
idk, man. fucking libtards.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's just another forgettable moment for the facebook generation

WTF theyre actually posting pepes on american news?

Holy fuckin kek this has to be a fucking joke

Full support for Trump and The Deplorables!



We need a buzzword count, I think this might be a new record.

I can't stand her.
But she's right, you know.

Your retardation is why you didn't get quads.


Trump campaign in a nutshell.
I would call this another win.


Your retardation is why you didn't get dubs.

??? Where'd that get us?

If dubs, trips or quads get or get replying to this post SS lord kek will of (((Hillary))) with pneumonia

The fucking thing is that literally none of the Pepe pictures with Donald trump have anything to do with white supremacy or Nazism (at least that they showed). Pepe is way too famous a meme by now so he's been adopted by so many peoples. They're literally just googling "Nazi Pepe" and then googling "Trump Pepe" and saying they're the same shit. If it's not obvious before it must be obvious as all hell to people that the news is biased as fuck too push this out as a legitimate story.

Pepe Trump reigns supreme above the reptilian that is Hillary and all other Pepes. He is here to take Pepe back from the normies and to make Pepe great again.

Pepe is now the boogyman

they cant stump the trump

No where, the same place we would have ended up if I had responded with anything else.

>they cant stump the trump

Can't stump someone who has no conscience and cares not whether anything he says is true. Just like flat-earthers, or neverending story girl poster.

meme magic has invaded all parts of our lives

I want off this wild ride.

>can't stump the trump
>gonna try to stump the memes

Good luck with that. Leftist establishment memes are so low energy, so pathetic, and such low quality.


It's happening!!! Memes are becoming sentient and ascending from the internet! They're assimilating with humans and ruling over us by taking over our government positions! I can't believe it's finally happening.

>Pokémon GO to the polls
Holy fuck