Is my dick good enough to fuck with Cred Forums? Also dick rate thread

Is my dick good enough to fuck with Cred Forums? Also dick rate thread


Does it look exciting? Not really. Will girls be able to cum from it? Definitely.

gonna need more pics.



Yo dawg do boff thos work?

left 6/10
right 8/10



It's avg. I'd enjoy blowing you ;).

I love it OP

8/10 beautiful


no, its cut so thats instantly a 0/10

Kek its a worthless piece of shit cut it off.

>ant-eater dicks are this insecure

Be nice to cutfags... They didn't ask for it and some of them don't understand what's missing.

but most of them will end up mutilating their own sons user


thanks asshole

not a jew

Yeah, but you should try to teach them. Telling someone they are instant 0/10 will make them defensive and won't change thier minds about mutilation. I generally just try to explain why foreskin is really really important for sex. Circumcision rates are steadily declining in North America.

Mind you it's Cred Forums so idk.

You should get cut that thing looks horrendous holy shit

i said its a 0/10, because its a 0/10 for me, doesnt mean its bad, most americans prefer mutilated dicks because thats all they know

ahah amerifag with no sensation on dick mutilated at birth detected




You described it as mutilation and then said it isn't bad.

It is bad. Mutilating kids is bad.

I'm happy for cut guys who enjoy sex. I know plenty are very unhappy about what happened to them and it really shouldn't be allowed.

Your dick looks fucking ugly. Even most uncircumcised dicks don't look like that.



i said it isnt bad for most americans because thats all they know


>4 inches
>completely shaved
OP confirmed fag


That's really not what you said. Twice you've asked me to connect dots for you that you could have easily done with better writing.

>jews are this retarded



ok no point in talking to people this dumb

Rate me?

Learn reading comprehension and then employ it in your writing, idiot.


no, little white dicks make me smile

What makes a 10/10 dick?

since you are not a jew 0/10

Also 4/10