Whats his name again?

Whats his name again?

this is funny

Honestly, reading over the court documents, I feel bad for the guy. SJW's and bandwagon pitchfork mobs.. Everything in the case points to the two were mutually hooking up at the party, both were wasted. she told her friends to leave without her and stayed with him. they went out to the dumpster and she passed out while being fingered. honestly America, get over it. eat a dick. this dudes life is ruined cuz he got wasted and fingerbanged some slut in college. coulda happened to any of us

aaron taylor-johnson

Hugh mungus

>it could of happened to any of us
Nope. No matter how fucked up ive been, ive never would of thought of raping someone. Rapists are rapists

you are part of the problem

paul mccartny


kill yourself

Good one.

How would you like it if i fingered your butthole while you were passed out?

Robert Paulson

I like where this is going

They were hooking up at the party according to multiple witnesses. Her sister and friend left her at the party where she didnt know anyone else (according to her).. and why do girls leave a girlfriend at a party? Because they are tired and she is hooking up with a dude. I have been hooking up with a girl while both drunk and shes passed out. I have also passed out while a chick was trying to fuck me more than once. It happens when youre drunk.. which they both were.. obliterated. in public obliterated and touching eachother. Now his life is ruined for fingering a slut cuz Murica

rape man #1

cock burner

I'd be furious that I was passed out and missed it :3

this. so much this.

i was in shock when i learned like ONE WEEK AGO after a year of news stories that all he did was finger her

please make the world a better place and kill yourself

The Hero Universities Deserve
>not the one they need.

Think about where you are. They aren't going to listen. Just be happy in the knowledge they won't be reproducing and spreading their broken DNA everywhere

I've got two boys already actually but believe the stereotypes. You best believe their fingering game will be on point

Go back to plebbitt normie Here at b we pump out 12 kids with 6 different chicks per trailer park. get bent. my kids gonna kick your kids ass on the playground and bully him and fuck his girl cuz your kid is gonna be a beta cuck just like you


>using "normie" unironically
