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change >niggers to >humans and i'll agree with you.

Is there background to this? Inb4 Nigs gonna nig.

Niggers need a background??? Yeah, sure.

Maybe they're just not stupid enough to judge an entire race of people based on a couple of videos of the worst they have to offer. Hence their confusion. You stupid cunt.

Hate can't stop love

Something a NIgger would say

pick one

damn darnel

this nigger should get hanged


I agree

this sort of "parenting" results in this sort of anti-social violent behavior

Checked and you forgot a word "check"

Kek at the cuck holding the sex trophy.

Fuck that, this is a niggerhate thread
I'm here to hate I'm niggers

>Relaxing around blacks
Had it coming.

Is it the inability to stop thinking about black cock that has you so wound up, son? I mean, sure, during the day you play the good white trash mouth breather, going about your ignorant cunt day like the ignorant cunt you are. But your sleeping mind betrays you, and you don't know how to handle the dreams of sucking black cock. So you get all pissed off and post moronic shit like nigger hate videos. Let go of the painb, son. Just... just let go and suck a nigger dick. You'll be glad you did, and you'll finally be at peace with the world.

We love you.

Let Dave know what you think about blacks.


Also a chat room for us to hang out in. Use 10minute mail.

Niggers are less than human

Some pretty nice projection there. Blacks are the scum of the earth.


I ain't projecting, son. It ain't me that's got the heart full of hate. I'm just observing. Cred Forums has become little more than endless cuck threads and racist threads. Now, a simple minded fellow like your good self will see this as coincidence. But anyone with a lick of sense can connect the dots and see that the fixation expresses itself through love and hate both. Same people, same fixation. I'm sorry that, like thermonuclear dynamics or basic hygiene, the concept is a bit too subtle for the likes of you and your kin to understand. Doesn't make it any less there for all others to see though.

Find nigger
Kill nigger



LOL indeed.


Underrated post

murican negroes

That's lust not love


no, that's just daddy isues

Coward nigger, sneaking up from behind.

We just observe how your race acts, like animals. I am just calling a spade, a spade. You and your kind are a disgrace to humanity.

Nigger dick, no
Nigger behaviour, yes

she will prob end up another statisic


Too bad they won't feel shame or anything. They're fucking happy in prison.

We should bring back public hangings.

>public hangings
liberals took those away

Glad to see white people getting what they deserve.



Reasons to hate = number of White graves

Nigger confirmed.

Defending the behavior showcased here doesn't help niggers in the long run, nigger. If niggers stopped being niggers then there wouldn't be any niggers to hate.


I never got why these countries are starving I mean they servived all these years and now they are starving

There are thousands of reason to hate Black behavior added like straw to the camel back every year, soon it's back will break, very soon :-)

they ran out of food?

Black behavior threatens the 2nd amendment. Get you shit together Black people!!!

Having the legal right to murder anyone that says nigger and only be charged with assault creates a two tier society and fear. Fear, the social weapon of MLK has only created hate. Fear becomes hate. White hate Blacks because Black make White feel fear. Blacks get off making people afraid and then cry when they get bullied

It's just not catching on kid.

The fact that no one got up and beat the piss out of him is enough to make me remember why I hate everyone regardless of color. Fucking cowards everywhere.

Hatred for injustice when facts don't matter. Whites are 400x more likely to be assaulted by a Black by White. White police are 19x more likely to be killed by Blacks than Blacks by White cop. Facts don't matter, but justice should. I really really hope Blacks get the justice they really deserve, ha ha ha



bad bait , stormweenie



Assholes, deep down they're all assholes. Alone among Whites, they act norm, but deep down, they're still wild untamed monsters

holy fuck.... triggerred

This is fake. And a real bad one at that. Guess a nigger made that.

I hate their bitching. Oh poor me poor me. And the fucking revisionist history BS, thinking slave were raped and whipped for fun, absolute BS. The monument gifts given to Blacks by the White race are priceless, yet they murder us with joy as if we deserved it. Wrong niggers, you're so so wrong.

the white man left .
Remember back in the good old days, majority of africa was ran by white people?

drop em off at my place, they will never see the light of day again in my basement. I will let them suffer for the next 10 years.

niggers takeover (warlords if you will) and hoard the food and sell it and the everyday people don't get fed.

