Why does Cred Forums like this edgy faggot so much? Do you guys find him ironically funny or something...

Why does Cred Forums like this edgy faggot so much? Do you guys find him ironically funny or something? I watched a couple of his videos and they all pander to the 13 year olds "ZOMG SOOO RANDOM xDxDxD" adult swim type of humor.

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Go for a swim.

Do you accept chin-chin as your lord and saviour?

Pray to chin-chin

I enjoy his offensive ass humor and how they shit on everything. I especially like his commenter hate videos. 12 year olds and weebs hate the shit out of him. I would drink with him if i could.

idk man

what kind of humour do you find funny, OP?



Odin wills my entry to Valhalla!!!

wtf chin chin was right

Old school Opie & Anthony. Some stand up comedy.. Norm MacDonald, Bill Burr, Gilbert Gottfried, Carlin

Maybe I'm just too old to get it.

I'll admit that it's strange that alot of people on here seem to hate 9gag/reddit and their humour, but seem to adore Filthy Frank. You do know that he has god status on both of those websites, right?

Link me to something of his you find funny


his best video

people that sperg at the sight of 9gag have the most autism here, sure its a shit site but do we have to cry everytime someone mentions it?

Angry vegan weeaboo detected.

watch out guys, we have a big boy here. go to bed, edgelord

Then sky watch his videos.
Why get upset about it and make a thread? I don't like him either but who fucking cares if other people do?

Copying Franku to defend him is disgustingly cringe. Please stop.

>you don't like the same things as me so you're an edgelord

lol wut

I have never heard papa say " watch out guys, we have a big boy here. go to bed, edgelord "

Chastising anons for being cringe on an internet board is very cringey

Why would anyone care what anyone else likes or who has "status" on a website?! Just like something or dislike something based on your own opinions, not on what the common consensus is.
Quit being such a try hard little bitch. It doesn't matter how hard you try, people won't like you because you're such a pussy.


Why do autistic faggots want to sit round and bitch about youtubers all the time? don't like him so don't watch him you fucking nigger

Who's upset? I was legitimately curious what his appeal is.

Cred Forumstards love him because his humour is exactly the same as what's on Cred Forums. it's not rocket science



Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo

Eating a hair cake and puking on each other, brilliant. Wasn't Jackass doing this exact same shit 20 years ago


I find only a few vids of him funny (out of 100 or so)
Most of the time he is really boring and cringy

if he was doing standup you'd say he was doing the exact same thing as george carlin. it's not what he's doing, it's how he's doing it.

Not even close m8

Are you feeling offended by him, you filthy weeaboo?

recently hes falling off a bit

his old videos are fine if you like random pointless vids to fill the void.

angry oldfag

His old videos were gold.


Reminds me of touretts guy back when he was being not funny in 2006

I like his newer stuff. Kinda shows his personality behind all the stupid shit he does more so than his older stuff. I like his older stuff too, but now he seems like the kinda guy I'd genuinely share a sense of humor with as opposed to some retard on the internet I'd appreciate for acting autistic

I don't hate him or find him offensive. I just think he's an unfunny tryhard

seems like he was trying too hard in some of his older vids. his newer stuff is much better.

He's a homo, burn this faggot.


Trying way too hard to be funny, offensive, edgy, outrageous, etc.

And how is he trying hard?

well hes japanese how many funny japanese people do you know, comon now give him some credit

Are we talking about his filthy frank persona or joji himself? You're not supposed to take filthy frank seriously. The entire reason of him is to piss off everyone and everything. Joji does a good job keeping frank separate from his normal self though.

Would definitely like to have a beer with him sometime.

>Why does Cred Forums like this edgy faggot so much?

Because Cred Forums is flooded with underage faggots.
There is literally no other reason.
They have an underdeveloped no sense of humor and laugh at "pee and poopoo" jokes

Because Cred Forums is filled with little children who watch 'youtubers'. This hooknosed shitgook is probably not even the worst they watch.

i like frank and dont laugh at pee and poopoo jokes
sit down kid

How old are you?


Cred Forums is full of little children eh?

Frank isn't about pee and poopoo jokes

I'm assuming you've never watched his videos and just going off others claims.



Not even slightly funny, what the fuck is this?

Do I just not understand shitty American humour?

No, it isn't I've made two posts:

It wasn't an original thing to say either, its obvious.

Not funny at all.

Listen through this album, its fucking great.


trips confirm

American Humor covers like all Humor.

Joji isn't even American.

Just his whole character in general. The way he talks and acts. I'm not sure what youre looking for here user, I'm not going to specifically go over ever thing he says and does and explain why it's not funny.


how can you not find this shit funny

call me a hipster, but i found him a lot funnier when i didnt see him referenced in literally every youtube comment section by people with anime profile pictures.

Bro r u like a zombie because everyone that old should be dead already

I noticed how you didn't fight the age claim.
I noticed.

I love this little yellow fuckboy and I'm a 30yo fag. He has his moments of greatness, I also enjoy his music.


i also like how hes compairing him with professional comedians on television too

Define underaged

Since when are stupid faces and "funny cos Its shit" music videos funny?

Are you autistic? Do you laugh at strange facial expressions you cant interpret?

I know. I said in an earlier post I'm probably just too old to understand his comic genius

he went mainstream and its not cool to like mainstream humour so all the edgy kids now say that they dont like him

but user that's the fucking point

When people laugh at something or someone it's because they can relate. Be aware of what you find funny.

Adult swim humor isn't one single thing
Fuck off uncultured cunt. Yeah I admit as an adult his humor is immature but sometimes I'll watch a video for old times sake

It should be obvious. Cred Forums has an age requirement of 18

I wasn't comparing him, somebody asked what I found funny.

In Frank's defense, I can't think of a funny YouTuber off the top of my head. They're all shit

One of his newer ones. Not his best m8, I'd say rat chef is best


last few vids where try hard

Only edgy teens and 14-year-old girls watch his videos


While age does for the most part define an individual's maturity, it's not the only thing. Also not something to be taken as gospel. There are plenty of adults with childish sense of humor.

You cant /thread yourself,

Girls don't

Why are you splitting 14 year old girls from the teens, user?

he has a point

Filthy frank is honestly, just one giant super massive bait trap of the internet. Lists himself as "anti-" everything, even saying so in the profile not to be taken seriously, and still gets bites all the time.

He is a master troll that guy.

Every original adult swim show that didn't come from another network is the exact same brand of humor. Absurdist ZOMG SO RANDOM xD nonsensical bullshit with a bunch of violence and dick jokes to keep it edgy.

12oz mouse, squidbillies, morel oral, Eric andre show, loiter squad, tim and Eric, heart she holler, sea lab, that hospital show, etc etc etc

Oh and Robot Chicken

Why does Cred Forums like this edgy faggot so much? Do you guys find him ironically funny or something? I watched a couple of his videos and they all pander to the 13 year olds "ZOMG SOOO RANDOM xDxDxD" adult swim type of humor.

Nasally meme spouting chinless faggot here

Cred Forums is just being ironic. right guys?

Funny how the comment section on his vids are full of 11 yo kids thinking they are watching the darkest humor on earth.


Because Cred Forums is full of underage newfags now. Everyone else left like 4 years ago.

Squid show is shit
Robot chicken is actually good, Metalocalypse, aqua teen hunger force.