What do you guys honestly think of Onision?

What do you guys honestly think of Onision?

Edgy satire that offends everyone, or retarded arrogant cuck with ADHD?



grow a brain faggot

Attention whore



I choose not to bother caring.


1) Violent vegan who ranted about hoping those who didn't adhere to his world view, dies, or rather expressed his lack of apathy or even a feeling of satisfaction in such a scenario.

2) Faggot feminazi who thinks women are superior, who got cucked by a woman stealing his girl. Massive kek.

3)Edgy autistic asshole slash sociopath. See the twitter comments he made in the wake of Christina Grimmie's shootings. His idea of logic and reason is sound but bad timing, so he seems autistic.

4) Attention whore who sees his fanbase dwindle and started making some shit about bananas to make himself look quirky.

5) Wears some shitty mask over his face that makes him look like some perverted weeaboo degenerate with panties on his face.

6) Hate him and hope he dies. He is a shame to all fellow men and atheists such as myself. He is exactly the sort of atheist that gets into heated arguments and looks down on theists in an arrogant way that makes all atheists like us look like snobby pricks.

Complete homosexual with an inflated sense of self worth

Stop calling him autistic. He's clearly borderline and a narcissist.

you beat me to it

Couldn't have said it better; class dismissed.

He is just trying to make a buck. In a very very annoying way.

This. Like seriously you do NOT understand what you are doing when you mislabel someone's mental illness. It seriously is so fucked up like how would you like it if someone called you a name and it wasnt even true. Ugh people are so fucked up these days...

A narcissist is more apt a term I guess. It's not that he doesn't understand social cues, but he just thinks he's so superior and can't resist lording his logic over a bunch of grieving people. Either way, I'm no psychiatrist, but he's fucked in the head.

You love this dude. Look at all you know about him.

He whines about religious people being hypocrites because they ask you your beliefs Bashes pretty much any personal preferences that aren't his and praises himself on how not hypocritical the world should be... like him.

I wouldn't mind tbh. Whatever. You got my name wrong - I'll correct ya. Easy. It was an accident, but what exactly am I doing that was soooo wrong by mislabelling someone's mental illness? You sound so dam sensitive sheesh. We call each other on Cred Forums autists too - doesn't mean they are actual medically duagnosed autistic. Calm down.

A close friend of mine adores him. I've had this argument before. Countless times.

He does it for attention. Morality isn't even part of his mental apparatus. Everything is for attention and self-aggrandisation. He's a cut and dry BPD case.

I used to think he was ok til he made the idubbbz response video. Pure cancer and ignorance. Just tries to be relevant.

He's a fucking loser

Who is this fag ?


Closeted full-blown faggot that uses makeup and is as intelligent as he looks

The response he made to the #nochin scandal in defence of leafy was especially cringy and the butthurt was almost palpable


1. Tries too hard to be relevant.
2. Gets cucked by his tumblr retarded wife.
3. Forces his vegetarian ways on people.
4. Thinks women are superior to men yet bitches about feminism/equality.
5. Goes after bigger youtubers for attention.

A fag who's horrible at comedy.