Originally they had much smaller population pockets. Then the Europeans came and built the infrastructure that made it possible to sustain a larger population. Europeans leave, no one to sustain the facilities that process food, thus the masses of sub 80 iq negroes starve.

>they had way fewer people
>white took over and created farms
>white leave and give there farms to the natives
>natives fuck farms up
>demand food from the white people


Anyone have the pic that says 'remember this is you without the white man' and it has a bunch of starving africans

They killed Seth Rich just for kicks

The fucking nation of Islam

The person who did this must have a really low IQ. Either that or it's a joke.

We'd have a moon base already, but libs in congress would rather to fund nigger programs that ethnically cleanse Whites from cities like Chicago.

no its a popular study but it has more to do with how they are raised dumb niggers make dumb nigger kids but the black children raised in Germany but the very white pride culture had normal IQs
>no rap music nigger culture and the like



Their total lack of empathy for other races. They don't care if we die, yet we care about them.



gutless cunts didnt even help

Nothing about other races is sacred to them. They destroy and defile anything without shame of guilt.

To be fair, you can tell from the way they reacted that they're just drug zmobies and not real people anymore.

lol no, conservatards would fight that too. tax cuts for the wealthy come first you know

when i reach age 50 i will be ready to gun down all the coons in a scene like that. take the prison sentence. worth it.

Retarded animals?



Hate reason 10,456,876

peaceful protester trying to explode the gas pumps

wait till you get terminal cancer or some shit like in gran torino, then exterminate the animals

I hate all the lies

how to be a single parent tutorial

Add gay after the @ in the filename, this nigger is gay trying to show himself to the audience

What if I base it on well documented facts and statistics?
But every fact that doesn't favor niggers or muslims is a conspiracy and a lie to keep the opressed down waaahhh..
People like you is why Trump is so popular. Maybe he really is the bitchslap this country needs.
>lower iq
>50% of murders anually comitted by blacks, (13% of the population)and thats not even counting all the unsolved murders in inner city nigger area's, yet wanna point the finger at white people and police.
>more than half the prison population is black
>half of them drop out of highschool, then want to point the finger at whitey when they cant get a job
As long as democrats keep ignoring and denying the facts, nothing is going to ever change for these people. If anything changed for the better, there would be no democratic party.

that has always been my plan. not sure how it will play out. whether it will be spontaneous or planned. i still have a long time to decide.

People exposed to Blacks learn to hate them

Fucking nigger

woo australia

Those arent the same things though. Call a mouse a cat and its still a mouse.

They attack people with hammers and pretend it's not attempted murder & assault with a deadly weapon. They think it's fair and just to attack any that disrespect them with lethal force. Delusional and dangerous animals.

If only the purge was here, honestly people would see me as a traitor but I would cleanse sooo many niggers kek, I may be black but killing off the retarded uneducated ones would be a blast

wtf is the problem ???


Lol, i had a time a nigger tried to do a punch like that at someone i knew, they blocked the punch and counter-punched him in the stomach, nigger started falling to his knees, the guy just picked up his foot and clipped the niggers jaw with his knee.
It was so smooth, so elegant, and the nigger was unconscious long enough for security to come get him.
Guard: Did you see what happened?
Me: Yep
Guard: Lets hear it
Me: nigger-non tried to punch my friend user in the face, user was ready for it before i got to warn him, and from the amount of draw back on the punch, i think user made him hit himself instead.
Guard: So you want me to believe the unconscious one is the instigator?
Me: Check the cameras, he couldn't have been more obvious on his intent if he had had a battle cry.
Guard: That seems far-fetched to me.
Me: They shouldn't have picked a fight with my sensei.

(I had been in the Karate class for 2 weeks at this point, we had all gathered after class to get to know eachother when the nigger decided to pull that stunt)



Their continual race war is consider to be random violence. That's a lie, I hate lies. Blacks go along with the lie and are thus guilty of racial genocide.

