Norge tråd, Noen landsmenn her?

Norge tråd, Noen landsmenn her?

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Jeg skal snart være i Norge (Jeg er fra America) Suggestions to not run into Sand niggers? Also sorry for the limited Norsk vocabulary.

I have only been studying norwegian for a month.

you are a wise man, sry for my english i am drunk as hell,
but yeah sand niggers....... fuck them, fucking up Norway, just look at Sweden, sand niggers everywhere

What is the general norwegians opinion on the situation in Sweden? I was in Oslo a few months ago, and it was a night and day difference from Göteborg. This place is a fucking shithole and it makes me want to kill myself with every passing day. Centralen looks like fucking mogadishu. I'm going to leave this fucking shithole and get my ass to Norway.

What do norwegians think of Canadians?

Hvordan kan jeg ikke se dem? I want to not be around them (Being stationed in north norway)

well i LOVE canada cuz it's..... well the most free land in the world, but if you don't want to see niggers all around you in Norway well then you must get up north, the south of Norway is only niggers (oslo) the colder it gets less niggers there is

There are hardly any sandniggers in Norway. Even in Oslo, there aren't that many when compared to Sweden. You'll probably never see any in the north.

Compared to Göteborg, I hardly saw any. You norwegians have no idea how bad it is in Sweden.

Fra norge ja, noen som har wins?

lorte land

well as i said, the more north you get less niggers, i live in nordmøre lots of niggers but comp. to oslo (south) or sweden it's nothing

Military I assume, since you said stationed North? Well you're in luck, you won't see many. I'm closer to Oslo and arabs/somalis are more frequent here. I'm a foreigner myself, but those people make all of us look bad.

If you end up in Oslo, avoid Grønland and the eastern part of Oslo, stay west. Tbh nothing will happen to you if you get close, because our niggers aren't like your niggers, but anyways, good luck.

Er det ikke noe gress å få tak i rundt Tønsberg for tiden?

i have seen what have happen to sweden for the last year and it's sad, you (they) have well what is it? 4-6 towns that the police don't WANT (are afraid) of to go in to....... i want to cry cuz niggers are taking over

Canadian are based, but your politics are shit and I feel sorry for you. Not that Norway is doing any better tbh.

We do have somalis, but it's not Sweden level. Most young people tend to be liberal, whereas older people are more right-oriented. It's all about life experience anyway.

Personally Sweden is fucked. Average Norwegian consensus = Sweden is doing okay, but has its problems.

i have a sister in Oslo and was there not to long ago...... damn, got so angry two niggers walked in to me and started yelling soooo as a norweginan from the north i got a bit racist and kind of fucked them up, so that was my last trip to the south, and now i live way out in the country and never go's to town...... again sry for my english i am drunk as fuck

Where do all the right leaning kids go? I was around youngstorget/blå in Oslo, and most of the people seemed to be just as brainwashed as the typical swecuck.

agree more and more norwegians get's brainwashed cuz welll as folks said, 'You have to respect all people' fuck that they don't respect us so i will not respect them

jepp før i tia var alt bedre, da man kunne si neger uten å få bot eller sitte i fengsel for 'rasisme'

I actually have no idea. My circle were all pretty liberal, and as soon as hs ended I broke off with most of them as we simply did not have enough common ground.

It's sad but I believe that there aren't many young people nowadays who sway right. The ones you see are usually edgy teenagers. That's my take.

I had great discussions with my red pilled history teacher, and people in my class simply didn't follow our trail of thought, except for a few.

For mang sandnegra i Trodheim sentrum

Sweden is often used as a scare example by our politicians and journalists of how bad it can get when you refuse to talk about sensitive subjects and instead brush them under the rug.

Norwegians also tend to be more redpilled and less afraid to say their opinions in public, due to our open-mindedness when it comes to debates.
In Sweden everything gets censored, people pulls the race card and gender card faster than you can finish your sentence. The media is extremely politically correct and do not allow opinions that goes against their cultural marxist ideology.

Because of this we have near 0 neo-nazis in Norway, while the neo-nazi situation in Sweden is exploding.

Det här är nu en svensk tråd.

Hvordan kom de seg dit? Studenter? Virker litt for langt nord for dem.

fuck deg din jævla blå gule faen, we got Æ Ø Å you ain't got the ÆØÅ

Pretty impressive after a month. Where exactly will you be going?

Alot of people in Norway are tired of the PC bullshit and are being very critical to the immigrant situation going on. Just a shame that didn't happen to Sweden in time.

Alot of young people my age in Norway (early 20's) are still cucks and left winged but it looks to be changing pretty fast

har ikke vært opp i trøndelag på en lang stud nå og bor på nordmøre men merker det her å blir bare mer og mer, er ikke rart at nordmenn er rasistiske

det finns svartinga å sandnegera overalt i Norge.
Æ bur i ei lita bygd i trøndelag å det kryr av utlændinga her.

Norskar är nordens negrer.

Økonomiske migranta alle sammen, som får opphold pga familiegjenforening etc.

jeg er landsmenn

Det er Frp sin Solveig Horne som bosetter dem over hele landet.

