Fill in yours

fill in yours

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Post template if u wanna play, faggot

here u go u inconsequential bastard

At least he wasn't lying about that intelligence part

Hahaha the useless OP

op here self loathing kek


Kill me


>If I wasn't lazy I could do great things.

You should

Then stop being lazy and do great things

Pic to prove physical health, faggot.

> I'm super smart I just don't do anything

Sure you are user

I hate people like this, it's just a bitchy excuse while at the same time pretending to be smart.


Rate me rating my life

You think I want to be lazy?
Fuck I wish I could just overcome my mental problems that easy.
I have no clue what is wrong with me but I know that my laziness is some kind of mental disorder.

I can't even stay focused on things I want to.

I understand quantum physics well enough to know that Einstein was wrong on how special relativity actually works.

It's not that time slows down, because time isn't a thing, it's actually that the closer to the speed of light the less the object can move in other directions.

don't care for relationships and no sex doesn't bother me


Whats your highest level of education?

I hate those kind of people too, because it makes people like me look like a douchbag.
I fucking hate being smart, it's like living in a world of five year olds who only want to drink and fuck each other. But bring up anything that requires intelligence and everyone looks at you like you are the dumbass.


Not too shabby.

A couple college classes.



>im smart but lazy!
How fedorable

Here's mine.

Youre rating your intelligence that highly having taken a few shit tier college classes? kek

how is your chart so neat?


Things are pretty good. But I am lying in bed hungover so that is definately a negative

if dubs im a pessimist

>What is paint bucket?

who's your chart so neat?!

This colour-coding makes me wet


It wasn't working for me, and I guess not for others also. Look at other people's charts.

Becuase schools are the only way to get smarter.

I have been studying on my own for 10 years now, I have read more texts books than a PHD student would and still reading more.

>A degree is just a piece of paper saying you sat in class and somehow passed. It's less about how much you learned and more about how much you memorized.

I mean I understand that time is the minimal entropy difference needed to overcome between two objects to interact.

If you haven't even figured out that college and the modern educational system is NOT a good instrument to measure intelligence, then you've got a few things to learn as well. I hate to use this example, but Steve Jobs only took a few college courses. No one would say he's stupid.

>t. 3.86 GPA in college


Two bars on the same height with different colors? I aren't think that.

This color coding is where it's at.



That's just normal people being lazy dude. I do that all the time, then I get over it because I'll need to work toward my future if I want to have one.


Steve Jobs is stupid. He was the worst thing to happen to apple. Everything he did was a problem. He was fired for being stupid and came back only as a spokesman and was turned into some kind of genius.

>But in truth he was the one who switched macs from intel to motorola. He was the one who wanted apple maps. He was the one who didn't want bigger iPhones. And so on.

So youre suggesting there isnt positive correlation (and causation) between intelligence and level of education?

That wealth probably isn't yours.



Mo' money, mo' problems

I guess it's because I'm using

>I have read more texts books than a PHD student

This is me:
I have a PhD in neuroscience. We don't read text books, we write them. Just saying.

pic sauce pls

is your only excuse for not doing things is that youre lazy? thats pretty fucking retarded user. go get laid and make your life worth looking back on

There's probably a correlation in some regards (depending on the degree to be honest), but the one user was suggesting that because he only took a few college courses, he couldn't claim to be intelligent. That's just ignorant.

>inb4 asexual (legitimately. Not a pathetic faggot who cant talk to girls)


no brain, no gain.


I doubt you're that successful because if anybody was like that they would'nt be on Cred Forums, let alone Cred Forums.

Have you been to america? The amount of fucking morons there are in their universities, is unbelievable.

Why did you crop out sex life?

I am pretty average Id say

I miss her so much that it hurts. Whoring around and getting drunk all day doesn't help either. I'm a mess.

Post face.
Prove you're an 8/10

Also, why would we believe anything someone with a 2/10 in mental health


That makes no sense, when you are going to school you are not writing the text books.
Maybe after your PHD you might write a text book but most likely you won't.
Some jackass will copy and paste a few new things and shuffle around chapters in a textbook and that is how the new ones come about.

Most text books are 10years at least behind, I only use them to fill in any gaps I have in my studies.


I'm doing alright.

>I mean I understand that time is the minimal entropy difference needed to overcome between two objects to interact.
>entropy difference
What a way to show that you really don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.


>not realising that people don't matter.

Man up and get on with your life. Your faggy feelings are just temporary, you know you will get over it, so you may as well just force yourself to get over it now


my life plan is to become rich and successful, already pretty much on that trajectory, and then just fuck hoes

I'm very average.