I think niggers is a pretty cool guy. Eh tongue my anus and doesnt afraid of anything.

I love this one.
It's the reason they fight dirty and in packs.



I had no problem with the darkies until I worked at the mall and was exposed to their thieving ways. They think stealing is their right and you're imposing on their civil rights if you catch them and stop them.


god damn you can just see the pure rage in this one's swings
I fucking love it


And for the record, I don't hate black people, I hate niggers.
The difference being are they people like Pres. Obama, or that jiggaboo who sits at the bus stop with his grape drank waiting to jump someone for enough money to take a bus further from his baby mama.

>act like a nigger and even if you're whiter than me i'll call you a nigger.



>Black lives matter protest insues

Dat kid taint myn

dammit bitch, yoo no that little puddle of pitch crawled out of yur hoo ha, now be a good bitch an' raise muh kids, i'm going out for crack

nigga this kid aint mine, it's from yo other baby mama get it out of here ~ SHAQUISHA DROP IT ~ yoo ged back 'ere tyrone lance gibson jerome black and get YO KID!

clips twitch tv /rickeybot/CautiousEmuOptimizePrime

Twitch proceeded to ban his account to rob salt in his broken jaw wound

I hate the way the media tries to enhance their importance. The Tuskegee Airmen were big fat cowards when fired at and 90% of ww2 Black GI were in the motor pool, far from the fighting & dying.

Should have ran them both over, it's win win then

That one guy comes over, "Dude make it fast and go, that white lady is calling the cops"

They hurt the economy. Crime creates poverty

thats fucked up i guess some people just dosent have the mental capcity to rula a country

I hate the way the media bias in favor of Blacks and against White survival

Not only is he a nigger, he is also an idiot!
But then again, who expected more from a nigger?

I hate the fermenting rebellion BS. Now White cops are getting murdered for just being White

Oh you mean the party that consistently creates more jobs and improves the economy?

Or the democratic states that prop up welfare states like the one you live in?

My guess is that you or your family is ex military and living off GI welfare. You have no place insulting anyone, inbred.


I hate their lame ass attempts to make Jesus & the Egyptians Black

They're bad at restaurants too. They look for any little thing they can ask for. Any way to get extra food without paying for it. Constantly barking orders at you, as if they're so excited to be entitled to boss a white person around.

All moot. Every privilege here was given to them by white men, not earned.

That sounds great, but repub congresses kill the science funding every time. Thank your own pro-religious, anti-research, pro-expensive-ass-war, anti-education, party leadership.

Real reason we hate em.

I hate Black comedians that just cuss and make stupid sounds while the cucks laugh

I hate their ugly faces

I hate their loud talking at the movies

I hate the way they smell

I hate the way they talk

I actually know this kid. He's a pretty cool dude. The black cunts in Melton need exterminating.

I hate the way they walk

nice unweighted statistics dipshit. bet you got all those numbers off of buzzfeed. go back to reading top 10 lists you mongoloid

The flag says open, but that nigger god closed down

Don't get me wrong, I have a Black friend



The Black girl just melt when they look into my blue eyes, but I want to stay free of STDs

What sucks is he was more middle eastern than black or white, i personally believe he looks like a mix between The Rock in Scorpion King and the guy who played Immotep. Only with the long chesnut hair.

I hate FAKE Blacks more than real Blacks

He was not the son of Joseph, he was the son of God thus Jesus must have been White.

i just realized why i like that show so much.
>how many black people were there in that show?

I hate the continual targeting of Blondes for murder by racist Blacks. Some twisted sick fantasy programmed into their little brains by the Jewish media. It's a fucked up world man.

Isn't this a bit obvious of how the American government forcibly keeps down miniorities while up lifting members of their own race. Wake up, sheep.

Those arent negos, they are poos

I hate how they're a lock step racist anti-White voting block. If White people voted racially like Blacks, there wouldn't be any Blacks legally allowed to live in the USA. Keep biting the hand that freed you fools.

