Do animals get mental disorders?

Do animals get mental disorders?

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Humans are animals.

I reckon so, both my cats are mental

Yes, one of my cats has serious anxiety issues. Drug the hell of of him

Yes, I feel it's less common for them as usually if they have a problem they don't live long. My pitbull has extreme anxiety and separation issues. She was kicked out of a car as a puppy from the first owner and I think it's the underlying cause of both issues

my rabbit had social anxiety



Bork bork

are you ready for percentage fight?

Yes. I have jack russell and she is quite retarded sometimes.



Suicide is an alternative

That is just Jack Russells for you

Yes, that's how retards are formed.


They can become neurotic. Like animals that have been abused in such a way that sometimes their abusers would hurt them and sometimes they'd be kind to them. I once saw a cat who had this, where they'd REEEEALLY want to come and show you affection, but then any move to pet them and they'd run away.

It was both hilarious and sad at the same time.

As for conditions like schizophrenia - how would you ever find out? If they attack their hallucinations, it would just be like they were a randomly violent dog. If they ran from their hallucinations, it would just look like a cowardly dog.

They can't like... talk to anyone, to confirm or refute that their perceptions are incongruous with others.


Apparently only humans get schizophrenia.

You guys might not appreciate this, but that's a pretty big deal.


Mamãe dog tries to fuck other male dogs when he is horny. To be honest, it tries to fuck everything when it is horny.

So yes, it has some mental disorder. A fun to watch one.


this is a weird snek thread



And i mean, it's not a reasonable conclusion that because schizophrenia is maladaptive that it would simply have been bred out of animals. It isn't adaptive in humans either, and the trait has survived in humans for hundreds of thousands of years without making it impossible for us to get to sexual maturity and breed.

If it were merely as maladaptive in animals as it is in humans, it should be present in at least a fraction of a percent in other mammals, we have it in about 1.2% of humans. But we're all social and shit, and if one of our own is kinda crazy, we'll take care of them, so it wouldn't be surprising if less social animals had a smaller fraction of their population that managed to survive with it.

But no. It's totally absent in all other mammals.

lol he wasn't delicate! ahhah



and we have LIFTOFF

He was super fucking delicate. He snaked that paw out of that cabinet so quietly that another cat 6 inches away couldn't hear it.


Thats some inner demon shit

I have 3 dogs
2 are idiots, and one is a sweet girl
pic unrelated

Yes. Birds will start plucking out their own feathers when they get anxiety, for example.


he was sneaky but when it came to action he wasn't delicate with her! Smacked her like a cheating whore who I doubt she was.

dogs can go depressive like in becoming very passive, deny food and just few sips of water ie, all other kinds of behavior changes

start bragging with your knowledge

Whales and dolphins will self-mutilate in captivity.

Yeah they can be gay



Look at this retarded asshole faggot

congratulations. You made me smile at a picture of a dog I hate with pure passion. Luckily his scabby fucking face is not fully visible in this one. Also looks a bit like a robot T-rex.

Nice autism

i want in

Yes. My dog is legit autistic. His routines are so bizarre. He won't go to bed if a pillow is at the wrong angle. He won't eat his dinner or drink water until the bowls are the correct way. He won't get his lead until he runs in and out of a room 4 times. He won't fall asleep until I give him a belly rub and kiss on the head.

There's a lot of shit but it would fill the reply field.


The answer is unequivocally yes. I found this after googling about dogs having schizophrenia.

So, yeah, animals can get all the mental illnesses. But the fascinating as fuck thing is that none of them get schizophrenia.

You guys might not get how significant that is. For a long time humans thought they were unique in a lot of ways, but over time we've found that most things we thought were exclusively human features... were present in some other animal.

Like, apes can have culture, they can learn and pass on their acquired knowledge to successive generations. They can even communicate ideas in sign language. We used to think no other animal could use spoken language, but then we realized that it was kind of unreasonable to expect other animals to be able to say our words, so they tried teaching primates sign language, and they can learn that, up to like... a 3 year old's language proficiency.

Stop it doge you are not a fox.


Start a youtube channel. You will earn millllions, I promise.

hey wolfie
wanna buy a gun?


That was amazing.

sounds annoying asf, any videos?

And recently, they think they've discovered that dolphins DO communicate in a sentence-like fashion. Using clicks and whistles and shit, they can form sentences and communicate with each other.

We used to think only we used tools. But primates and dolphins have been seen to use tools. We used to think only we had critical thinking and puzzle-solving skills. Crows can solve puzzles like that.

