Why haven't you converted to Islam yet?

Why haven't you converted to Islam yet?

Do you enjoy being a homosexual, feminist libcuck?

Islam will dominate the world. There is nothing you can do to stop it, so just submit.

Other urls found in this thread:


the b8 is hard



Pedo monkeys!

Not the first time a white woman had something black and Arabic in her ass...

You will never defeat Islam. Stay mad pigface.


We enjoy intercourse according to scientific and biological indications of readiness, not pagan measurements of rotations around the sun... the piglets of the west will never understand.

ITT all dubs must convert to Islam.

Hitler actually believed Islam was the superior religion. And he would have liked to see all germans convert.
It would have been to much of a hassle though, as Christianity was already established (and himmler and others wanted to revive the Germanic faith).
Then again, Hitler was pretty aware of the fact the that Arabs and blacks are completely incapable of governing, so naturally white people would have ruled over Islam.

>not pagan
Muslims worship the moon, you're a terrible troll.

Lol. Perfect.
Welcome to Islam, Cred Forumsrother.

>Sandniggers on highest radical level

>tits or gtfo

Readiness of 6 yrs olds. No choice for the for poor mindfucked children, you're all monsters.

Have you ever seen a Muslim praying to the moon?

Surely the education in the West isn't THIS poor. This is why your countries are falling apart.

yes, I do enjoy living in a world where I can choose my beliefs and speak out freely.

Yes I am a liberal, no I am not a homosexual.

I despise fundamentalist islam. I am sure many in the islamic countries also despise it. Fundamentalist islam is like fascism or communism: a cancer that will evetually eat up itself and die.

And, no, I will never bow to these pieces of shit.

>mostly because Muhammad
was a murderer and thief
and pedophile
and slaver

who made up a book and taught millions to be scum

If you're refering to Aisha, she was 9 at consummation and already experienced menses.

Do they not teach you about the birds and the bees in western education?

> biological readiness of 6yo


> scientific readiness

as if there was any science in islam. You know: science supperts critical thinking. There is no such thing in islam.

see It seems only modern westerners lack critical thinking as they refuse to accept empirical evidence and would rather determine sexual maturity based off an arbitrary number of rotation around the sun which has absolutely no relation to biological effects of puberty...
What a backward people.

well, sandnigger. Keep raping little girls. That's muslim paradise, right?

Keep looking to the earth cycles for your rules... maybe one day you will be smart enough to stop denying climate change. Stupid, greedy piggies.

OP, you should be ashamed you do not follow the quran while claiming to be a muslim.

Al-Baqarah 2:256 - "There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error."

Islam’s holy book forbids coercing people into adopting any religion or imposing it on them. They have to willingly choose it.

Fucking hypocrite

> arbitrary number of rotations around the sun

that's a nice little phrase you seem to be very proud off. Good boy, keep repeating it. I bet your Imam told it to you while fingering your asshole.

You almost got me, OP.

I believe it is common knowledge that Sunnis are heretics, and that Shia is the one and only Islam

Those who go against technology end dead between its cogs.

what has climate change to do with fucking little girls? Are you just demonstrating the the great islamic education you are so proud of?

There is no compulsion, but propagation is certainly encouraged.

ISIS are doing what is right and good for this sick world.

sage goes in all fields

I keep repeating it because you cannot refute it. It is the truth about your pagan culture and you feel the need to project homosexual insults to avoid facing it.

heey faggot, remember this?



you are a mental caseor a troll. Either way no use arguing.

typical sandnigger, waste of oxygen.


>Climate change is based on empirical scientific evidence
>determination of sexual maturity is based on scientific empirical evidence
Westerners have trouble accepting both these things. You lack critical thinking skills...

Because I'm already a follower of the world's most superior religion: Catholicism. Shame the West rejected us. Enjoy your Islam. You will fail. And when you come to us and beg for help; we will whisper "No." Hope Islam dominates your atheist asses lololololol. I'll be safe inside the Crusading religion. Bye assholes.

