How many hits of acid should I take for a good trip

How many hits of acid should I take for a good trip.
>240 lb
>pic related kinda

700ug tends to be a mild experience, perfect for a beginner such as your self user. Depending on how strong the tabs are that's at least 7.

Lmao you're fuckin with me right? 700ug seems overkill for the first time. I was thinking maybe 1-2 hits in the 150ug range

I weigh more than you do and I've done acid multiple times. If you want to just be elevated and feel good, just take 1-2. If you want to see some crazy shit, take 3-5. If you want to trip balls for about 18 hours, take 8+. Less than 8 and it shouldn't last more than 12 hours.

Thanks man sounds good, BTW how much is a 300ug where u live

dont listen to the tween.

if you are sure of the dosage of the tabs i would say start woth 100-150 no more. I weigh 220 5 11, and 150ug was a perfect intro to lsd. Ive since taken upwards of 800 but do not start with that. bad news.

About $30 depending on quality. Could be up to $50 if it's not in good supply.


How obvious was it for your first time, do you think you still could've had a Convo with relatives without seeming like a doped up bafoon

lel fatasses

acid isnt a weight dependent drug

most people are right though, 1-2 tabs is good, not more than that.

No probably not. Your pupils got blown to fuck anyway. Do like 1 tab then if that's OK drop a couple more.

Oh sweet, I didn't know that. Thanks user

Probably 2. One will be quite noticeable but two goes a long ways extra as far as bringing about a profound experience, especially if you're not already very open to an ego-less state. Acid is about showing you who you are when your attention is not caught up in thoughts about being a person with opinions, beliefs, and positions. The more innocent and surrendered you become during the trip will bring out the really good stuff. Though as a pro-tip, there is no image or idea that captures you. You are that in which images and ideas come and go. You cannot see yourself. If you remembered to investigate that alone while tripping it could go a very long way :)

That sounds super relaxing. Thanks for the words of advice

First time tripping on acid and I had 2 tabs of acid, and really intense trip. I really probably stopped at the first tab, but I was high as fuck, my friends abandoned me, and the guy who offered me the other tab was very nice. No way I could be trusted to make practical descisions.
I had some really crazy hallucinations, and was so overwelmed I couldn't really think straight. At one point I was resting on a hill and was staring at the grass, when all the blades of grass started turning into eggxecutors and worshipping me or something. Another really intense trip I had was when I had sort of forgot where my body was. It wasn't like an out of body experience, it was like I forgot I existed and was just expieriancing everything around me.

Crazy stuff

I heard acid is bad if you're in a bad place or have depression/anxiety. If I take it am I going to get lost in the void of my own spooky tought and see goblins and shit?

Acid intensifies what mood your in when you take it. If you're in a shitty mood when you take it, you might get a bad trip.
Just try to be in a good state of mind when you take it and you should be good

Most people have some degree of anxiousness operating most of the time. If you're very depressed it's probably not a good idea, though I can't report from my own experience about that. Setting is definitely important, especially for the first time. Some say to have "trip sitters" , which may be a good idea, though unless the people you're with are good friends/very open/compassionate people who are tripping with you, it may be best to do alone. Setting wise, avoid whatever may be too confining. Tripping in your room while there are parents downstairs, for example, may not be a good idea the first time. Access to outdoor places where there are few people are golden, or if you're guaranteed to be home alone for the trip's duration.

Yet I just recently took two tabs on a beach with people and kids running around and it was unspeakably beautiful and flowed wonderfully, so don't think it's not possible. But that was with a fair bit of previous experience. Also, if you love everyone around you, you're not going to be anxious about them. Socially on acid, it is much more simple and safer to stay silent then try to have a normal conversation or describe your experience, lol

My friend and I did 2 hits for our first time. Trust me 2 hits is plenty. Our trip lasted like 6-7 hours.