Moving to Santiago, Chile next year

Moving to Santiago, Chile next year.

What shoupd I know or do?

know how to hang yourself so you have a clean break, and dont wobble waiting to die

get a cole mining job

Cole Slaw

Wot m8?

Mi general Augusto Pinochet, le saluda su pueblo tan querido, fue un estadista, un gran libertador, fue presidente de nuestra gran nación

Your welcome. Im an amerifat.

You should know how stay in your fucking country, don't expect that because you are a loser in your country, you will be different in another.

Beaner neckbeard alert!!!

I'm actually a pretty cool guy.

I strongly doubt

Everyone and everything is a thief.

No I'm pretty sure I'm right about this.


LOOK for chilean MILF!!
how are they?

Esta su imagen en cada unidad, y hoy sus soldados marchan contentos, con gallardía, con gran lealtad

good wine and fuckin ugly women

>and fuckin ugly women
ya, ella

drink lots of wine

the public transport is like the pico(dick) you should use your own car, but in general a pretty good city to live imo


chilean here: Look out for Portonazos.

also eat some sopaipillas

mah negro
(i'm chilean too)

expect the air to be heavily contaminated
still a pretty good city though.

Amen nigger