestly the first thing that came to mind when I saw you, and probably what other people think as well.

i mean, i'd fuck you

What a cuck, I'm 43 only do push-ups and pull-ups and I am considerably bigger. Hide your head in shame user

Why not ask? I guess it's an awkward subject, but it was apparently raised at least once (hence how you know your parents didn't want it done to you)

Nobody cares you fucking freak.

then lastly, in what state (or general geographic region, if that's too specific) were you snipped? if you don't mind saying that is (if you do, declining to answer is preferred to fibbing as I'm doing an informal survey)

I couldn't even tell, you look gorgeous. I'm sorry that happened to you. All I say is don't give up since there are a ton of people that would go after you, trust me. : )

It's working for you.
Though you still might want to consider a therapist if your parents haven't gotten you one yet.

That ain't me, dude. I got that pic from a long dead rate thread.

I usually am pretty rough on people here in Cred Forums but this one is too pathetic