The word 'nigger' is over 400 years old

The word 'nigger' is over 400 years old.

We need something new.

Other urls found in this thread:

animal is a good alternative

We already settled on roody poo, faggot.

I dunno. Nigger kinda sums them up nicely.

That's an insult to animals faggot.

>The Rock Says


They STILL don't have a single good anti-white slur.

African American.

If niggers ran the world and shat on whites every day, the word white would be a slur.


mr president

If niggers ran the world, words wouldn't even exist.

We don't need a new word. They still flip shit when we use the word.


Afro Aidscan.

Silly user, you can't be racist against white people. Racism requires power and prejudice you goofball!

I may be approaching this as an outsider, but can someone explain exactly how blacks are oppressed in the U.S?

Not even trolling or baiting. It just seems like the majority of the blacks getting shot by cops are committing crimes. On top of that, aren't there diversity quotas in most of your large corporations to help with black employment?

In reality it just seems like a bunch of dole bludgers who are being supported by the state whinging about how they are oppressed by whites. Do middle class blacks feel oppressed? And by middle class i mean blacks that are actually contributing to society.

Jolly African-American

am I the only one turned on by OP's photo? they basically made a rival gang member sucks their dicks

Shut the fuck up you cracker ass cracker motherfucker.

They already pretty much appropriated the word nigger, they use it endlessly in their culture. I would call them either outcasts because no matter where they go, be it Europe or Asia or the American continent, they are always the lowest of the low socially and they show it and love it. They own that thug and ghetto culture. Call them bottom feeders, leeches, parasites or bugs. Blacks are everything wrong with society

But user, they had their own national fried chickinz chain.

Now that's power.


I always use "shitskin"

Flamin' Hot Cheetos Afficianados

They're not really being oppressed, or more accurately, they're not being oppressed because of their skin color.

It's mostly a class issue, where people at the bottom are consistently shit on by the people above them. And yes, there are poor white people.

Most black people are lower class, or between lower and middle, so they misconstrue it as a race issue

probably the same stupidity that keeps them from getting anywhere in a free socieity. Now pass me some more "mind expanding drugs" dawg.

White people find those funny as shit. especially honky. You can thank George Jefferson for that.

Honkyest nigger that ever honked.

They aren't. The ones that can't get jobs are either criminal records or they come off as "niggerish" aka lazy, untrustworthy, and lack of morals

Yes, even so much as to hire underperforming workers

No, but they don't openly speak up about being not oppressed because of the hate they would face from the black community. Their community is built off of taking advantage of each other. Much more than the white community.

The ones I went to high school with would openly talk about jumping other kids to steal shit. The one say next to during my freshman year of college would constantly try to cheat. I was talking to a couple friends in a team speak server and a black guy starts going on about how he's going to steal a guys laptop during his friends party and sell it for some weed.

World without whites.

Day 1, Morning: The blacks wake up, but sense that something is wrong. There is no radio and no T.V. Electrical power is partially gone. Venturing out into the world

Realizing this, they immediately begin to loot.It’s a free for all. Windows are broken, cars are stolen from garages & parking lots. By the afternoon, most valuables in

stores & private homes have been stolen.

By the end of the First Week: Electrical power is all but gone. Working blacks are beginning to understand the nightmare. But no one listens to them; they are "Uncle

Tom's". There is no government, no order. There is nothing to stop them. By the end of the First Month: Looting & anarchy continue. War begins among black gangs as they

battle for territory & vanishing resources. There is no longer any electricity, and most fresh food has spoiled. Fires are widespread from looting, and very few know how

to put them out. There is no more tap water.

By The End Of The Third Month: Canned food can still be found but fresh water, milk, bread & produce are non-existent. Gasoline becomes scarce. Garbage & sanitation

services are gone, & diseases begin to rise. Some hospitals are still running but with almost no trained staff.

By The End Of The First Year: Starvation is rampant. Food becomes the most valuable thing in the "New Black America." Trees are cut down for firewood. Many die from cold.

Most infants do not survive, as medical care becomes non-existent. A few blacks hoard all the food for themselves by the use of force (just like Africa today.). Blacks

begin to reorganize by tribes. Gangs rule the city. Travel is almost impossible, except on horseback, & gangs frequently murder travelers. Nomads now roam from destroyed

town-to-town looking for food. All farm animals have been slaughtered.

By The End Of Five Years: Nearly 2/3rds of the blacks are dead. The life span is down to about 35 years, as it is in many black countries in Africa today.

Why mess with the classics? Best alternative is Dindu.

Fuck off, commie.

Niggers are "oppressed" only by their own behavior and culture. They keep themselves down by acting like criminals and crybabies, and by rejecting things like education, child rearing and presenting oneself appropriately in public.

We know that some blacks are capable of pulling themselves out of this bullshit, but the fact is that most are perfectly content being the lowest form of humanity there is. They take pride in it and encourage (even violently force) their racial kinsmen to stay down at the bottom with them.

