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Otis will help.

Fuck you Otis.

I want to share the love Otis gives me with other, troubled, people.

Fuck off cat. me and my boys got your back Otis.


Bring it on, you flea-infested shit eaters...

Otis isn't like that.

Fuck you you tuna eating bitch!

What's all the hubbub in here?

Your kind isn't welcome here

Team doggo

Oooooh. A pit bull. You're so big and strong Mister Pit Bull.

Kidding. You're shit. Onto the pile with the likes of you, toddler-mauling shitlord.

Kek look at this faggot that afraid of pit bulls.

Otis is the most wonderful creature to grace this earth.

10/10 doggo would wrestle with

I hate how they are illegal in so many states. Otis is a mutt, though.


He's a pretty tough fighter, but he's also afraid of almost everything, including his own wagging tail.

Best dog 2016?

Best Dog ever.

My puppet and doggo.

What a sweetie.

My doggo just chillin.

Dogs always look stoned.

What is your name?




Kitty is my friend though.

Kitter and doggo

Full 3d otis, huh?


What does that mean?