Will trump win?

Will trump win?

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I kind of hope he does, just so I can see the country devolve into chaos.

Not an American, here.

Same tbh but I know mostly women vote and they will vote Shillary.


And what do you call the parade of race riots, terrorist attacks, inflation, sub-inflationary growth, and geopolitical chaos that has reigned since 2009?

Yes. Hillary is in trouble, too many people distrust her, she's been plagued by scandals, and her health is a bigger issue than ever before.

>Will trump win?

Manageable. What happens next won't be.

Trump, if you look at the current statistics, has virtually no real chance of winning. In case no one has noticed, he does not WANT to win. Why you do faggots think he is making a fool out of himself constantly. Hillary clearly got this whole thing rigged up, paid off Trump (Whom has had connections with the Clintons for years), and even if he wins then he is rich either way. In Trumps eyes, he loses, he gets paid, he wins, he gets paid.

>What happens next

Like what?

Well, if he does, the blacks and hispanics will be so butthurt that they'll riot for no reason again

>Trump, if you look at the current statistics, has virtually no real chance of winning.



Not the user you replied to, but if he runs a country like he runs his business, it won't be good. He's had many companies go bankrupt. He just has enough of them that he can bounce back. There's only one America.

deez nuts


We're $19 trillion in debt. Bankruptcy is a best case scenario.

Yes, he is actually quite an average candidate, nothing special. The only reason people bash him is because he's rich, white, and tells it like it is. Plain and simple.

Fair call.

>and tells it like it is


Being ilegal in the US is so shitty, there are better and easier places to emigrate. I preffer Trump winning rather than hillary. Trump will be big lols and we already had the bush running the white house so I guess it wont be worse

no, prob not, his chances are dwindling all the time.

Trump's companies didn't "go bankrupt", they filed chapter 11 so they could renegotiate with their debtors and keep operating while they do so. Trump has explained this several times.

agreed, trump winning the elections would be the kekest thing of 2016

But they did file for bankruptcy because they couldn't risk becoming insolvent while renegotiating the debt they were in...

>Believing politicians

>ignoring the blatantly obvious facts laid out for your ignorant ass

It can't be compared at all, whatsoever. Plus, the US is already in deep shit economically.

Yeah, Ch. 11 bankruptcy.

But who gives a shit? What, 4 companies filed out of hundreds? The usual fail rate for new companies is 50%.

Trump has wrecked fewer natuons and caused the deaths of fewer people than Clinton, and that's a fact. He's also solicited less money from Islamic theocracies who persecute gays and turn a blind eye to slavery than Clinton.

I don't even like Trump, but Clinton is the very definition of a shit candidate. Trump went into Detroit to listen to black Democrats. Clinton thinks Muslim terrorists are just misunderstood, but she HATES Americans who don't vote for her. See: "proud to be the enemy of Republicans" and "irredeemables."

Fuck her.

No company would risk becoming insolvent if they could avoid it, are you retarded? Filing chapter 11 is pretty common and doesn't mean the company has failed at all. Just that they took on more debt than they could manage (which is a risky but sound business practice) and then renegotiated it by filing for bankruptcy.

>not verifying people's claims with research

Agreed, Bernie was a non-starter and Clinton is evil. Trump is "selfish", but he is at least open about it and relatively trustworthy. He's basically the embodiment of Nietzsche's master morality.

Your link has HRC leading in EV's and leading in 7 out of 11 swing States.


If she wins the economy will collapse thus making the dollar worthless. Then when the niggers don't have any more food stamps they will try and steal from gun loving whites......moral of the story.....blacks would actually be better off voting for trump

it depends, ask a retard and they will say no.

found the tard living in his tard world.

just hope he legalizes weed

It's been this way since at least the 60s newfag. The circumstances change a little but the chaos and bickering has always been here. The only time you didn't see it was when you were a kid, so you falsely assume the world was soooo different back then

thank you for correcting the record.

like they ever had one.

No but he'll make more jobs for faggots like you

Thanks for correcting correct the record. 0.2 roubles deposited in your account tovarich

and the retards response. well potatoed.

sure kid. don't miss the short bus.

>doesn't understand how Presidents are elected.


You didn't read the whole article. Obviously. You merely looked over the Other Battleground States at the bottom. You deliberately skipped mention of Florida and Ohio because, surprise, they're now with Trump.

You also ignored the point of the article, which was that Clinton is collapsing. Insurmountable leads have disappeared. I don't think it's specifically addressed there, but other sources describe how 12 and 15 point Clinton leads in the upper midwest have fallen to 3 and 4. This article dealt with Pennsylvania.

Stick your head deeper in the sand.