'arbitrary number of rotations around the sun' is a phrase that has no meaning. It can not be refuted. Neither can it be proven.

you are just a sandnigger chimp repeating phrases you have heard somewhere.

look at islam countries and how developed they are, now look at the western world, what do you see


But with immigration we have been doing that to Germany, France, Sweden, UK, Italy, Belgium and many more....

The piggies and Jews need to draw it on a map to recognize it and feel good. Before long all of Europe will be an Islamic State. It is the will of Allah.

>PS America is next

>Climate change is based on empirical scientific evidence

well, isn't that a perfect strawman argument.No one here has ever denied climate change. You brought it up.


Deus Vult

How does a western court of law determine whether a child is ready for sex?

>"...greater than X years of age."
in other words
>"...must have been alive to experience X number of revolutions of the Earth around it's star"

It can be proven, you pagan faggot.

If you need to believe on an invisible being to be good, you're still a bad kid.

But if you deny the words of wise men that studied the societies for millennia and devised a simple and effective plan for it just because "they made some mistakes", you're not being much better.

If people spent less time seeking jesus and more actually listening what he said, stuff would be less fucked.


Your next president and the hundreds of millions who are voting for him deny it.... what a joke.


Nothing we can do except Trump,Putin and nukes


Because you're the most bigoted religion atm

>determination of sexual maturity is based on scientific empirical evidence

Let me spell this out to you.

Shitskin sandniggers (aka fundamental muslims) believe it is a good thing to fuck little girls, making excuses that they would be sexually mature because they have started menstruating. Well, that speaks for itself.

We believe it is better to protect them until they are also mentally and personally strong enough to enter a relationship with an older man.

It has nothing to do with denying the biological reality, it is the conviction that the enforced marriage of little girls with older man is a form of exploiting their weakness and helplessness.

Shitskin sandniggers (aka fundamental muslims) do not understand this, because they do not care about a little girl being forced into a marriage and being raped by some disgusting old nigger.


That's not my president, sandnigger chimp.

Well, the constant emigration from islamic countries to the rest of the world just proves that no one wants to live in these shitholes.

Europe will never be islamic. We will wipe the cancer out of Europe and let the stinking muslims stew in their own shit.



little man, you do not understand. 'arbitrary number of rotations around the sun' is indeed a phrase that can neither be proven nor refuted.

And, yes, we have a legal age of consent. Yes, one year is one revolution of earth around the sun. You seem to be very proud of having understood this. It's probably a big achievment for a sandnigger.


All Muslim shall Burn


Deus Vult

If that was true, then you would have a test of mental capacity the same way you have for school or college. Instead, your pagan culture still counte the revolutions... you can try to spin it, but ultimately you're lying through your teeth.

I am going by facts and reason based on what is practiced in the West and in Islam, you are going with how you "feel" something is. This type of liberal BS thinking is the reason for your culture's decline... and what a drop it is.


Lol, you are one of those libcuck leftists who believe we are "fleeing" because we don't want Islam and we "need help" so we come to the West. HAHAHA

We are actively spreading Islam to rule over you, nitwit. We have an exponentially greater birth rate and interbreed with the natives very well. This is an invasion and the stupid westerners have no clue lol!

So what do you use to determine if you go to jail or not for "underage" sex? Enlighten me... or are you being a lying western pig again? Muslims don't fall for your stupid tricks.

This is good bait because it makes people call it out for being bait.

>inb4 You too, nigger.

Wow, I was too late.
Anyway, have some more baits.

2020, the year Europe becomes an Islamic republic.

when you are 6, you go to school. No test, shitskin chimp. When you are 18 you can have sex with an adult. Again no test, shitskin chimp. no spinning required.

answer: see last paragraph of answer: see last paragraph of you are a dumb person trying to argue, waste of time.


>when you are 6, you go to school. No test, shitskin chimp. When you are 18 you can have sex with an adult. Again no test, shitskin chimp. no spinning required.
So... you lied. You simply wait a predetermined number of planetary revolutions before doing things. No reason, no logic. So primitive.

You tried to spin it by claiming it was about assessing mental capacity and "muh feelings" etc... Why did I expect anything else from a deceitful western pig?

You are really good at avoiding and dodging answering of questions. Probably because you fear being caught out in your web of lies.

