Currently playing the best Final Fantasy ever

Currently playing the best Final Fantasy ever
>pic related

Just made it to disc 2 in about 3 hours, going for Excalibur 2.

>What's your favorite Final Fantasy? Or, why do you hate Final Fantasy?

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Good taste OP, 9 is clearly the best one.

I love X, personally. After that is probably VII, VIII or...dare I say it...XII

I've only played 7 and 14. I'm level 44 in 14. Good stuff. I want to play more. I'm hoping 15 will be good.

6 or 7 is my favourite, but 9 was good when I played it too. I didn't like 8, so 9 was great after that.

fuck off street rat

7 and 9 are the best followed by chrono trigger and 4.
>i could have been making out with girls and getting handies in middle school instead i was playing this shit.

Also, shout out to Crisis Core. I really liked Zack, dammit!

I just liked the more political plot and world. Plus, Balthier.

you mean close second

VIII struck a chord with me. Will always be my favourite

>i could have been making out with girls and getting handies in middle school
Sure you could have.

9,7,10 in that order.

Only answer

what guide are you following? I watched puwexil do a run for it but couldnt find a guide he wrote.

literally only played final fantasy tactics advance for gameboy advanced my dad got me when i was younger for my birthday, always wanted to get into the series but didnt know where to start after finishing my game

This. Easily the best FF game

Lol permadeath was a bitch some times

tactics went hard fam!

I'm gonna count Lost Odyssey, because Sakaguchi.

Tactics. PS1 version. Then 6(3), then 9.

Ex2? Are you a masochist?

Not worth it to put up with annoying orphan scum with no relevance to the plot whatsoever.

FFXII was where the writing started to get unbearably bad.

Final fantasy 9 battle system is horrific and takes too long to load. The limit system is the dumbest fucking idea ever. Other than that it probably has the best setting and vivi is one of the best characters in any rpg.

I'll probably play VII off and on again for the rest of the life.

X was the death of anyone taking the series seriously. Absolutely shit writing, shit annoying characters, it set the trend for over designed aesthetics and a gibberish story vaguely set around a romance. Fuck X and fuck the people that jerk off over it.

kek i would put in like 20+ hrs a week.


What a faggot.

Final Fantasy 6 is my favourite

I can't wait for FFVII remake

muh dick

Drawing magic in 8 was horrific. The battle system in 9 was a breeze after that.

Tactics you filthy swine! Get out of here with that other bullshit.

you like that senpai? :3


Even Nobuo says VI was his favorite to do the music for.

I'll admit that the writing was pretty weak and Vann and Penelo were pointless (That's why Basch was originally the MC), but I thought that it had potential

>character who barely speaks
>the best

I guess it's not hard to compete when half the characters are retarded and annoying anyway

Shit writing? What are you on about? I can understand that it was a bit lore heavy, but shit? That's a bit much. Especially with ones like XIII

Barely speaks? Have you played the game?

Culture requires education and exposure. X was awful, just not on par, story wise.
>the bbeg was your DAD! WHAT A TWEEEST!!!

The only thing better than Tactics was Lion Wars.

I'm a fool for selling my PSP. I should buy another used one, lion wars, and go back to getting paid to level dragoons for a living.

Maybe go back to school and get my four year while unlocking mime on five characters for no reason.

Good taste, got Exalibur 2 a few days ago. Hard as fuck, specially the 2 dragons part where you need to petrify them with freya, i guess on disc 3.
Are you following Atomos199's guide?

PSP had some great games. Crisis Core, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Persona 3 Portable, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, etc.


Fucking epic.
I play it at least every 6 months

Yeah it does get difficult. No I'm just running it from memory. I know the game fairly well.

VII because duh

Only reason I enjoyed X was the game play, and the scenary. Wasn't as good as 7 or 9, but still the last ff game that was playable.

Best, in order:

>Final Fantasy
>Mystic Quest

Are you playing the steam one?
I played on my console and dude, 200 resets to get past this part

Soundtrack was pretty damn good too!

Just got a PSP and started playing Crisis Core, I think I'll start Tactics Ogre or Jeanne d'arc next. Is Birth By Sleep one I should add to the list?

Tidus as a protagonist for one. The story is of Yuna saving the planet, and she rightfully should have been a main character. Hell, she potentially could have been one of the best ever. But no, we're stuck with that cunt fart Tidus and his daddy issues. Completely superfluous.

Do you kill Rafa and Malak? I sure do.

The series had been focusing around a romance plot since number 7 and I wouldn't call Yuna, Auron or Kimarhi "shit annoying characters."

Bit yeah X was where the series started going downhill fast.