Cause they gay nigga
why the fuck else would you get a dude to suck your dick?

These are good, I don't care who you are


How about stupid monkey niggers?
>> is that any better user?


>we already settled on roody poo, candy-ass


This is a joke right? I mean, that's not cool to get your sick sucked by another guy? It's fucking wierd

Nigger works just fine, and newfags must stop trying to be cool by pretending change names given.

And yeah I mean you Op you're a fucking nigger.

Some faggits get off to that kind of shit user
>> your on Cred Forums what did you expect?


Asphalt Monkeys

>Dolan comics

Fuck off

I'm just gon' leave this here

niggers dont care how they get off, same as monkeys its whatever feels good.






u sad my nam? dolan iz heer










Friendly melanin-enriched basketball-kin


This guy has it right stupid monkey niggers is good enough

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger

the word 'animals' is even older yet it fits




It's the piece of shit low tier blacks that are ruining society. The ones that have become civilized are fine, but the ghetto ones are corrupting our youth.

There are no words that you can use to get whites to act like niggers in response...

Because only a nigger would get that pissed over simple words.

>be nigger
>force beta nigger to blow their dicks
>don't realize that beta nigger can bite their dicks
>beta nigger doesn't realize that too

As in the boss, the whip cracker

That's not a slur at all.

They aren't, but it's posh to say so

is it because we pulled them out of tribes and assimilated them too early? they weren't ready for advanced civilization. it's only been, what, 4 or 5 generations or so since we brought them over?

I used to believe this too, but the fact is that even when you adjust for poverty and socioeconomic status, blacks still underperform in comparison to poor whites, Hispanics, Asians, etc. As a whole, the black race in America is a massive failure, but they won't admit this, so instead they make claims of racism and oppression.

For those that don't know, hockey refers to racists that used to drive through the black part of town Kate at night honking their horns to disturb the people living there

sounds like the plot of a zombie movie

Look at that disgusting nigger!

Wearin' a Marlins hat in Baltimore!
They have no loyalty...

I vote for "Nigroid"

Yeah, niggers are zombies


b-but blacks are good at music!



The "Groid" is universally despised...

I like "Nignog" personally



It's because the African mind did not evolve in an environment that demanded the capacity to conceptualize the distant future in a meaningful way.
For example, many African languages never developed a proper translation for "promise". It is a construct that requires too complex an abstraction of the future.
That capacity only came about when humans moved to climates in which the ability to understand that winter was inevitably on its way at any time was paramount to survival.
You can see it everywhere the African goes. Their children to not properly grasp the impact that school will have on their futures, they do not grasp the value of investing in their communities, they do not grasp the looming repercussions of their crimes and misdeeds.

The black's greatest setback is that he does not grasp the future.

In this country niggers are legion

Thank God they don't have the ability to work as a team...

You were saying?


Blickity McBlackface


This is part of a theory which unfortunately makes a whole hellova lot of sense. Not having to plan for winter in most of sub Saharan Africa; never having to deal with the Ice Age. They literally cannot compete with the descendants of those that did e.i. Europeans and Asians




Nice Cherry picking! Everybody knows that Queens lyrics usually looked like that. Of course I could post a Wanger opera, what would you counter with then?

Only 13% of the population is black, and most of them are poor.
You can argue they are poor because of the way segregation fucked them over for around 100 years, and the shit just bleeds on to today.
But yeah niggers, for the most part, are fucking criminal scum that steals and kills because they don't know anybetter. There's good black people tho, some of my friends are black and they're chill AF.

>TL;DR only 2 out of 100 niggers are not total scum trash.

Found the oldfag


We wuz kangs n shit!


That pic though..... Yeah I'm done here, that was the last straw needed, there are better sites with an older clientel. Bye kids, and never leave Cred Forums, keep the infestation here.

You get your knowledge form Kanye, don't you?
He's your personal God, isn't he?

Kanye West.

Jerome might have gotten more time than Brandon, but OJ, Kobe, Jackson; these people didn't get any time at all!

Kanye's lyrics are about as profound as Nas's. Spout a bunch of bullshit and claim it's meaningful. Nas claimed Alexander the Great shot the Sphinx's nose off with an arrow and a new generation of dumbasses believed him. Just create more hate

Basketball Americans

Bill Cosby's been raping white women for 40 years and remains free as a faggot

Smaller brained humans

I like "Ultra Rapesters"

A black without a gun is a nigger undone

Dunno how old it is, but keffir seems to work in Africa. Triggers a lot of the darkies.

>we wuz kangs

>who wore it better?

I always wondered what the BA stood for

>realizing he's made some questionable decisions

dont break your dick on the way out grandpa

Kanye West now:

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay OKAY.
Beggars can't be choosers that ain't chipotle

Bosco Albert