I'm waiting for my delivery of 200 pounds of semtex before I fully commit

Because I don't believe that the Earth is flat sun sets in a muddy puddle somewhere on earth. Also, I don't believe that there is a nation somewhere with a population 3 times that of the contemporary world that is stuck between a mountain and a giant wall.

sage goes in all fields


islam is the supidest thing that ever existed in the universe

Desus vult

you keep making up straw-men and taking them down.

I never disagreed the fact that we have a legal age of consent (i.e. waiting a number of years). But I refute the islamic concept of fucking little girls, even when they are menstruating, see I never said it was about assessing mental capacity. I said we wait until the girls are stronger menatlly and as a person, also see
I have refuted every single one of your arguments.

You see, that is indeed the difference between islam and western countries: we are educated to actually think, and not to repeat what we are being told.

So, please, kill yourself now sandnigger chimp.

lol "stupidest thing"

you dumb cuck simpleton

you seriously typed that?

enjoy the knife, piggy

I honestly wish I could convert these days, except pork, pork is delicious. Everything about their way of life is better.

You're taught to "think" with feelings, not scientific or empirical evidence or logic an reason like your forefathers did... that is the reason for your societies decline. All your rebuttals are nothing more than how your "feel" things are, not how things actually are.

The Islamic concept of "fucking little girls" nothing more than allowing sexual intercourse in marraige to be legal based the empirical biological evidence before us, regardless of how we "feel" about it. That is why Islam will take over. You know it. I know it. The whole world knows it.

Mostly bc I like girls without wool

whining pussy go pray and shut the fuck up everyone is free to say whatever they want
now leave this place in peace


It's called mental maturity a nine year old can not make grown up decisions, but I get that you never reached mental maturity so it makes no sense to you

my aunt menstruo to 8 years. and the doctor told my grandmother to let her have a boyfriend because ... well you know ..

>now leave this place in peace

haha holy shit kiddo wher ethe fuck do you think u are

strawman again. Feelings are not mentioned in any of the arguments.

you should try to pick up another fallacy except strawman, sandnigger chimp.

you are a joke.

deus vult!

yea I do know, you live in a shit hole 3rd world country you have no real "doctors"


religion is for faggots, that's why.

Says who? In India, 7 year olds are doing advanced calculus... Just because YOUR children are dumbed down because of inferior western culture, doesn't mean all children are.

Again, you refuse to accept empirical and scientific reason. There is no proof to your claim... it's just how you feel.

>strawman again. Feelings are not mentioned in any of the arguments.
Well, I didn't see any facts or logic... therefore they can only be based on emotion by default.

lol mean while people shit in the streets and die from an infection caused by a cut finger, India is trash and Muhammad is human garbage the will burn for eternity


Yes, even people who poop in the streets have smarter children than westerners... imagine if their country wasn't ruined by the grredy barbarians of the West.


Lol you think the Indians from India are the same as Native Americans... fucking 3rd world schools lmao

>implying westerners never occupied India for centuries
Holy shit the piggies are dumbed down today...

I am sipping my coffee in a coffee shop thinking about how the world should be atheist and peaceful.

You are wherever you are I don't give a fuck.
If you think you are somewhere special, either you're fool or enlightened - either way, you're mad - but please tell us now. My guess is that you're at your mommy's and school starts again tomorrow. So you should get your homework done.

You think it's ok to fuck a nine year old? Ahahaha muslimpigdogpeado

>There is nothing you can do to stop it
nah, just wait till the west wakes up and forms a small nationalist government that slowly gets more and more popular, then i'm grabbing my rifle.

lol if you think not believing in an afterlife automatically makes you smart, then you should adjust your fedora trim your neck beard and get off your miniature high horse

You think it's okay to still base your decisions on the Zodiac... lol fucking primitive manpig.

>hitler wanted islam
he wanted the old european religion that has been here before christianity you fucking mongoloid
read mein kampf

I could not have said it better . This is a funny thread nb I thought it was b8 but this stupid sandnigger is for real. Haha I knew pedals hang out on Cred Forums but wtf this guy really would fuck a nine year old . What a sick dirty nignog

Because you have done a good job making a b8 thread

lol, I am sure you can't see logic, even when it shits in your face.

