Because you faggots will argue about anything

because you faggots will argue about anything

Who /square/ here?

more /trapezoid/ myself

circle master race reporting in

360 degrees > 180 degrees

Yeah but Triangles have a point (literally)

face it, when you think about it, you don't even have a fucking point.

Only edgy fags like triangles. Circle of life ftw.

Heptagon master race

quit being obtuse

circles can't triforce

that's acute way to put it


triangles can't do this

triangle is better in every way

only homos prefer circle

circles can't do this

Triangles triforce instead
>faggot circle
>1:0 to triangles


yes they can


trapezoids are mixed race babies of triangles and squares, fucking jew

2 triangles can do this so they're amazing

Not quite

WW2 has clearly proven the superiority of triangles: Great Britain has a bunch of triangles in its Union Jack and the stars in the flag of the USA are superposed triangles. Which countries have circles? The Japs. Sure the RAF-Symbol is a bunch of circles, but if you know that, you must be a homosexual, so that doesn't count.

i rike circls but fuk ovals there wierd

>not tesselating

But the bad guys won WW2 user

>claiming the triangle is better than the clearly superior circle
wow look at this edge lord



The triangle is the strongest support in the known universe

Wow look at this edgelord. typical of a trianglefag i suppose.

everything in universe is a circle
prove me wrong

just another 4channer saying n***er over user because I'm too scared to say it irl

When will we stop putting these labels on shapes? Shapes that could be anything, if only...

Circles are 2D. Literally nothing in the universe is a circle.


360 degrees bitches. Fuck you, am I right?

U faggot, a circle is a circle.

You mean except for triangles and things that aren't circles

Circles are better because they are circles


No-one goes to see the Great Spheres of Egypt.

>i suppose.

triangles are more aesthetic

people who say circle are newfags who cant triforce.

Yeah, but those are spheres and tubes. We are talking about 2 dimensional objects, you 3D retard. Try again.

doodlebob confirmed

are you fucking retarded

This argument is so goddamn circular


"r" you too square to keep going?

a triangualer shape is easier to defend, so triangle is better

This discussion only revolves about circles only. Sure if circles gang up like damn niggers and form a sphere, they win against a single triangle. I did't call the tetrahedrons in like a damn pussy.

It takes hundreds of tetrahedrons to make anything that is even a little cool

  ●
● ●
lies lies and more lies

Sorry, but I'm the right one in this discussion

Depends on the force being applied.

If your dealing with pressure then no

>No-one goes to see the Great Spheres of Egypt.
that's because they could only build triangles with their nigger technology

The world literally revolves around circles. Checkmate atheists.

Those are spheres
Not the same

The great spheres are in sIberia. Go ask the e/x/perts

Circles make up spheres

i think he's talking about orbital paths

>Triangles are literally the symbol of the most powerful society on the planet

Circle is shit

Orbital paths arent circles. Theyre elipses

Well, what had your race to show off with at that time? Stonehenge maybe? None knows what that ruined piece of crap with its round base was even used for.

no you're an ellipse

>planets revolve in a perfectly circular path


we don't know what it's used fore because unlike you niggers we can keep a secret

First law of Kepler: The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci. PWND

oh shit you really got him

Yeah sure. Maybe it was a designated shitting circle.

Circles are perfection.

Perfection only exists in theory. Triangles are down to earth

well at-least it could be useful instead just some extravagant assholes tomb

Nothing better than a trifecta. Circles are outdated.

This is the best conversation of all time. But, you can't fuck a triangle.

you make a good point (pun definitely intended )


Only circles

Look at the things that have circles

Olympics, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Any sport with a ball, testicles, wheels, tits, etc...

Now the things that have triangles

Illuminati, star of david.

Fuck jews, circle master race.

I don't think he agrees.

seriously triangles are used to brainwash people

circles are used to unite others

What are you even talking about?

Cube master race

Oh, fuck off mister.
> look at me i have so many dimensions
Keep it simple man. It's hip to be square but a cube is fucking disgusting.

Your cube is just some triangles put together.

Yeah! Let that cube asshole eat shit!!

touchin like balls

Circles are literally the most perfect shapes.

which one is easier to stick up my ass?

>infinite vertices
>the simplicity
>no hard angles
literal perfection