So to find a thing... that only humans have, even if it's negative, like schizophrenia... is kind of a big deal.

holy fuck ahhahhahahah!

I wouldn't really call black "culture" culture.




nice may-may XXDDDD

I watched a TED talk about it, I'm a genius.

Don't be silly. Ha ha, black people are stupid. All a culture is, are behaviors, habits, and concepts that are purely learned - not instinctive, in a population. And although you might think their culture sucks, they've got one.


sexually liberated LGBTQ dogs are not mentally ill!


Holy shit please go on, this sounds interesting.

what is may may? I never knew ;/


Doubt it.
No. Never thought to record him. He's a highlight with my friends though. The fuckers trained him to do a Hitler salute whenever he wants a biscuit. You just say "Biscuit?" and he raises his right paw.
What do you want to know?

how would we know? obvious being humans we understand our own species far more than we'll ever be able to truly understand another species just because we cannot communicate with another species.
how would you identify or recognise someone with an underlying mental illness if you weren't educated to do so?
how would you then identify or recognise an illness in something you can't even communicate with on a most basic level, without understanding the cultural and biological significance of said illness?


Bet you wish you could fly eh? Wolfie cunt.

Yes. I've witnessed depression in one of my dogs, beyond the shadow of doubt.

We had two dogs, a male boxer and a female pug, and our boxer passed away. The two were inseparable.

I watched my pug not move from the couch for two weeks. She didn't want to eat. She was lethargic and absolutely a 180 from her normal, happy, energetic self.

We brought home a new female boxer and she wanted nothing to do with it. Fast forward to today, she and the female boxer are family now, but it's never been the same for my pug.

If we bring out his old blankets (kept in a tuppawear tub, the smell is still there) she lays on them and looks sad.

She was absolutely depressed. If she can experience that, why can't she experience any other mental condition?

9/10 for effort.



WHAT OTHER BTARDS OF Cred Forums THINK ABOUT IT? Do you want to make this autistic dog a star?
Leap of faith.


We would be able to tell, or at least we'd be able to suspect greatly. I mean, you wouldn't know just from playing around with a cat or a dog. But between knowledge of how schizophrenia shows up in a human brain and the fact that all mammal brains are pretty similar, and knowledge about how those animals usually behave we would be able to detect anomalous behavior in other mammals.

It wouldn't be easy. In humans it's as simple as "Do you see that guy?" "There's nobody there."

But we'd notice if some of our chimpanzees or bonobos or gorillas were acting like they were interacting with something that wasn't there, or running from something that wasn't there. And then stick them in an fMRI and see what's up.


Yes, they do.






Well if his bowls aren't the right way around he uses his paw to pull the bowls to him then hits the bowl to flip them over and refuses to eat them. Leaving his man slave to pick them up.

When he farts. He pretends he hasn't. If you notice it and make it visible. He panics and runs off making a nervous fart as he runs.

When I take him a walk. He pulls me towards the park for a shit but decided he's rather sniff everything but on the way back he'll take a shit. Not just any shit. Oh no. The sloppiest, wettest shit you can imagine and not in trees or bushes or some grass. Nope in the middle of the fucking road whether there's 8 times out of 10 waiting traffic.

Even better if someone is behind him. He immediately drops into prone position. Does a barrel roll and turns himself around and firmly plants himself facing the direction of the person(s) behind.
I am certain he's autistic and I love him all the same. Nearly 11 years old


My cat looses her shit if i don't let her out in the morning soo yup I think so

My dog has PTSD from an attack by another dog. Just hides around the house and shakes. It's kinda sad, really.


hahaahahahah he loooked confused! And he was delicate LOL!

I hate that stupid fucking show

Just want to add. If your big dog is aggressive as fuck to all the dogs around him, keep him on a fucking leash.
You would never imagine how much it affects other dogs. Mine doesn't want to eat, doesn't want to play, nothing for a week already. And he doesn't even have any serious injuries.
Fucking douchebag owners.

A friend of mine has a pedigree German Shepherd with a very good hip rating. He got it off a groundskeeper that works for the Queen's cousin (UKfag). It's good fucking stock.

He's tried studding it a few times, but his dog has never showed any interest.

His only explanation for it is that his dog is gay.

"see that guy"
is actually VERY atypical for that though. They just portray it that way in movies.

Where does it sleep? If it's outside or somewhere near a window, it could be being scared shitless by cats at night.

That fucks with rabbits badly.