I rate 5/10

There's the problem. Doing a PhD is nothing like 'going to school'. Perhaps it's different where you live, but during my PhD I did research, published papers, and wrote a few book chapters.

>Some jackass will copy and paste a few new things and shuffle around chapters in a textbook and that is how the new ones come about.
Highschool textbooks perhaps, but most definitely not university text books. They're constantly updated with new research material.

I wasn't even making a particular point, but you're making it more difficult to agree with you by the minute.

drinking the pain away


sadly, people do matter

Old horror film Hellraiser


Please enlighten me.

Because I bet you can't.

>I bet you still think there is a graviton.
>There isn't, gravity is quantum entanglement aka the rate for quantum vibrations to sync.

muh nigga


For someone young, I'm pretty happy with this.

Anyone who's been to university knows what youre saying is pretty accurate. PhD is about reasearch, publishing papers and being forced in to teaching undergrads. Its not about reading a text book.

o sank u


PhD chemistry. can confirm. read literature, ROFL at reading text books....
>Also people who dont know to write PhD vs PHD


Why am I not suprised almost everyone in here has 8-10 intelligence?

No, you aren't you are just being pathetic and like feeling sorry for yourself. You say your physical health is 6/10, that is probably a bit generous, so I suggest you just go out and exercise and a load of your problems will be solved.

Well, ok. But not to the point where you are 'drinking away the pain.

Youle Rercome

Post yours then.

because this is where we fit in socially without getting weird looks at the shit we say or laugh at.

Realistically I should've put mine at six, but I wasn't thinking.

No, you aren't you are just being pathetic and like feeling sorry for yourself. You say your physical health is 6/10, that is probably a bit generous, so I suggest you just go out and exercise and a load of your problems will be solved.

Well, ok. But not to the point where you are 'drinking away the pain'.

It is usually the ones with mental health on the lower end who say they have such high intelligence. Coincidence?

It's getting better lately

I exercise daily. I run 8km 4 days a week and go to the gym 5 days a week. My physical health is 6/10 because of some sport injuries (bad knee and bad back) and being drunk everyday for a month straight gets to you.

hoping to get that wealth bar higher one day, meanwhile...

needless to say i haven't been exercising much lately

Cred Forums must be filled with smart people without a sex life lol

Cred Forums is anything but the place for people who are actually properly smart. The high intelligence on here is probably just an autistic over-estimate


First of all, entropy is a function of time, not the other way around. Second, we are pretty damn sure that there a graviton doesn't exist, but it's the currently accepted conjecture because it makes valid predictions and we have no alternative. Because in reality, we still don't have a clue how gravity arises, despite what you may think. Third, one thing that we sure as shit can say though is at this time there is no evidence whatsoever that entanglement 'is' gravity. The two occur at different scales entirely, and we have no unified filed theory to bridge the two. You're talking out of your ass so much it's painful.

I did. I'm average across the board. Like 99.9999999% of the rest of you.

The reason people laugh at you is because you walk around in a Trilby and talk about atheism.

Not suprised


Girlfriend did hers

Is this you?

Forgot the file


Average looking, amazing sex life, exercise a lot, eat healthy

Took some college classes but dropped out, still read, socially aware

I'm a complete mental wreck. a 9/11 attack mixed with a boston bombing in my head. The baww is intense.

Been working with a company for 12 years, saved a bunch of money, great 401k

Average guy I guess

I would have put my physical health much higher but my destroyed stressed mental health is always linked to fucking up your physical health







what's 2+2


not too bad




being fucked mentally, depression and stress, absolutely have an impact on your physical health

get your shit together user or all that exercise won't mean anything

>looks 9
>intelligence 8
>mental health 9
>physical health 9
>wealth 7

>sex life 0



there are some discrepancies in your analysis user better than average looks and intelligence plus excellent physical health but no sex life? someone has been fibbing about something? havent we user

So inteligent, can't even color properly.


nuff said /thread

Life's pretty decent



How do you mean, get us something better than a shitty artifact full jpeg to deal with. Fuck you must be bored to go through all of those and quote them

wtf is this.


Butthurted ? Butthurted.


nice sheet bro

Somebody's butthurt.




I can see loads of red colour bleed on the average horizontal line, NOPE isn't colouring in, some lines are thicker than others, pink is a gay colour, bottom mental health box isn't coloured in neatly, also - your life sucks so in summary, fuck you!