Would you like some gay porn with that?

Much like a westerners penis, you cannot see something that is barely present.

This is a fun thread, get in here. Sandnigger OP is serious about it, but he is absolutely stupid, repeating the same phrases over and over again.

Hi shitskin! greetings from the free world! Eat goatcum, makes a soft skin, hahaha

Because the spaniards introduced it first to our country and is for the best in the long run

It's being repeated because it has not been refuted with facts, reason or logic... perhaps I am asking too much of the modern westerner.

>PS only a faggot would know about eating cum and soft skin...

much like your imams dick, you have been fucking a lot of animal assholes

You shouldn't call your women animals...

> entering discussion about eating cum

islam at its finest

trust me we have industrialized the very concept of death, you think we keep these camps around as a momento? No. when europe is threatened they will awaken, and no one will come to your aid you and your ideology are pathetic and shall be erased for existence once we have grown bored of it. Arbeit macht frei bitch

That's all your people bring... death and destruction. That is why Jihad is needed, to cleanse the world of the plague of western society.

We do it with purpose, justice,and self defence you do it out of greed and evil.

Why do you think we muslims always pray to the east, i.e.the direction the moon rises? Alla-moon Akbar, my brother.

> muslim pedo pic

in your dreams, shitskin.

Our women are despising sandniggers even more than we are

>fundamentalist Islam

Errrm... Muslims pray facing Mecca.
>try again

All bullshit and trolling aside--and fuck all religion while we're at it--but it's a shame that a part of the world that was once a beacon of math and science is now total shit.

Nigger you know why we don't have sex with kids, coz they ain't ready yet and to protect them from sick fuck Muslim pigs like you

as opposed to the wonderfully tolerant societies built around islam you come to the west and demand we live by your rules, if islam is so wonderful go to saudi. Live in a hell hole in the desert and hurry up wiping each other out.

I look at the western world and I see actual productivity.

That makes no sense unless you are at. the same latitude. Otherwise you're not facing mecca any more than any other location on the globe. Moon makes WAAY more sense, since it apears in the east at most latitudes (except poles)

Fuck you and your bullshit fairy tales, you little dicked slave. You oppress your women only because that is the only way you would ever get laid.

>beacon of math and science
Yeah because before the Turks and Arabs took over it was white.

Egyptian mummies had DNA tests that showed it

Lebanese people are the direct ancestors of the celts

Aryans came from Iran

It's not religion that ruined the world, it was roaches and niggers

Triple dubs don't lie.

I could watch Muslims are all day long , I jus do not like em they smell funny and fuck goats and lil kids . All their women are soooo fucking ugky hairy bitches I would not fuck one with \b\s dick

Saudi is wonderful, we aren't liberal cuckolds who need "tolerance" and "diversity" shoved down our throats by the Jews... unlike your society. Multiculturalism doesn't work. We realize this and we use the fact that your culture hasn't to invade, propagate Islam and eventually dominate.

Look around pigface, it's working. Soon Islam will be all you know.

Cred Forumss dick thanks you

What, how does it not make sense? Are you autistic?
Muslims pray facing Mecca? What don't you understand?

Haha \b is welcome .never would I subject such a terrible fate to such a grand \b\enis. Their women are too ugly even for the most a savage of b\tards

Why don't you understand basic geography and lines of latitude?

I don't understand what is confusing you. Stop saying it doesn't make sense without articulating what doesn't make sense.

Sandcooon women . The lowest ugly form of female ever to tread the face of this great earth . Maybe that is why they will only fuck kids. Trying to avoid that hairy top lip they all have , fuckin disgusting

Answer me then you stupid sand nigger . Do you think your women are as ugly as the rest of us find them?

If I'm in southern Brazil and I look east, and you trace my line of sight around the world, it comes nowhere close to mecca, dumb faggot. You're not facing mecca any more or less than if you flipped you line of sight 180 degrees. Might as well face west, or SSW, since in the last instance your line of sight would actually get closer to Mecca as it went around the SPHERE (ish) that is Earth, faggot.

