Member when there weren't' so many Mexicans?

member when there weren't' so many Mexicans?


Member no ISIS?
Member feeling safe?

member when no one knew what Islam was?

Member when m00t was still here? Member.

member ghostbusters?

member when the NES came out?

member when we could hang niggers?

member when Cred Forums was good?

Member when the only time you heard about gays was when they were used as a joking point or an insult.

Ooooh I member!

Member Reagan?

(Literally lold)

member when that was just a meme, and not the truth.

You're an idiot.

Member the time you could shut the hell up and go back to lereddit you fuck face.

I member.

Member the middle class? I was born in 1991.

member scrooge mcduck and uncle pennybags smoking?
member scrooge being right?

member when there were only 2 genders?

member tricorders?

Member no one caring about grammer.

member when there were no sjw cucks?

I member

Member when you raped that kid

or spelling

Member when Cred Forums was better

Yes, I do- the neighbor's kids would offer to mow lawns for a fee, then do an utterly shit job. The mexicans out here now are at least professional.

my member members

member that crazy black guy who went around town lightin' peoples hair on fire

Member when marriage was between a man and a woman?

I think its was about 2002 where spellcheck was applied to the browser and the grammer and spellcheck fags appeard

Remember when people didnt like corrupt cunts?

member when white teenagers had jobs instead of living off their parents?

Oooh I member

Member when Cred Forums was fun

Member the last time a clinton was running and it wasnt a big deal.

Mexicans = native Americans.. So.. Like they were always here

Mexicans metizos you fucking tard

Sure Felipe, but I dont member them north of the US border

member roller skates?

Are metizos*

member when kids weren't such pussies?

There were always "so many mexicans" that was before your govt made it so profitable to be here... before they were a " inconvienience" to you they were happy in thier own country..... so you should probably talk to Uncle sam..

Mexicans are rape babbies of south amerindians and spaniard colonists

Mexico is in North America... Just saying and most are not metizos faggot

yes i remember.


Still subhumans either way
I mean fuck, I'd rather be a rape babby than a descendant of savages that never invented the wheel


>mexican rape babbies too pussy to fight comanche
>help white man help
>gets help and brought into an amazing country
>we la raza now fuk you gringo

Cred Forums was never good.


And so ends the only story that matters when discussing mexishits and ameriga

Member porno theaters?

Yeah, I'm sure white teenagers today would work in slaughterhouses, pick vegetables and do menial jobs. And I'm sure they wouldn't quit after a few days, and go crying on facebook or some shit about how everyone is so mean to them.

Dont member it being this bad either.


They do, when they get paid legal wages
But when you have an unsecured border and lines of third world subhumans willing to work for $2 an hour, they get pushed out of those jobs
t. former line worker at chicken production facility
>tfw reporting people that fired me for Paco to ICE

Member when southpark was funny


member when we made that girl kill herself?

member when MTV played music videos

It still is.

Holy shit


member when you could jerk off to whatever you wanted after a hard days work

This sounds like the beginning to a Chris Rock joke...

checked them

You are wrong as well smart fuck.


member when there were arcades?