Actually he wasn't wrong
But you would know that if you actually knew quantum mechanics

Just because he want totally right about everything doesn't make him wrong

God you are an idiot

Life has been good so far.

When autism strikes.

> inteligence 10

>Einstein was wrong
>I'm just too lazy to prove it
>my iq is maximum

yes time dilation does occur

Good fucking God you are a dumb piece of shit fuuuuuuuck man if I was as dumb as you I would have killed myself a long time ago


Go back to 9gag faggots, where being alone isn't because you're a social faillure that spent all his time into video game but because you're so inteligent cause you can't find descent friend to match your superior brain.

Where you don't have a GF/BF, not because you're too shy, insecure or ugly, but because nobody understand how awesome you are.

Where it's useless to workout because people like chubby/fat/skinny total average guy, cause they are not douchbag.

Where doing nothing with your life is not a proof that you suck at everything, no no, you're just so much more awesome than life itself that even life can't understand you.

Where having no work or droped out of school is not because you're a lazy ass but because you have a "special condition" that make you "special", you know, here again, you can't fit the society because you're way above it.


I'm not that guy, and I mostly agree with you, but I just wanted to point out that quantum mechanics is completely orthogonal to special relativity. So if he 'actually knew quantum mechanics', that still wouldn't tell him anything about whether Einstein was wrong or not. Aside from the fact that Einstein intensely disliked the quantum movement.

i'd say im doin just fine


forgot pic cause im retarded, when reading please remove one point from "mental health"

Yeah, I'm pretty satisfied with my life. The big turn really happened 2 years ago - had you asked me then how I were I'm afraid that except from my health there wouldn't be much to account for. But my new life is pretty fucking awesome. I could use some more funds in my bank account though.

you can't fool me Tom Cruise

>good looking but got overweight recently
>finished masters in philosophy in university and finished law school. Know I'm damn smart.
>super depressed and unmotivated; light case of schizophrenia hitting in late 20's
>sit around all days; smoke cigarettes and weed; drink every other day
>have great sex life; two very intelligent 8/10 girlfriends who live with me and like to play erotic roleplaying games and have threesomes. I gamemaster. It's absolutely ridiculous giving attention to two gf though.
>no income; living off of two years of researcher salaries saved up as well as low risk mutual funds and investments
>life really sucks overall. Sounds neat in hindsight and perhaps compared to others but really quite crappy. Probably depression talking.

I understand if this sounds unrealistic.

It's actually not two completely different things the linking mathematics just hadn't been discovered

All physics go together

Not sure why I'm biting but my IQ was tested formally by a psychologist when one my teachers thought I wasn't paying attention in class. She asked me what we were learning and I explained it- then asked me what she was going to teach next. I predicted the content of the subsequent sections without having opened the book before, and she insisted that the school evaluate me. My IQ is higher than approximately 99.8% of the population.

Autistic dumbass with a shit-tier diploma tries to convince people on Cred Forums with that he has 3somes on a regular basis and 2 8/10 chicks.
Get the fuck out of here

It's trivial that both theories describe similar things, by virtue of being mechanistic descriptions of reality, but the key point is that they operate on different scales. We don't necessarily need math to link the two, we need new math to describe both in conjunction.




Oh that changes my mind, I'm sorry I ever doubted you, since you are clearly so much smarter than I am I guess I have to believe this.

>is still on Cred Forums
nice try sonny

Looks: 3
Intelligence: 5
Mental health: 8
Physical health: 8
Sex life: 0
Wealth: 4
Overall: 4

Phone posting.

>Using phone posting as an excuse
>the best image ITT was from a phone

I find that browsing Cred Forums is a good way to shut my mind off after a long day. That's all.

If only I wasn't so fucking ugly.


What's your point?

post pic


No. I'd rather not be posted here and elsewhere online for the rest of eternity.

He's saying you're supposed to try hard like the other fag.

Sex Life: I am a traditional guy, waiting for the right person.

poor as fuck but i enjoy life, teeth and hair ruin my looks total, i'm pretty intelligent, have a girl although i see her only on weekends

literally the most cringey thread ive ever seen. Thanks to the people who are genuinely being honest. You can really tell who's who.

That you can edit images on phone too fag.


Why are so many people maxing out intelligence, genuinely intelligent people would know they aren't at the full potential.

What's your point?

My sick sad world...


Super intelligent people aren't usually ugly as well. Bad genes = bad genes. So all you ugly fucks saying you're Einstein fuck off.