Considering your culture is slowly moving towards genderfluidity and gender-neutrality, I really don't think your people are qualified to be judges on attractiveness of sexes.
Of course your males find anything without a penis unattracive.

Because I like showering everyday so I don't smell like dirty armpits. Also because I love bacon, booze and music.

because any sane human can live without any stupid religion.

Flying spaghetti monster over all.
(for your interest : I am agnostic)

do not take western tolerance as weakness, when you rats push us we will push back. you say the jews shoved tolerance and diversity down our throats, like they shoved the state of israel down yours? can you not see the far right is rising in europe, histroy will repeat itself and the part of european jews will be played by the islamic world. it will be swift, it will be glorious, and the world will thank us after we are finished.

>If I'm in southern Brazil and I look east, and you trace my line of sight around the world, it comes nowhere close to mecca
Yes. That is why Muslims in Southern Brazil pray slightly North East, and Muslims in Australia face North West, and Muslims in Iran pray facing South West... and so on.

Holy shit did you actually beleive all Muslims faced the same direction wherever they are in the world?!

As a trap thread lurker, you've just CROSSED THE LINE FAGGOT. You think your crooked religion will be accepted?! Next thing you'll know we'll exterminate your sorry ass and be dragged in a war that will wipe you out.

I hope you die of dehydration you sandnigger faggot following shit-for-religion

Hahahahha, ok poser. Whatever, I know you're not even a real Muslim, because it is Saturday, and that is your day of rest and you're not even allowed to use Electronics.

>>Don't forget indonesia, bangladesh and north africa.

> saudi is wonderful

I had a good laugh.

saudi always was a shithole in the sand. Now your're selling the oil in your ground (with western technology - you would'nt even be able to do it) without creating or producing anything. In 100 years it will be a shithole in the sand again.

Well i enjoy not chopping peoples head off. Having freedom of speech. And the like so. Fuck your islam.

Lol, you did. You did belive that. Fucking dumb pigfaces... the whole lot of you infidels.

If you want to know why the West is dying, your uneducated and dumbed down generation is the reason. Congrats.

even sooner, once we move away from fossil fules they're as fucked as a saudi infant

Deus vult


Saudi and Arab states have 70% non oil based economies now... As soon as Islam becomes majority in the Western world, it won't matter who uses fossil fuels or not.
>Islam will dominate

Ok i will give you that one. Too many white ppl are faggots who are brainwashed sheep that the jew controls through tv and media. But I hate those guys as much as I hate you. All subhuman scum must die. The 1000 year Reich of the true Aryan will come and we will dominate you and all other subhuman scum . Look forward to your death sandnigger

And the point is that you know I'm right. That's why you didn't answer me properly. I asked f you think your ugly hairy women are as attractive as other races , course from what u can see you lot are by far the ugliest I have seen except some proper ugly nignog from Africa maybe

Hairy top lip. You love that or from what I can gather you don't even like em to have pubes so maybe you ain't the best one to ask aye piggyboy


Haha I don't think op looks like that , he is a dirty sandy one ! Send them all back

The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 80% of budget revenues, 45% of GDP, and 90% of export earnings.


no achievments in Saudi, just selling lucky oil. You will implode and vanish once this is over.



Paper platoon will rise!

Lol, stupid westerners believing the same-Jew media that tells them that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam and Islam is a religion of peace.
HAHAHA... this is why you are falling.

>That's all your people bring... death and destruction.
You count on it mate, coming to you this century.

>We do it with purpose, justice,and self defence

We do it with physics, chemistry and logistics. Sucks to be you...

Lol, tihs century? Mate, our world caliphate will be complete by 2030... we're far ahead of you and have been infiltrating through immigration and "tolerance" for decades. Fortunately for us, you were all too dumb to realize it. You will all be dead before long. Allah wills it.

You think youre so smart 'infiltrating' us. no youve made it so easy for us, all we need to do is give the word and you will be rounded up like the cattle you are, shipped off to the camps and worked until you die. you have started a war you cannot possibly win, and the best part. you honestly tink you ever stood a chance it is pathetic. at least humans have the decency to know they when they've lost.

