It's time to LEAVE IVY ALONE!

it's time to LEAVE IVY ALONE!
please take down the videos evil people keep uploading about her
Ivy made a video of her peeing in her pants for ur bullshit#pissforequality against feminists. And Cred Forums AND THE INTERNET BULLIES RUINED her because they could. This needs to be posted so you faggots will realize that you should leave her alone. She tried to commit suicide because of the cyberbullying. She has to wear fucking adult diapers now because of the humiliation, suicide, and shame she has to endure.

I am not wanting an army,just want justice for her to stop this humiliation

Other urls found in this thread:

Shitty bait.

>Ivy Hernandez
>fb profile.php?id=100010376381724
>middle name: lynn
>wears adult diapers
>lives in port orange, flordia usa
>has bladder problems
>mothers name is nancy
>has daddy issues
What else do you want to know?

Dumb spic bitch

Stop posting this thread all the time, NIGGER. Kill yourself.

Just dont please
Not now

I want to know how large your penis is. Not in a gay way, I'm just generally curious.

We really don't even care

I kinda agree with OP
That video is disturbingly enabling more bullying directed toward her and should not be made.
You need to rethink your life choices

When did so many normies get here?


Please delete that post

Cred Forums is so lame these days. Nothing happens anymore. It's just a bunch of real faggots and normies.

Please kill yourself

No That post needs to be deleted because it is showing personal information!

Can you still fuck her tender little asshole, tho?


Dont worry. have nudes of this little pisser to help

You cant do that!!

since the feds started prosecuting for griefing people

Watch it happen, fag.

Im kekkin' hard OP. Keep fighting the good fight

You should come here more often. It's actually pretty funny.

Now I wonder how to hack a digital billboard in florida to play her video and name looped with ads of depends adult diapers.
Just for awareness of her struggle

Kek you deserve an internet user

Do you understand the damage that would do? What damage is being done now?
This poor girl is being humiliated around the web and irl which has taken a toll on her self esteem.
Her future prospects are now non existent because people like you make fun of her and show her off as some weird dumb girl. How about what she wants? She cant get a good paying job now because of people like you. You literally hurt her future by bullying her. You should be ashamed

from the sounds of it she's just an idiot caught in the tidalwave of retarded things

doesn't seem like they would have had an meaningful for pertinent existence otherwise.

she should be happy these people are giving her her 15 minutes of fame

sorry user
already sharing


Look what you've done op. You've made things worse.

Yes we can



>whiteknight cuck detected

Nice tits

Holy fuck you guys stop doing this and putting her through more torture just so you guys can get a quick jerk. This is seriously fucked up.

Or what?

She should have found a toilet
It's her fault, not ours

Keep sharing. This is getting good

fox news will have a special report and then someone will need to be arrested

>Forced into wearing diapers
>MFW this is my fetish and its becoming more and more common

So she's a squirter?

>No future
She has a promising future in the ABDL community. Hell, she's attractive enough to where people will pay good money to see her in vids

Who is this "4 chan"?

>link to a gif
>on an image board

If you count constant squirting then yes

Anyone have the video? Can't seem to find it on youtube anymore.


>video shows me when she pees
>you can see it coming out of her crotch
That is gross and hilarious
She deserves all of this hate that she is getting

Found the retarded one!

Thank you based user

they would play her video in the corner of the screen repeated while they talk and bullshit and fight about what happened.

I feel for her
If I was her II wouldn't want hundreds of thousands of random people knowing about me wearing diapers or lack of bladder control.
I know that has to be embarrassing if she has to go to her local store to buy things and people recognize her
That has to hinder her social events


no this is what's called her social death

now she can be a cat person, or a cern scientists

something better than a camwhore we can hope

we've freed her, let her fly

just don't tickle her

You post here like user cares.

something something forgive forget something dun goofed yadda yadda

seriously. the day Cred Forums stops ruining lives is the day after the operators close the site

>just don't tickle her
>or make her laugh
>or lift anything heavy
>or have her drink too much
>or get stressed out
>or talk in front of a crowd
>or get punched in the stomach
>or bend over
>or embarrass her
>or scare her
She is limited on what she can do


someone was bound to get hurt from hashtag activism

play stupid games win stupid prizes

what did she think would happen uploading a video of her pissing her pants? what sort of functional person would do this and think it's going to end up well?

Try to support feminism in a new radical way?

I thought she didn't like feminism why doesn't she just get a dude to help her

fuck her fe fes your fe fes everyones fe fes if you get so butthurt that you try to kill yourself just make sure you do it right


>fuck her fe fes your fe fes everyones fe fes

this type of thinking keeps morons in check

You talk like a shitskin.

Don't even try to defend her. Its over m8

You cannot expect a bitch that jumps on every new hip internet activist movement to think clearly.
She fucking pissed all over herself for feminism for fuck sakes.

>now she can be a cat person, or a cern scientists
Which of those is a most realistic likely option user?

i really don't know, i guess it's up to her how she spends her time

considering she started off posting piss vids it seems like an uphill battle but hey. don't let dreams be dreams

>>not normalfag

Get out


Haha. Fuck her. Her friends are laughing at her.
Anyone post her fb friends so the real fun can begin?

or fb family?

Why does she even care? Sounds like attention seeking to me.

I want her to piss on my face

She fell for the piss for equality prank the same way women are still falling for the free bleeding prank. The free bleeding one actually mutated into a movement. Top kek. Some weenie ratted on thus stopping the piss for equality one.

Being exposed on the internet as a dumb incontinent diaper wearing feminist isnt something anyone wants to attenion seek about. She is trying to keep it a secret

Yep, I've seen feminists and that faggot George Takei supporting freebleeding
Definitely no longer just a troll.. Feminists are dumb as shit

*goes on the internet, does something humiliating*
*consequences happen*
"Stop humiliating me!" (blames people for HER stupidity)


I would do all of that to her

I bet traveling with her is a pain.
Im sure she always needs to pee or always needs to be changed.

Feminist minds at work


Ancient, lame meme you unoriginal faggot. At least fucking try.

>pissed all over herself for feminism
Dont all feminists do that anyway

2 hands + tip