I know i'm gonna get swarmed here for this but 7 is overrated as fuck. It really wasn't that great. Yeah, it took a nice edgy turn that would've improved most of the stories in other games, but seriously. The only more generic, boring main character is Lightning.

I have the Steam version but I'm playing on PS3 the PSN version because my computer was stolen recently. I hate Zorn and Thorn

Completely valid. The combat, atmosphere, and soundtrack were excellent.

>Chrono Trigger

Same company, different series....

Chrono Trigger is in the second best RPG of all time, following Terranigma, but it's not a Final Fantasy game.

10 wasn't bad at all. The series still could've survived after 10 but they chose to make it awful.

Definitely. Easily the best Kingdom Hearts game to not be a core entry.

Not really a twist when you know it from the start

I like Rafa, even though I dont use her at all, but fuck Malak, always hated him.

And dark knight sucks a lot. Fucking pay in the ass to get Ramza to become Dark Knight and is fucking shit. Monk is way better

It's even worse, what with Tidus being a dream from a reality that may or may not really exist.

Agreed, but I have not played XII despite having a sealed copy, and strategy guide not 3 feet from where I am sitting.

8, deal with it

Can't really decide. Have like, 800+ hours of FFT, the original one for PSX. It's still by far one of the best games i've ever played. Storyline is 10/10, gameplay is 10/10, graphics are OK, but for that age they ain't too bad. The optional things make it even better, too.

Also have a shitton of hours on FF X-2. Most people seem to hate it since you can only play with kinda girly girls, but i'm alright with that. Background story isn't that great either, but god damn that gameplay. In-battle class switching, a shitload of things to do (even more now with the remaster), and the game is overall just... Fun. Like, really fun to play. There are minigames, the story isn't really linear (you can pick what you want to do and when, except for story progression and for getting specific items), quite a few classes, moves to learn and all. Also buy the remaster, it's fucking great.

And then theres FF IX. I've beaten it a couple times, sadly never got to get 100% of it, mainly because there's way too many things to do and my will to play starts fading after beating it over and over. Storyline is regular FF's (pretty girl needs to be saved from evil mastermind, guy you weren't sure if was enemy or friend turns out to be friend, etc). Overall great game, worth recomending.

What i like about the FF games is that theres usually a LOT of things to do, many of them optional and very few of them involve tedious tasks like grinding for something or back to back office boy quests.

What kind of personality would you have preferred for him? I thought it was a nice change from the plain boring and edgy "my past" characters.

7 was the last good Final Fantasy that actually felt like a FF game. 8 was bland, 9s only redeeming quality was that card game, and 10 had zero redeeming qualities.

I played 12 and 10-2, and disliked them both, haven't played any of the new ones aside from those I listed though. 10 was the last one I actually completed.

7, 3, Tactics, the original and Mystic Quest are the bests, in that order.

I'm actually a little okay with FF's decline. It allowed for other rpg's like Persona and Shin Megami Tensei in general to get some much deserved attention.

I hate them as well, they're annoying as fuck the whole time, and they're fucking useless until you need to steal shit from them.
But i hate Brahne the most, fuck this bitch
Kuja is a great villain

> focusing around a romance plot since number 7
I disagree. Aeris had died (spoiler kek) in around the middle of the game, and was just one aspect of Cloud, the arguably more important one being his rivalry with Sephiroth. The opening began with the main characters wanting to save the planet, and that was the conclusion.

Plus the relationship was just much better written, and Cloud is actually tolerable as a character.

You're my kind of guy OP but I think 7 and 8 are better ^^

OP here, I've been playing Persona 3 FES as well as FF8.

Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross definetely amazing games, great history, gameplay, soundtrack. Fucking love Frog
But Final Fantasy series are more immersive, that FF VII Aerith scene with Sephiroth completely broke me

Hells yes! 3's my favorite. Can't wait for 5!

Until they made him an edgy emo fuck in everything outside of the original FF7.


Kuja is pretty badass. I like how there's so many hidden items and sidequests in this game. There's so much to do. I don't know if 8 or 9 has more content. I think 9 does though

>Persona and Shin Megami Tensei
How do I get into these games? I'm autistic when it comes to needing to get all the story.

The game still had the dating someone aspect to it though and focused way more on romance in general.

In any case the romance between Squall and Rinoa is the main driving force behind the plot in 8 and 9 has a romance side plot for like half the characters.

>Persona and Shin Megami Tensei
>different game series

Does it count as a different series if it's canonically in the same extended universe?

My favorite is 6. I love the characters and the game play. I've played it several times.

Some FF7 lore pro will take issue with this post.

I will start. The main antagonist of FF7 was Jenova.