Always playing the victim card huh? Woe is the westerner? Always the poor baby who dun nothing wrong... it's amazing. The westerner has been hostile and oppressive to everyone they have ever encountered, including themselve.... and yet somehow, everyone else is the problem. They haven't gained the humility and critical thinking skills to realize that they are the problem.

Islam will defeat you and the world will be grateful to us. Your society is too cucked by diversity and tolerance to ever go down the Nazi road again... you know it.

>Islam will defeat you and the world will be grateful to us

Your religion is the reason those fucking moros destabilising mindanao which kept the region from developing

Anything but your bombs and invasions are the problem huh...

hey look at that swell western technology hard at work for ungrateful allah fags

Um wrong again...


You're welcome, greedy pigs.

>Muslim talking about anything even remotely related to science

Any muslim that visit Cred Forums is going to hell, you are a doomed faggot

keep up your denial. Without oil you are nothing, and even with oil you are just a bunch of stinking childfuckers.

Payed by oil that is literally under their feet, designed by western architects and engineers and build by poor South Asians workers

>designed by western architects and engineers
...who followed the principles for modern skyscraper design as laid out by a Muslim.


You're welcome, infidels.

Because those military spending could have been used to something else and it's already occupied. The only problem is those muzzies wanting a caliphate of their own in the region and guerilla warfaring the shit out of it.

Well muslims only know death and suffering so here it is

Without war, oppression and that H1-B, YOU are nothing.

> some contribution from an emigrant
> implying constructing skyscapers is islamic technology because of that

well, this guy - who of course emigrated from his islamic shithole country to have a good life in america - made a contribution to construction engineering. Good for us.

you're welcome, sandnigger shithead

Hello Cred Forums, how's the weather today?


Our guy was educated from birth to bachelor's in an Islamic country and went to America for financial gain. Same reason your guys did work for the Burj... You seem to not understand capitalism.

Either way, between the two cases, only Mr Khan revolutionised and pioneered skycraper design, your guys had to study our guys work in order to do their job for their Muslim masters.

Any idiot can "design" things, just look Star Wars or any Sci-fi movie, to fill it with stuff and make it work is totally different.

Citation needed

i need a pic of Allah then ill start converting

I woulddddd buuuttt it's just that the Islam hates dogs..you know...Muhammed was a catperson...and I'm a dogperson, so that clashes....sooo yeah unfortunately no jihad-carreer for me

Lol, did you read who he was or what he did?

Typical western ignorance.


atheism not believing in afterlife

The pendulum is swinging back hard to the right, Abdul. The sleeping Aryans are waking up.

The last time someone seriously pissed off the master race, we split the fucking atom and cooked 200k untermensch before breakfast. Your people are getting desperate because your leaders know that your time is running out.

Enough to know that he was not an Arab


>trips speak truth

He was a Muslim. Islam is not racist or obsessed with mere melanin content between humans like primitive monkeys of the west...

Islam comes from a place where it's socially acceptable to use your hand as toilet paper.

I saw one that looked like she'd be totally haram in the sheets working at a grocery store.

Them not liking Jews is totally a plus, but knowing she'd never cook me bacon is a boner kill.

white pagan europe will prevail!

> sandnigger in denial about lucky oil money

Keep on spending the oil money for useless towers in the desert, sandnigger. The oil will run out and y'all go back where you belong to: your prophet's ass

Lol, the last time the far right rose... they were destroyed by their own brethren... kek.

Keep daydreaming. Western society is at it's end. Your children will be Muslim.


>iranians think theyre superior because most of them are light skinned

keckled at your ignorance

denial aint just a river in egypt

lemme know how that works out in 40 yrs when all the oil dependant countries are broke and youre fighting over water lol


This shit is just a field trip and those children aren't even muslim and it's in Sweden or something and doesn't represent the west in general

There's a link on Cred Forums which debunk this.

At least the west show some respect in one's culture while your muslim ass prolly respected sand and nothing else

Your pic is invalid af

You mean how Greece is now?

Isn't it a coincidence that a once prosperous western society became peaceful and suddenly they couldn't sustain themselves. Without war and oppression, you people cannot maintain a society. It's a fact.