Sorry for shit edit




>Almost 4 dozen people with 8+/10 intelligence


Playing club soccer during my M.S. keeps me going

This is the dumbest shit I've ever read. If they're smart and good looking, they've gotta be an asshole or have a tiny dick or something. Nobody has it all.

Nah I actually did very well, probably don't really fit in here but it passes the time.

Only tough one was wealth. Not a lot in the bank but I'd basically have to shoot myself in the foot to not be pulling in >$100k/year within the next five years, >$60k straight out of college.

fucking omegas

Artist and I meet a lot of girls behind other girls backs. I have a genetic disease so gunna die pretty early.



Look it up faglord its a well known correlation. They may have tiny dick though you never know.

God damn do many "low mental health" edgelords.

I will never understand why 14-year-olds think it's cool to be mentally unstable on the internet.


I lead a pretty charmed life.

I don't even need a job, I just kinda fuck around all day cause my family has money.

mehv me

You're pretty wealthy friend. You should invest in all these 8/10 and 9/10 intelligence guys.

If you have MS you should deffs lower that physical health bar bro

On phone so can't color.
Probably between 5 and 6, more the latter. I can run 5 miles, I lifts weights, but not seriously. Good nose, jawline. Slightly larger than average cock.
Probably again leaning toward a 6.
I am pretty good at problem solving, have a 3.9 avg. Junior, just got into nursing classes.
>mental health
I have no diagnosed metal illness, however I am sometimes not great when dealing with stress, so 5.
>physical health.
While I do try to eat g and and I excersice, I smoke and drink every day and I am immunology compromised from some shit I picked up in the middle east when I was a army fag, so 3 or 4.
>sex life
I am married, so sex is whenever I want it, so let's say 6 or 7.
Between my wife and I we bring in between 60 and 70 K per year. We are also Morgan ingredients a house in a nice neighborhood. So I'll go with a 6.
6.5 my life isn't perfect but I wake up to someone who takes care of me, I have goals that I am actually working for. I can go out to eat every now and then. Shits lit fam.
>pic related. My 5x5.


not a lie man , i cant get any because people think i'm biggest asshole in whole planet

You're not a 10/10 in intelligence. I'm not even going to discuss this any further.

I'm on the verge of sorting my life out, I hope.

I'm gonna take all these charts and plot correlations of people's perception of themselves. It would be interesting to see what the most common ratios are (Low intelligence correlates to what levels most? high sex life correlates to what levels most? etc)


Would be amazing to see how genuine Autism contributes to self perception.

I have a shitty job and spend most of my time at home when im not working... I have really bad sciatica and I just feel kind of at a loss sometimes...


>7 on looks

That's my own

overall 6/10.. not too shabby


Why is your mental health 3? You should be institutionalized. I don't think you can get your life on track buddy.

Always been top of my class, tested in 99+ percentile for everything until I stopped caring about school, IQ test I took when I was younger was 165 (I understand this isn't entirely accurate since the standards for children are different, but still), received almost a full scholarship based on SAT score alone when all I did during HS was skip class to smoke pot... I'm pretty fucking gifted, dude.

somebody doesnt quite understand how "overall" works


Yeah anyone with mental health under 5 should literally be in the hospital. So much lies everywhereeeee.

right? i think there's lots of different personalities even with autists, though, so I think it would be more accurate to say it would be a representation of what anonymous, mostly jaded people think of themselves

I put 3 because I take a decent amount of medication to keep me normal, and even then it's still a struggle sometimes.

1 or 0 would be the people who need to be institutionalized.

I'm a worthless piece of shit. I'm only intelligent in regards to/only excel within my own field and select interests, otherwise I'm a complete and utter useless idiot.

What do you do for fun tho? Brag about yourself on the internet?

So 10 is average mental health to you, then? You're an idiot if you don't think that comes down to people having different perceptions of what the numbers mean. KYS, 3 intelligence.

I'm ok

>thinks IQ tests actually mean anything
>only talks about school related success.

Life is meaningless.

They're probably trying to be "mad scientists" with all that 8/10 bullshit.

Guessing you put under 5 mental health. GET TO THE HOSPITAL

Go out, have tinder sluts over, cook, go to football/basketball/baseball games.

It's 11:30 and I'm taking a bath and on Chan/reddit while I wait for my friend to wake up and go to micro center with me.

kek at how intelligent everyone is in here

This is probably the best one here.

They aren't the end-all-be-all but they are a decent indicator of someone's general ability.

I don't have many other metrics to use. I've always been a good problem solver but I'm not going to write out specific anecdotes of times I've done smart shit, lol...