How distant from reality are you?

The Republicans are the source of the war on drugs, they're steadfast in their opposition to legalising marijuana.

It's like he says one thing and Republicans are so disconnected from the planet earth that they hear something entirely different or just say "he didn't really mean it". The mental contortions that Republicans are having to go through to support this rambling halfwit are fantastic, please keep it up. I feel quite blessed to live in an era when a pop-up super power is imploding.



Good god, American Democracy is a meme to republicans. Please, please, please drink some bleach.

I've been saying this all year.

Trump is the biggest Hillary plant.

He did two things:

1. Maximize Hillary's chances by taking out her opponents and destabilizing the other party.

2. Purified the political process for himself. Rich people don't have political power, they wield influence over those that do with their money. Trump cut out the middle man, his endorsement, a photo op with husband on someone shoulder now replaced the contribution he would have to give, now people give him money for a race he doesn't plan to win as well. He wields political power without having ever held office, merely on his status as a celebrity candidate.

It's really quite ingenious. I admire them both.

lol no

Cred Forums will realize their mistake in glorifying Trump when he kills Net Neutrality and ISP's block all your shit and your bills double or triple in price.

>YFW Trump enjoys Friday prayer.

>relatively trustworthy


not a picture of stevens. he was found unconscious from smoke inhalation in a locked room, and evac'ed to a hospital immediately

That's complete bullshit.

What was the average annual growth from 1950 to 2009? The correct answer is "higher than inflation." This has been the worst post recessionary "recovery" in history.

How many race riots were there in the US between 1994 and 2009? Zero?

Since 1945, when has US influence abroad been so poor that the head of state of third tier powers felt comfortable calling the president of the US a "son of a whore" on television? Even fucking Chavez was castigated for *implying* disrespect for George Bush at the UN.

>but the 60s

Were FIFTY years ago. And that decade fucking sucked. Are you trying to say that because the 60s sucked, everything now is fine?

TBH, fuck people who smoke weed. There's nothing wrong with the act, but them getting arrested isn't my problem.

>I hope they legalize weed
>My life has devolved to the point where I don't have a reason to live without my joint.

I have no reason to believe Trump is a good person.
I have lots of reasons to believe Clinton is a good person.

Even if their transparency record was comparable, which it's not, what matters more is electing someone who you believe will make a good president. And there is only one legitimate candidate in the race, and that's Clinton.


>My life has devolved to the point where I don't have a reason to live without my joint.
Or, maybe it means, "I like to casually partake in marijuana just like people casually partake of alcohol and I'd like to do it without loving in fear of legal retribution"

God damn that's a bold faced lie.

Videos of his torture were released on the Internet in Arabic language media almost immediately. I saw them. Sept. 13th or so, 2012.

The savages buttfucked him just like they did to Ghaddafi.

pretty true honestly

>Videos of his torture were released on the Internet in Arabic language media almost immediately. I saw them. Sept. 13th or so, 2012.

if there's videos show me one


That's all you pathetic faggots have.

Oh, and the Democrats are the party of racism. The party of slavery, segregation, and urban ghettos.

>he never ran with the intention of actually winning
>is only a sandbag to guarantee Hilary the win

Reddit is thataway fedorafag ----------->

>Hillary Clinton ignored his pleas for help
More like he ignored all warnings that people didn't like him as much as he thought they did.
More like, what the fuck was she supposed to do? There's no evidence at all, after fucking years of investigation by people who HATE her, to show that there's anything more she could have done.

Just like Albright who wasn't personally responsible for the hundreds killed in the terrorist bombings when she was SecState.

Duterte is a fucking psychopath and only Japan has given him any respect because Abe is an idiot. Obama cancelled his meeting with the guy, how do you further "castigate" a guy who is already in charge of roving death squads?

> I recorded it just in case I'd have to show it to a random liberal faggot hack on Cred Forums.

Get real. You're the one peddling a conspiracy theory about how the ambassador who was the specific target of a terrorist assault was found dead of smoke inhalation inside a building that had been ransacked and was later found with bloody handprints on the walls from where the Americans were literally dragged out and murdered.

It was kind of a big deal.

This is the pathetic garbage Hillary shills are reduced to?



I have no reason to believe Trump is a good person.
I have lots of reasons to believe Clinton is a good person....

Even if their transparency record was comparable, which it's not, what matters more is electing someone who you believe will make a good president. And there is only one legitimate candidate in the race, and that's Clinton.


>More like he ignored all warnings that people didn't like him as much as he thought they did.

You literally copied that from Colin Powell's emails. You're a hack. Fuck off.

