

cuz they're stupid and should feel bad

Because you're too stupid to understand basic human conscience and has to have a story that is dumbed down to mundane and blatant teachings to understand.

Atheism - The belief that no god exists.

God - A being or deity said to be both omnipotent and omnipresent.

Define any religion for me in less, I dare you.

you should kill yourself


God - An omnipresent existence.


T...thats not. Ok whatever you win theres a god. Now go out and try not to reproduce to much ok?

>defines religion with god
>thinks religion have something to do with a god
>probably thinks the church have to do with god or religion



Your two definitions were:

Atheism -


God -

You then challenged someone to "define any religion... in less", even though you never explicitly mentioned-- or defined-- religion. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were using religion and God interchangeably. If you weren't, you might want to go back to grammar school, but this isn't my problem.

Kill yourself.

Atheism is the belief that nothing exists outside of what can be physically measured and accounted for. Could also be defined as a disbelief in all things supernatural or spiritual.

this is so retarded that I have no words to describe this.

Nah, you just put way too much stock in modern science.

atheism is a lack of belief in gods.

implicit atheism is due to lack of familiarity with the concept. an infant is an implicit atheist. a feral child is an implicit atheist. someone who is raised in a vacuum and is never introduced to the idea of a god is an implicit atheist. "agnostics" are implicit atheists.

explicit atheism is what most people think of when they hear atheism: an existing notion that god does not exist. an explicit atheist understands the concept of god, but rejects it. an explicit atheist says, "i understand theism, but i do not agree with it. the existence of god/gods is not logically sound and cannot be defended."

Lol this psycho again.

Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or deity/deities

That's it.

Nice b8 m8.

Seriously, it's amazing how easy it is to troll Cred Forums.

Primarily because feelsy agnosticfaggots get in the way. Their only relevant point is "the good" of religion might somehow be retained,

what is infinite spirit everywhere present

Why can't shitposters stop shitposting?

>is the belief
At least get your definitions straight. Atheism is a lack of belief.

atheism- the belief that a big empty void filled with nothing suddenly filled up with something for no reason

As opposed to some giant bearded invisible man in the sky willing everything into existence.

Religitards never seem to understand that atheism is NOT a belief, NOT a religion, and NOT a world view.

Who created the creator if something can't come from nothing, genius?

wow, that was easy. i didn't even use my good bait. i just found some shit lying around and threw it out there

Go back to church faggot.

The same reason why religious people have a hard time logically defining God.

Oh, and fuck agnostics. The whole "not sure so I can't choose." Fuckers always trying to hedge their bets.

Atheism is defined as being the exact contrary of the fact that you believe in God. Easy (and checkmate)

Ok, let's follow your logic. YOU believe that nothing (complete void) created something (God). So you believe that nothing exists as an entity. And at the same time, you claim that people who understands that something can not come from nothing are idiots...
Can you please explain that?
Otherwise, you are simply an idiot, claiming that texts written by other idiots are right while you have no evidence to prove it.

>atheism- the belief
>the belief

Looks like you made a bad turn at Albuquerque.

ah, you seem to think i give a fuck.
i dont

>Ok, let's follow your logic.
How are you following his logic? OP asked why atheists can't define atheism, not that he has a view one way or the other. The truth is that many atheists really can't define atheism. They usually start with something like 'the belief that...'

I don't give two shits that you don't give a fuck.

Hahaha The joke's on us right. You were only pretending to be retarded. GOOD ONE!

i dont give a half ounce of piss that you dont give two shits.

Atheist. I am an Atheist. There is not sufficient evidence that a supernatural being - God - exist. Subjectively prove to me that a God exists. I am an Atheist.

Nigger, the fucking word defines its meaning


Lack of

Religion or spiritual beliefs

Don't you mean 'objectively' prove to me a god exists? First you should define a god. Would the creator af a simulation you are in be a god?