My first girlfriend ever just cheated on me in less then a week and lied to my face about it, Should I do it?

My first girlfriend ever just cheated on me in less then a week and lied to my face about it, Should I do it?

Kek idk.

to her. do it to her. post pics

Lol dont know

We've all been there user, itll pass. Keep your head up and preferably rope-free

Should you do what? Hang yourself because some cunt acted cuntlike?


Do it OP.

Hang that bitch.

obviously, you should (and livestream it, faggot). your only hope now is revenge. kill yourself and leave a note blaming her. you will scar her for life. she'll never forget you and never stop regretting cheating on you.

you will be a true an hero.

Be happy she did it early on who cares not like u can be attached rn

That's actually kind of funny. Usually you have to play the field for awhile to get that kind of hurt going.

Earn your boyscout badge for tying knots? Absolutely. I'm sure your friends there will help you through this trying time and learning a new skill will help keep you distracted and feel accomplished

It's literally only the first time you've been cheated on, if you cannot handle that, I don't know what to say bud. Good luck in the adult world?

Oh, look : yet another pre-teen faggot experiencing his first love pain..

Well, totally do it, you're too pathetic to live.

Dump her, fuck someone else, move on. Or. Fuck someone else, dump her and then move on

Let's see how fast this trends you faggot shill jew bitch

>less then a week
>less then

Jesus fucking Christ, faggot. If you're coupling being dumb enough to use then instead of than with contemplating suicide after some girl cheats on you then yes, please save the world a sub-par pro-creator by hanging yourself.

Please. Do it.

Fuck the guy she cheated with. She'll be devastated.

>Ask her for anal
>Do it in the most violent and painful way possible
>She can't walk right (or sit for a matter of fact) for weeks
>wait until she heals and break up with her so she can't accuse you of rape

If you're talking about dumping some nudes of her, then yes, definitely do it

This guy called me a faggot shill jew bitch. Should I do it Cred Forums?

Well, I'd say that's a bit of a potty mouth for boy scouts... But they are pretty forgiving.

>be op

>believe all women are goddesses

>date one

>get cheated on

>cry about wanting to kill yourself.

The fuck dude women aren't some holy creature that are a source of everlasting hope, joy and love. You need to stop listening to what tumblr is telling you.

Ya it sucks, but guess what, you're able to find someone else.

It's sad to see how weak these new kids are being raised.

>I had a bad week Ima kill myself

Get some real problems like: house being under water, or some idiot crashing into your car who doesn't have insurance. Then come cry but either way stop being a bitch, grow up and move on.