No. The federal government is dominated by Black public employees. The Whites you see are just for the cameras and to keep White people from getting wise to the government plans.

Same as Indians, at least in Australia.

I had no problem with them until I had to work with the cunts.

>you're so mad because you think about cocks all day.

weak b8, try again.

So many questions.

Good graphic, here.


What horseshit. California has been hemorrhaging middle class to Texas for the last ten years.

Wasn't this guy white?

I was looking for a new cuck thread


>brass knuckles
That's a felony assault with a deadly weapon. Hope he gets 25 years.


>duh jewish media

Virtually all American media companies are publicly owned, you fucking imbecile.




Ia wish i was there so i could fuck this motherfucker up









Lay off the fatty foods


Why the fuck is she nakedd




>white leave and give there farms to natives

Fucking African Apologist, that isnt how it happened. Whites got raped and murdered and their families hunted and forced to abandon their farms. Niggers too it over and dindu nuffin'd the farm equipment because they didnt understand how to properly rotate the crops and how to do basic maintenance on the machinery.

They were handed everything, but they just muhdicked it up because they are essentially cave people that have been brought into the modern age. Fun fact, all human groups besides Africans have 1-5% Neanderthal DNA admixture. So apparently Africans are the only "true" humans. Guess humans really are animals, thank God for hybrid vigor.










I live is South Africa fuck face. (where this video is from actually) let me tell you. Everyone I have met who immigrated here from other countries came here say aww the poor blacks they were treated so badly. And they are poor they need help they are good people. I have not seen one of these immigrants saying that after 3 months in the country. In fact they are very racist because if you don't believe in the degeneracy of the negro breed then you need to come to thier home and see what they have done to it. They rape the lands and blame the white. They not only commit violent and horrific crime against whites but against one another. A black that I can actually see as a civilised human is rare. They are almost completely just niggers. However most of the human blacks that I know hate thier skin because of what thier kin do. I carry a gun every day not because I am a violent person. Not because I am crazy. Not because I want to kill some one but because I know that when you are surrounded by shit coloured people you are never safe (my brother had to shoot one of the fuckers who stabbed him with a screw driver for his wallet)


Careful not to cut yourself on that edge

I love how the one car backs up just to not get shit on their car and after the fight they guys sort of just walk away



Don't fuck with farm boys


im fucking dying, the file name oh my sides are beyond the orbit




No. Dont compare niggers to animals. Animals in their nature do things to survive. Niggers are below animals


as if anything of value except czech casting porn has come out of the czech republic

Thats meme not love

damn that kid is fighting like he means it hardcore







Why are you pretending to be black... we all know niggers cant afford a computer, let alone the internet.
You're not cool cucks.

Well... I already carry a 45. But this shit makes me realize that A) 7 rounds in my 1911 isn't as much as the 10 in my M&P 45, or the 15 in my 9mm Barretta, and B) even then, white people apparently have to travel in groups to be safe.
Seriously, it's a shame...



This doesn't seem safe




you guys wouldn't hate them if they had tiny pricks, actually if they had tiny dicks everyone would openly condemn them



This baby was abused because of systemic racism and oppression of black people by white power structures.


>making love

what in the fuck


George Bush supported NASA more than Obama ever did.


It actually makes me laugh more than anything when people post these videos

Its not the skin colour
Its not the cock size

Its the deep down knowledge regardless of how liberel you are, that their iq is on par with that of an animal and this is a legal for of beastiality, the degrading of these women is what turns people on, not bbc. If they could get away unjudged with a dog they would, but they cant so this is the next best thing.

he wasn't a member of congress....



You nigger? Finding excuses for other niggers? IDIOT !






Underrated. This is fact.


Why the fuck are the rest of the chimps clothed should be the question



Yea whoop that Niggers ass! Sucks when you gotta fight 1v1, don't it coons?

LOL she hates her dad so much


This. The only person who got it right. This right here.


MFW niggers can't argue inelegance only basic instincts



I remember this. Knocked the kids teeth out leaving a hole in his jaw, then put the video up on social media for fun. Completely unprovoked assault. He was arrested and charged iirc.

