Brushing teeth

>brushing teeth
>look down
>see this
>wat do

Other urls found in this thread:

panic cause I obviously don't feel my penis anymore if I can concentrate on brushing teeth while this happens...

Shoot the bitch, I ain't fucking with no freaky shit

scream bloody murder i don't know these womens.

Squirt my toothpaste all over her face

I wouldn't be brushing my teeth in that situation you stupid cuck

Turn 360 degrees and walk out

Recommend the toothpaste brand to all of my friends


I would start praising Allah for making my dick bigger, and proving that women will flock to it

wake up

Ask who these girls are and what video I might find them in


If you turned 360 degrees you'd be facing the same way..

I would also do this. sauce?

looks like OP never had a bj

Question where my foreskin went and then scream because one bitch is trying to rip my dick off.


Wonder why she took OP's tooth brushing routine.

get weirded out cause my cock is like half that size

Thanks, now it's time to


time to kill yourself shitskin

>wonder how my dick grew so much
>probably bust a big ass nut

muslim is a ideology not a skin type lol fail

put my phone away so i dont drip toothpaste all over it

Welcome newfriend


You don't come here often, do you?

You a hawaiin local?

This is your first day, isn't it?

Like clockwork

>Trolls trolling trolls tolling trolls....

People seem to forget that this is what Cred Forums is.


Samefag trying to act like an oldfag.


smile, then wake up from the dream

Pee, obviously.


Close laptop lid; I can fap later. Dental hygiene is more important.

>write inane greentext

Blue balls are a medical emergency.

>exploding blue balls
>smelly breath


Samefag, just leave already.

>develop blue balls
>balls turn purple
>turn black
>starts rotting
>fly lands
>lays eggs
>million of maggots crawling on your balls
Always jerk off daily kids


feelsgoodman enjoy the moment