This. I feel the same way.

Just a bit worried about my own situation since I came here as a war refugee when I was four, and am by all means a foreigner. I could pass for an exotic breed of local, as I've surprised some people when they find out I'm not Norwegian because I 'speak so fluent'. And no. Not an Arab. However, when all these fuckers rape and do bad shit, regular Norwegians will without a doubt start detesting every foreign face they see. Sucks, cause I also detest most, except for the ones who have proven their worth.

you got steam? itd be nice to have some norbros before I move there. you can add me, homeless_hobo_v2, if that doesn't work try hemlös_luffare

Samme i Nordland. Du kommer ikke unna noe sted, fullt i byen. Fatter ikke at det er mulig å la det skje. At det finnes folk som i fullt alvor mener det er greit sjokkerer meg.

Are you the American coming to visit? I'll warn you, I'm not Norwegian but I've spent most of my years (4 years to 19 today) here. If so, some dude with a username starting on Z and John Cena as his profile pic will add ya.

Heisann Keshvari, nå må du ikke drapstrue flere journalister.

no, the canadian escaping the left wing extremist marxist shithole that is sweden

Irriterer meg som utlending når jeg som for øyeblikket jobber før studiene ser somaliske familier etc komme inn der jeg jobber og kjøpe ting osv. De er faen meg aldri i arbeid. De behandler meg som en av sine, mens jeg selv avskyr dem for ryktet de gir fellesbetegnelsen 'utlending'.

Måtte håndtere dem i dag, og de holder ikke styr på ungene, snakker høyt og sier ikke engang takk når jeg sier' vær så god'. Trist.

All of this is me, if anyone is wondering.

Pft, er ikke inder. Hvitere enn deg, bruuuusjaaaaan. Nei men seriøst. Er nok hvitere enn deg, om det er et argument.

sant, de respektere ikke oss og de krever at vi respekterer dem pga at de er svarte

har noen sett snapen fra hemsedalsaken?

nope, håper på å finne den en vakker dag

Jeg leste dommen på Hemsedalsaken og skjønner godt at de ble frifunnet ut ifra det, er noen andre enig?

Ja, hun tok dop frivillig. Ble med noen kåtinger til ei hytte der hu stilte opp på bilder hvor hun holdt i baller og kuk. Også finner hun ut hun ikke ville etterpå, og et mediekorps høye på Skam skal ta "voldtektsmennene".

Norsk er veldig lik englsk. Jeg har problemer med verbs i norsk. It's different from English a bit.

Jeg tror jeg skal være i Tromø.

sjekk i hagen til naboen

Kjenner ikke detaljene, men antar at jenta koste seg for mye på fest og angret morgenen etterpå. Hvis det var slik så har jeg null sympati for hverken henne eller andre som ikke klarer å ta vare på seg selv og heller velger å drikke/ruse seg s(j)anseløse.

anyone live in Hemsedal

speaking Norwegian fluently really helps. Some say the feeling of being part of a community is more about sharing the language rather than looks

I'm not against accepting the odd refugee on solid grounds. And I'm not against working immigrants at all.

The only thing that makes me mad is people accepting them not assimilating.

If you want to live in Norway, try your best to be Norwegian. When I visit the fucking Vatican I wear long sleeves and long pants because you fucking respect the beliefs/norms you go to. You don't bring your culture to someone else and expect them to embrace it.

Syntes det var veldig spesielt hvor hostil media har vært mot menn generelt etter den saken, virket som de bare ventet på et øyeblikk de kunne starte å sjikanere og dra alle menn over en kam.

definer norsk kultur. Hvorfor kan ikke niqab være norsk kultur?

Starter ikke landsmøtet til SV snart?

that is the problem with sand niggers (det er det som er problemet med sand negrer)

De hadde jo sitti og sett på Skam i ei uke, og følte de måtte ta opp kampen mot peniser og voldtekt.


Yeah I do agree with you about the language part, as I've noticed how the foreigners who speak the language well/fluently/with no accent tend to be integrated better. Additionally, I have a dual citizenship and the fact that I can say I am a Norwegian citizen does give me some sense of pride. If I was ever in trouble anywhere I have no doubts about which of the two of embassies I would contact.

Du skulle vært breivikoffer.

why does niqabs even exist. it its not part of Norwegian history and it shouldn't be part of anyones history really. but you can do what you want in your own country

Takk for bekreftelsen! Får håpe PST er her og følger med.

norwegian culture without impulses is just sitting in a cave wearing animal hides for clothes.

Norsk kultur for (idioter) alkohol, svin, sex og mer alkohol, vikinger for å si det enkelt

Fordi det er ikke norsk kultur. Obviously.

It is disgusting.

Norsk kultur er det du får opp når du Google nasjonalromantikk. Niqab er ikke historisk norsk, og før et flertall over lengre tid velger å godta at f.eks Niqab er norsk ved å gå med det i Norge, så vil det ikke være norsk. Merk deg ordet flertall, og husk at minst 90% av befolkningen i Norge er etnisk norsk.

Jeg er krigsflyktning, utlending og attpåtil muslim, men mener dette. Bruk hodet kompis.