Lets get a Wincest thread going, eh?

Lets get a Wincest thread going, eh?

Bumping with Famchan


Siscon-Chan here. I'll be making my own thread in an hour.

Actual Siscon-Chan here. Sadly I won't be able to come on until later tonight, probably around 9:00 EST due to an unexpectedly busy day. My apologies to those who are being patient, I promise it will be worth the wait, as this part is about twice as long as Part 1.

Damn, alright

I'm the real Siscon-Chan. I will be making a thread in half an hour. Don't listen to this imposter and look for my thread soon.

Well, this should be good.

Lucky prick. Good read.

this nigger aint siscon, his attitude is way too harsh

Believe what you will but I'll be making a thread soon.

This ones great

Feel free to post a link to it here, I'm intrigued as to how this will turn out.

Will do.

Am i missing something here? Story feels like is missing begining.

i have recently contracted Chanconsis, i fear for my life and penis

Damn son, I heard the only way to cure that is to become a faggot.

too late

its not helping

my testicles have relocated above my penis and hang over the shaft like bloodhounds ears

God damn, thats some serious Siscon-Chan withdrawal son. I heard a vaccine for Chanconsis is coming out tonight at 9.

but itll give you super autism

last time i got autism i had to spend all my good boy points on toilet paper and a powerwasher

Well then, son

You're fucked.

it gets worse

my belly button has prolapsed and my ass is leaking something that looks and tastes like chocolate syrup


Has your hair fallen out? If so you may have evolved into a rare bald chocolate man!

can somebody post sisconchan story?

no, the hair on my head has fallen out and my pubes have reached down to my knees


I think that still counts

but heres the thing, everytime i cut it, over night it will grow back to my knees.

lately ive been making wigs and selling them.

so i guess theres a plus

That's everything she has posted so far so you're not missing anything.



i market them as ever-permed

the curls are something to behold


Wheres the fake siscon? I was hoping to see what his thread ended up becoming.

Never fapped to a storry and than was happy about it , i mean this story i damn happy good for that guy