Pure scum.

basically this







That feel when you realize both libtards and conservitards want the population dumb and trapped in their control

That can't be real... right?





i havent laughed this hard in a long long time.
>file name

didnt they shoot harambe for the same thing?

i lobe this black hate threads, and how negros allways try to spam it with negro fucking white trash haha

like it matter?

> being negro=you will never be equal and here where i live you will Allways be slave .

>so keep fucking white trash,used tools and skanks :) haha happy std collecting.

> more than half the prison population is black

That's the shit that pisses me right the fuck off. "Look! A regarded huge amount of black people were put in jail because America is racist!"

What?! A retarded number of blacks are in jail because THEY BROKE THE FUCKING LAW and America might need to BECOME *racist* before people are willing to do so much as fucking talk about it!

I am finally realizing that niggers are not my equal.( I am not even white though, I live in the middle east )
I had been told all my life that humans are equal.
My question is, is it possible to live in a society where niggers exist, and stay safe without violence ?

she was the babysitter the father saw this video and beat hte living shit out of her, there are pics of her face in pulp after the father saw this so justice has been done

isn't there a longer version when someone steps in the shit?

What is this from

speak English you dumb spic, holy shit

You gotta wonder why they are the most criminal minority by far. Look at Asians. Not too long ago they were literally locked up in camps just for being Asian. But look at them now. They literally run all the businesses in black neighborhoods. Like literally there could be 1000 blacks on a block and 4 Asians, and the Asians will be the ones running the corner stores not the blacks, even though they grew up under the same conditions. Racist or not, you gotta look at black culture and realize there is something off. Why do black dad's leave so much? Why do they kill the most people by far? Why are their neighbor hoods full of poverty and trash when other minorities have risen.




he tried tu impress hims white friends .

What the fuck is going on here? Why did the cop pull over, citing the guy for public intoxication?

This is what I came for, post more videos of naggers getting shot. I may fap to it

that nigga bounced lol. watch your step the ground is greasy now from fro.

of course not but the videos brightness and contrast were fucked with when it aired to make it not completely obvious that it was a black guy

That's what I always said. The media and everyone claims it was a black guy, and showed pictures of a black guy, but it's a white dude in the video. I have no fucking idea what the media's goal is at this point beyond total anarchy.

Daaaamn this is rough

Actually it looks like a zx2.

is that a midget?
can i please get the fuckin sauce?

Around blacks, never relax.

huw dar u tuch meh chyald u racisitis wright craka.

No black person has ever made anything of value to anyone, including themselves. Black "people" are inferior to all other races in aspect of intelligence, physical strength and ability to survive without the help of others. If not for the white man, the blacks would have all starved to death already.

.... i vomited a bit.

Gotta admit though, they Def are physically stronger.

hey if they wanna kill each other that's fine, I see no reason to hate here

>checks his pocket after possibly killing him

Extermination is the only solution.

Once us whites learn space travel, we will have all the other planets to populate all while leaving the other races on Earth. Should be a pretty bright future.

That last punch was pretty niggardly.

>sex trophy

Guess Who's Back?

Fucking retards, he was black.

Painful true. Seeing the Social Justice Cucks on Facebook post about how the Oregon militia is a racist terrorist group while posting that BLM is a righteous peace group is just... I don't have words for the autism.

im not from country that have english as primary langauge, so calling me spic just because my langauge isnt perfect its just pure retardation. faggot

When you're fighting a nigger, you better fight like a nigger.
Otherwise you're going to get jumped by two or more of his nigger friends as soon as it starts to look bad for the nigger, or when you start to lose.

No, they're not physically stronger. They're not even close to others. Mostly due to their inability to provide for themselves. THere's not many weightlifters or wrestlers coming out of Uganda, is there? Not much of anything else for that matter. Other races' handouts may push their progress a bit further, but without any influence, the black people are among the weakest of all human races.

Kek. Nice b8 m8

Kids gotta hug itself cause momma is too disgraced at her "child"

Usually people who get English as a second language know punctuation.