Pretty mundane for someone who rates their intelligence so highly... I'd think you'd be doing something with more of a 'wow' factor than that :/


why u here?

I'm not hard to please. I just do what I enjoy doing.

Maybe one day I'll improve my life, but that would require actually caring, which is in short supply.

Until you start showing papers/degrees/doctorates you're still big fish in small pond intelligent. With no comparison to the real world.

You're stupid for not being in hospital mate.

I can accept 3 for you, but that doesn't drag over to intelligence. Just because 1 - 0 means looney bin, doesn't mean that 9 - 10 means only very intelligent. I won't believe anything above a 7 in regards to intelligence. I don't think you and those charts like yours are being honest. And without your meds you are a loony, so technically the institutionalization still applies.

kill me now
btw all these fags maxing out intelligence while they can't even color this correctly, its like those fat women who call themselves "beautiful on the inside"

That is pretty silly. I have no desire to do research. I would rather be successful in business. I am still 22 and finishing up my degree while I work so there is still time.

the fuck? how can you be smart but have nothing else

Funny guy, you should be a comedian, bud.

do you really believe that everyone who's smart has acollege degree? I'm not saying that Mr. I'm_so_smart_but_lazy really is smart - but having no degree does not prove the opposite

fuuuck. YOU for sure are an idiot.



If i can play off the fucking psychotic episodes I can usually get laid.

this chart makes me wet
and im a man.

Imagine if everyone in this thread was suddenly linked to their facebook or prospective social media account, revealing the truth. Would genuinely be the most depressing sight in 4chamber history.


I was being honest with myself in my chart. If you don't accept it, that is fine. I wouldn't be institutionalized, but I did suffer from frequent panic attacks and suicidal thoughts.

Although I think most people with 9/10 intelligence are not being honest, to think there aren't people here with 7+ just seems bitter..

Whats average for sex life

>Thinking coloring in the lines is an indication of intelligence


IQ of 140 odd (like that means anything, save I'm good at patten reconnection and know "many words")
Reading pharmacology, because bitches love smearing synthesised wale fat on their faces, "I'z got-ta make bank son"

low wealth because course fees,
almost no sex life as studying takes time.

Who bangs you faggot?

kys is a seemingly newfag term right?

there im done, thanks


>itt dunning krueger effect
>fucking tards overestimate their own smarts
>tards literally too stupid to understand how stupid they are

well, Mr. Edge, people do matter. Only tryhard wannabe alphas deny that.

I did not know you could get recked this many ways

I have no idea how to initiate but I dont think anyone does, so im gonna try the idgaf route

All these edgeboys putting mental health on 1 thinking that not being sane is "cool" and "hip"...
>inb4 people take my chart seriously
go back to mensa faggot

This chart is everyone else's chart in a nutshell




Bunch of idiots.

Am I supposed to rate my intelligence compared to Cred Forumstards or the general populace?

I like you


the first one to color like normal

ty for not being retarded





there is a correlation, but it's rather weak. The education level is to a large extent determined by the parent's education level and wealth.

Also a correlation does not prove a cause-effect relationship.


If good = 10/10 then it's correct, if it's like 8/10 you gotta adapt it

stand near by,
get a friend to walk over and,
tap one on the shoulder and say
"HI! Have you met my friend user"
before stumbling off.

you can then introduce yourself with a
"Oh, I'm sorry about him, he's had one too many, but He really is a nice guy, Look let me buy you a drink to make up for the..."
you get the gist


Legit schizo, married for 20 years

Yeah it sucks man

Nice devil's trips. Probably reflects your life. GL with that.





get some help, user. Things will turn better then.

good luck.



You'd be at 5.91 you fucking idiot. Why would you be accurate and put 5.5 for looks, but deviate with your overall. Fuck off with your 8/10 intelligence.

with your looks, your intelligence and your mental health you should be able to land a decent job. What's the problem?

>there are no smart people in the world

At least you're honest user


No I just don't believe that you're the one that is smart. When there are so many people trying to look smart you stop trying to believe any. Like 50% of these are 8/10 intelligence.

fUCK there's a lot of these to get through... Also, fuck you guys who completely blacked out their tiles. makes it harder to count

na thanks I've already got a mug.

I only know my IQ because it was part of one of the physiology departments experiments.
You know, I'll take part in yours, if you'll reciprocate.

> I'm so smart muh textbooks

you are idiots. textbooks are for aquiring general knowledge about a subject and understanding the basics.

literature is for obtainig specialized knowledge and solving specific problems.

fucking asshats