League of Legends Thread

League of Legends Thread

share tips, match histories, bitch about OP champs/nerfs, show champ mastery or porn or whatever you want

op's champion mastery to get things started off.
this game a shit but i can't stop playing. getting drunk later when the liquor store opens.


u wot m8

>thresh ekko
but then i was like
>rek sai
the only thing destroying this casual dota for kiddys is yasuo zed lee and ekko. stuff thats so over engineered and blessed with such high base stats and dmg that you can roam all fucken day not caring about farm and still fuck bitches. also you cant in all honesty code a game where ppl can move at the speed of sound with no mana costs or pick some old champ who feels like a senior citizin wabbling across the map and getting farmed

tried to link the /lolg/ but i
i just.
i did not lurk enough you know

for what it's worth i have been playing ekko a ton since his release. last season jungled with him almost every game. i played him when he was either sleeper or not meta not sure which. he is pretty stupid i will agree. thresh i haven't been playing as much lately, been flexing my bard mostly. and rek sai my nigga. trying to pick up eve/kindred in the jg current. first clear on eve is a bitch but full ap with protobelt feels pretty good.

fuck the general thread. those faggots are all memers and plebs. i wanted to actually discuss this shit with my Cred Forumsros.

went on support tilt yesterday after a tragic lucian game thrown because i got flash braum ulted into wukong ult during a baron bait. feels bad man.

i'm gold v how bad are my builds

i just started playing this game again after i quitting dota 2.
last champ that i remember was Vi
now i come back and there is TONNS OF CANCER all over this game. every champ now needs a minigame or a pasive thats longer to read than the old champions lore.
honestly i dont think i will keep doing this if they keep releasing gimicky champs like this. the fact that they have to constantly remake old champs to make them even exist in this game proves they follow no long term strategy as to what this game should become.
the day they remake shaco is the day i deinstall forever

>no more than 2 kills
im ok with this even if you play cancer like fishy pac man
think about building a slow dagger on stunners tho. its the only real sup item that gets shit done.
>inb4 muh movement speed

bump, i am bronza :(

i can see that. i mean i like that it is constantly evolving and changing keeps it from getting stale. but yeah every champ now having a dash makes a lot of older champs irrelevant and the reworks don't even balance them out (see ryze) so they just keep reworking them. i played dota a time or two, but just haven't wanted to invest the time to learn a whole new set of champs/abilities when i still suck at league after 3 years.

shaco is pretty cancer, but it wouldn't be the same without him killing our jg at 3minutes.

those games i was so fucking tilted and sleep deprived i literally sat afk in lane until they tried to kill my ad and i would just eat them and run away. i just wanted my team to carry me while i trolled.

with that luck you should be able to find some random guy to boost you

nice trips son

if you're bronze you just need to focus on one or 2 champs to learn the game through. watch streams and learn what item builds are best and when. focus on taking an objective and working together as a team after kills. u can get silver with shit mechanics if your macro knowledge is semi decent.

i respect you for the rek but i was just going over your mastery list and its all basic 101 cancer. im ok with a nami here and there but .
well atleast there is no yasuo in it so probs

i mostly play bot or jg. cmon i got kass in there he's alright!!! and rek sai is my jam. i have like almost 70% winrate on her in ranked. all about map pressure, unexpected ganks, objective control, and power farming. first item tiamat into cinderhulk and titanic is op as fuck on her. the nerfs really hit her tankiness i feel, but she's still broken in the right hands.

Filthy Nidalee main here :^)

everyone needs their bae
im not leaving my browser without a lissandra already instalocked top. 35% cdr runes
final destination
i analized the game for miself and came to the conclusion that the only time a game stops being fun is when both teams are fed(not fed) and its a giant stand of who goes first.
NP i go first with liss anyday
>i never instalock but im fast at writing "top you boosted individuals"

dat new client. damn i'm jealous. nidalee farm farm farm farm farm farm farm win. diana is the real cancer though. fuck that bitch. how do you even survive her once she gets an item??

i hate when the enemy team is pooping on you so hard they are spamming in /all chat nonstop and they are having the times of their lives shitting on you. i hate when one lane is so retardedly fed they solo push tier 2 before 15minutes. i hate games where your team is constantly raging at each other. i also hate games where people dc. the rest are alright though. sometimes i am even pissed off when i win. i need to take a break probably.


Nah Nida is more than that lol
I play Diana to stop norms, but I don't really play her anymore. She's really easy to shut down, though. You jump in, blow someone up, only to get exhausted and be blown up

Trick fanboy spotted

the cancer is real

So... are you guys looking forward to 6.19? Udyr's R buff, almost back to pre-nerf state.

wait, that's an old photo?
there's no emblem, so can't tell if boosted or not

nah, I've got a bit different playstyle than Trick.
Not gonna lie, I'm his fan, but I'm not directly copying his ways. Still 60% ranked winrate after nerfs tho :>

I've had 3 months break from rankeds. Playing only to prevent ranked decay.
I'm at home for sumer and the connection here is terrible, also I'm saving for a new computer. WIll start nerding again in 2 weeks.

tfw can't make it to diamond...

How can you enjoy a champion with almost no mechanics to speak of? I just don't get it

Also not boosted. I would never even duoQ.

Me neither. Love is blind they say.
I think it's because I like this concept of swiss knife champ. Perfect for every situation.

nice cancer picks

asuh dude

TTT against a premade team of tank yasuo, shaco and soraka, now thats cancer right there


haven't played Vayne for a few months, but still somehow top 2

it's because you are mastery 6 on her. if you get mastery 6 on someone else with more points then it will move her to 3rd.


Wrong place to put this kiddo

hahaha champs cancerous

>darius in season 6
>other gosu fan

Darius is really good atm, but it's tiring to play him and honestly, I've never watched Gosu. Might've seen someone else watch. I don't actually watch streams at all.

>tfw want to join a team but complete shut in

Tfw AP kog dia 5 trash
Dynamic badge because boosted

>implying ur challenger

oh karthus m7

you get my blue when you want :*

How to play league:
Be cautious and careful
Don't all in
Don't be an asshole

There, you will be better than 90% of the scrubs who play League of Losers

I get triggered when no one knows what the fuck to do after they take a tower

Where is the porn?