Sure, millions of Muslims are and trying to get into the West instead of oilRich Muslim countries to get oppresed.
What is worse Racism or hating someone for believing in different things or nothing

>libcucks, feminists and faggots want us to welcome more muslims to our countries
>muslims want to get rid of libcucks, feminists and faggots.

I want to get off this ride


please make it stop

>Sure, millions of Muslims are and trying to get into the West instead of oilRich Muslim countries to get oppresed.
Lol, another libcuck who believes the "millions of peaceful Muslims are fleeing" story... how stupid are you? It's an invasion and part of the Jihad you silly western piggy. Jihad is a religious duty of every Muslim.

>the thread
>the bait
>the idiotic replys

>massive debt that had been hidden by kicking the financial can down the road and cooking the books

are muslims really this fucktarded

for allegedly coming up with the modern numeric system you idiots sure cant grasp simple arithmetic

Dear infidels,

You sit there with your uncut dicks, committing sin after sin without atoning for them, and sometimes you wonder what waits for you after death.
I can tell you what awaits you.
Flames, and not just any flames, oh no, this is eternal hellfire that will melt you and then you'll restore and melt all over again, and again, and again. It'll never end. That is what awaits you unless you convert to the Islam.
If you convert to the Islam, many virgins await you in Heaven, all for yourself to turn into your own whores, and you can have 4 wifes here on Earth, 14 or 24 it doesn't matter how old, choose whatever you prefer.
And after committing each sin all you have to do is pray and it'll be forgiven. Yes, it really is that easy. Easy choice, huh?

Sincerely, Allah


Wild Giga Nigga has appeared!

suddenly is relative to the timeline of a millenia old-civilization.

lrn2understan context you autist.

>uncut dicks

Way to submit to your jewish overlords, Achmed

>Flames, and not just any flames, oh no, this is eternal hellfire

Yes flames are coming my shitskin friend, ohh they are coming

If fucking a 9 yr old wife is good enough for the prophet muhammad its good enough for me.

Dear satan Allah,
Go fuck yourself.


people say they want world peace. well, the quickest way to that is world sharia law

These kind of threads are always fun, because after a while the difference between trolling and serious faggots get blurred

>this thread

why the fuck are you guys stupid enough to give people like this attention? just ignore and move on, bring back the dignity of Cred Forums, remember when we were reasonable?

remember when we were reasonable?

So how do you goat-fucking creeps determine when it's ok to screw farm animals and little boys?

For that matter, since you creeps think banging little boys is ok during a "sexual emergency", how do you determine which homos to toss off a building?

no lol

no I dont

its only "ok" to fuck lil boys if youre in the military of a muslim country and no women are available

otherwise its punishable by death

>remember when we were reasonable?
welcome newfag

I hope you get the Feds at your door for being such a faggot and posting some shitty hair thread like this. I hope your skin is dark so they fucking water board you.

Wow that's so reasonable to "only" allow them to traumatize and rape little boys in that situation where they can just fap. Islam is so kindhearted...

Mohammed wasn't a prophet of shit. He wasn't holy or blessed. He was just a curry spewing shit sucking sand nigger.

There's taqqiya deception at their work. The vatican must stop acting like cucks and start the crusade


So then explain how Bacha bazi is ok, you islamic liar.

How do i convert?
I have a swastika tattoo on my back and love eating pork is that a problem?

It's also fun to be serious in something from time to time

>Do you enjoy being a homosexual, feminist libcuck?
My keks to the chef

i/1 does not equal 1/i

dude, you kidding me? i've been to auschwitz, it's in fucking ruins from the last time you tried that shit, and your primecuckister has been letting every bum-fuck from a foreign country fuck you in the asshole ever since the IS became a thing.

It is not that is why the solution is manipulated further so it can lead to the answer that's acceptable

The practice was rare and Taliban used to behead villagers for the practice according to Sharia Law. After your invasion and your "democracy", it resurfaced.

This is why we bomb you.

Why dont we make a world wide smash a muslim day?

that's probably because i is literally a separate number from any other on the line of numbers

it's one of those things where if you rearrange shit you can manipulate the rules and get an answer that isn't actually real