OP here again, wasn't expecting this thread to blow up so much. Nice discussion homies.

Played FF8 but it got so repetitive. All the fights were just GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF then it got boring.
Do you recommend it? I have it on steam

I mean, Persona's more of a spinoff nowadays. Plus, I'd say that they're separate simply due to certain mechanica and narrative style

Confession: I actually really like XIII.......................'s soundtrack and leveling system.

Kuja DID blow up his home world... kind of a dick move.

This one

Chrono Cross was a disappointment for me. The villain was so unlikable for me that I found no joy in his existence. It wasn't a 'I love to hate this guy' thing either, I just think he was poorly written.

Chrono Trigger is my second favorite RPG. Chrono sacrificing himself to save everyone and then you just going on playing after THE MAIN CHARACTER died fucking killed me as a child. Destroyed me jn every way possible.

Granted, the scene you brought up in FF7 destroyed me in that same way, and I hadn't felt those feels since Chrono Trigger.

Really? I'd say IV was when the series truly started getting good. Anyway, my list is

Tactics, VII, VI, X, IV

Yeah, if you junction the right magic and get the magic early on with some GF abilities to refine magic you don't really have to use GF. Still collect them for their abilities but you can use limit brk and physical attacks if you know what magic to junction to elemental attack. You should look up how to I bet there's a guide. It makes it a little more fun not having to GF every fight. Also don't grind levels because the enemies and bosses level up with you so they'll have a shit ton of HP and be WAY more difficult

im currently plau*ying it, the only ff i've ever played

Ramza as a monk is OP as fuck.

True that I forgot about that. I can't wait to beat the fuck out of him later.

Not having him be a completely vacuous man child for one.
>Riku: Don't tell anyone you're from Zanarkand
>5 minutes later
>Waka: Who are you?

> it was a nice change from the plain boring and edgy "my past" characters.
That's fair. I still would have choose Auron to replace him :^)

The original FF was the first game I ever played and III wad the game that made me fall in love with RPGs as a young'un, so maybe I'm a little biased.

But those are my preferences.

Did you skip a bunch of items??

I mean, he was meant to be kind of obnoxious at first. It gives him room to grow. The Tidus we see at the end is nowhere near the one at the beginning.

>The main antagonist of FF7 was Jenova
I don't disagree at all.

>had potential

"This car has a manufacturing defect where it blows up after 200 miles, but it's my favorite. Don't hate on it, it had potential."

We judge things for what they are, not what they aspire to be.

I would argue that Tidus being an impetuous fool is a key part of his character and integral to the plot.

Yeah, Lynx was actually so lame.
Villains need to be like Kefka, dude I loved Kefka as a villain.
He poisoned a fucking village and his theme is fucking amazing

Holy hell, Auron deserves his own game. More than "I'm dead! Your father's a jerk! Bye!"

Ppssppsscc or whatever they're calling it these days. You can emulate, fam.

Kefka was pretty much the most impactful and evil baddie in any installment of the franchise. One of the best villains of all time.

I'll definetely give it a try, I played without a guide and got disappointed.
Final fantasy gameplays are usually great, so I must have screwed it up

>First and only to even mention IV

Good on you, user.

Totally fair. Didn't mean to say that I think you're wrong; just never heard that opinion before.

FFVII, followed very closely by FFVIVI ad FFVI.
I hated 10, so VIVI was the last one I really enjoyed. VII was my first, followed by VI. I didn't really like the junction system in VIII because it made it impossible to do a no-magic/summon run since you can't even get an item command without a GF equipped and the way enemies level means you have to draw and junction to survive. The problem is that after a few hours into the game I was blind/silencing enemies every time I came across a new spell and drawing until I had 100 on each character so boss fights would be five minutes of drawing followed by only two or three attacks before they were dead. Especially considering you didn't need to unlock Zell's combos, You can just leave him at low HP and spam My FInal Heaven pretty much from the start of the game. The real problem was that I just didn't like Squall.
But in VI and VIVI there wasn't a single character I didn't like, though Vivi is clearly the god of awesome while the other characters are just cool and/or likeable. That's why I call it Final Fantasy VIVI instead of IX.

>Tidus we see at the end is nowhere near the one at the beginning
Yes he was.
>This is my Story
It was never.

Not to mention 80% of the game was a flashback narrated by Tidus TO CHARACTERS THAT WERE ALONG WITH HIM FOR THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME


>He poisoned a fucking village

He also basically destroyed/conquered the world. But y'know.

I meant potential to be a great game. It was flawed, but it was still better than most of the shit out there, including some other FF games

are you all fucking retarded? FFVII then Tactics. Maybe throw in X after you've cum 10,000 times. Faggots.

Auron + Saszh game plox

I think you quoted the wrong user.

another thing i hate in the franchise is the cheesy look all protagonists have. with the exception of zidane, who isn't even human, they all have that k-pop boyband singer look, and the fact that almost all of the main characters are blond (Zidane, Tidus, Ramza, Cloud) or white (Cecil, Bartz, others).

Also, does anyone know why every FF game has at least one character named Cid?

>are you all fucking retarded?
Have you ever played FF IX or VI?

And wrecked the world, unleached every nightmarish monster that humanity sealed away, then started burning anyone who looked at him funny.


I forgot that shit. Also, he narrates things he and the group weren't around to witness.

It wasn't to the rest of the cast. Additionally, he really wasn't the same. The Tidus at the start wouldn't cared two shits about anyone else. He also wouldn't have been willing to risk his own life to stop Sin. He just wanted to get home in the beginning. By the end, he wanted to stop Sin and save Spira

The grammatical errors in lion wars made me cringe

You're absolutely right, let's try that again, excuse my fagotry

This user. Good on this user.

It could have all been done a whole lot better man. S'all I'm saying.

I think we can all find common ground in that he was probably the best villain in the franchise.

>Also, does anyone know why every FF game has at least one character named Cid?


I completely agree. It's just I see a lot of "Tidus was irrelevant to the plot" criticism, but he wasn't. He was the lynch pin that broke the cycle.

He's not kidding. That's the answer.

X was shit compared to VI and IX
Completely linear story, no back-tracking, no real exploring because no worldmap, the game even takes time out of battles to taunt you for trying anything other than using the character/attack that it's told you to use for a particular enemy. You are led by the nose 100% of the way.

Not to mention that fucking blitzball bullshit where people ten feet behind me could somehow intercept passes thrown to people five feet in front of me. Fuck that game, that was even worse than chocobo racing.

Yeah bro look up a junction guide on youtube that will explain it WAYYYYYY better than the game does. The game is terrible at explaining

I love FFIX. Put on hundred of hours on my ps1, then got it on steam this spring. Already over 100 hours.

I love it for the music, the characters, and the depth. Any game that forces you to compete something on disc 1 that affects something on disc 4 is great.

I'm currently trying to get the glitched tetra master level (1700) and I'm already hating it lol.

Unfortunately I reached memoria at 60 something hours so no Ex2 for me

Its explained,VERY tediously. Remember the Trex fight on disc one? Sucked.

>Squall, have you fought T-Rexaur?

Ummm fuck no bitch I don't wanna fight a dinosaur.

>not cheating at blitzball

I hated that sit too. An the 200 lightning dodge autism simulator.

Just made it to Treno guys. Wat do?

Spirits Within was best FF imho.


Check the fountain with steiner 10 times for a stellazio

Yeah great, instead we got a whiny retard obsessed with daddy.

Every ff post 9 has shit the bed when it came to their main characters. Vaan shouldnt even be involved in the events of ff12, Ashe or Boshe should have been the main character. Lightning was too tryhard and bland, Vanille or Hope should have been the main character.

When Squaresoft merged with Enix shit went downhill fast.

Off topic.
You military?

user is a silly willy

nothing happened

Doesn't make sense though. Squaresoft made great games, including my second favorite RPG.

Enix made great games, including my all time favorite RPG.

SwuareEnix has dropped the ball.

Fucking worst "side quest" of all time.

FFII from snes was dope, didnt like any one other tho


7th Saga is underappreciated.

My favorite FF was Kingdom Hearts.

I know, it boggles my mind dude. Lots of staff from both sides must have been dropped during the merger.

True that.

Terranigma is my favorite RPG of all time, and in my top 5 favorite games of any genre.

But it added tons of potential depth, I was mainly referring to the the pace of the battles anyway, ff9 wait system was balls.


Vivi's story was about existentialism. In no way does someone have to talk a lot to be interesting or memorable. Hachiko the dog or that monster in spirited away too are other great characters who never speak.

While I technically agree with you
I know that you know what you did

still think i prefer 6 but 9 is soooo underrated. every character is well written and the story is so emotional. honestly the game is a fuckin work of art. the scene where black waltz 3 destoys vivi's brothers gets me every time

No, 'cause you're thinking I'm thinking what you're thinking.

Did you ever turn the battle system to active? They have 2 game modes, active and passive...if you never switch then you're missing out

9 has soooo much hidden stuff and sidequests it's so badass.

But seriously, I am still excited for HK3. Except now Disney owns Star Wars and Marvel, so there is obviously going to be an Avengers based world and a Star Wars one.

I don't look forward to this, but I won't let that ruin it for me.