>wasn't personally responsible

Investigation into (insert liberal fuck-up) investigation finds that (liberal bitch's name) was "not personally responsible".

Every fucking time.

A good start

oh lordy, he posted a link to CNN, the liberal mouthpiece. He aint kiddin no more

>b-b-but i meant only this one type of chaos *plays race card*
>and only between these arbitrary years i've chosen to make my faggy argument

Goalpost shifting. It's almost like you faggots revel in being wrong.


Your troll skills are super fucking weak.

Holy shit, is that tarantino?
what the hell lol
I'm coming down from some good LSD
can anybody explain this picture?

>Obama cancelled his meeting with the guy


You have no idea how the state department works you moron.

The people you should be blaming are the goddamn terrorists.

Omg in years of Cred Forums Ive never seen shit like this. Kill Yourself pls


>bloody handprints

are you writing Benghazi fanfiction, Alex Jones?


CNN is part of the conspiracy of truth!


Like clock work, conspiracy theorists are scientifically proven to have lower than average human intelligence and there you are.

Most of these things, including the sub-inflationary growth has been happening for at least a few decades.

Her record of service to the country is exemplary, especially when it comes to healthcare access.

Duterte is the only hope that shit hole of a country has. If Obama had half of Rodrigo's balls then 80% of the black population would be gone.

>Posts a picture of people actually attending a trump rally
Couldn't find a picture of a Hillary rally with more than 3 paid shills?

Hi! Im a yellow, bucktoothed, dirty, shit farting, chink. Mythoughts on Trump? Well thats easy-
Chink chank chonk
Eeeewong dong chong
Chank chank ping ping
Pong chong chank
Thanks niggers!


>You have no idea how the state department works
You're unique, user.

Hey, my grampappy voted fer the party and I'm-a vote fer the party too.

Failure is a great tradition.

That's not how the interview goes at all.

No this means two things: Either, you've never actually listened to the recording and you're just reposting a meme of it, which would be pathetic.
Or, you have listened to it so you know that's not the proper context, so you're lying.

So you just know my IQ? Leave it to a shillary supporter to spout random unverified information out to try to sound like they know what they're talking about.

>not the proper context
Yea, cause hearing it in the "proper" context makes those words okay.

I see these pictures in every single one of these threads.
I'm willing to bet its the same sad faggot shill posting them too.

> Philippines officials said the meeting happened
> White House denies

Hmm who should we believe here, Bams or Kim Jong Lite?


Check the gambling odds if you really want to know.

sure kid.

Even Donnie knows who's better for the economy

>Implying because he's of the republican party he's 100% republican
He stated in an interview he doesn't know why he's republican and he only likes certain aspects of the party.
Go die in a cancer fire you brain-dead shill.

It this point the odds are in his favor.

Dear shitlord,
Have you ever changed your opinion on anything in the time span of 12 FUCKING YEARS? Is it possible for changes to occur that would make you change your opinion over the time span of 12 fucking years?
Shit you're fucking dense.

Yes it is. It's well known he has a foot fetish.

>Trump wins election
>He comes out to make his winning speech.
>He looks bored.
>As he gets to the mic, he stands there for a second.
>All is quiet.
>He begins to adjust the mic.
>A cough is heard in the audience.
>The mic is almost touching his lips now.
>A smirk slowly but surely appears.
>Obama, you're fired!
>The crowd goes fucking nuts.
>Wetbacks begin running back to Mexico.
>Liberals and faggots start blowing their brains out left and right.
>Hillary has a stroke.
>Jews start immediately burying shekels.
>McCain is sitting in a bar sobbing while getting blown by Karl Rove.
>Karl is sobbing as he does so.
>Jeb complaining to the Jews this wasn't how it was planned.
>The First Lady causes boners across the USA.
>All is right with the world.
>No more niggers.

wow well if you've ever watched CNN you'd know they consistently write puff pieces on Hillary and always twist every word Trump says. They didn't even report on her collapsing on 9/11.

>America has always, constantly been wracked by race riots because it's convenient to my argument
>imma list "civil disturbances" and pretend they're the same thing, and pretend like I'm obviously correct
>then I'll mention "goal post shifting" because I think it sounds smart, and accuse my opponent of it, even though that's literally what I just exactly did by trying to pass off "civil disturbances" as race riots

You can't fire an affirmative action nigger.
That'd be racist.

This utopia you describe, I desire it to be real.


You're ignorant. And lazy. That took me 10 seconds.

Naaah. We will come to your country, and butt fuck your Daddy in front of you while nigger midgets gang rape your mom and sister. You? Youll just take a cattle prod into your soft, pink, ass lips.

Then how was the economy so good in the 80s and 90? Even the early 2000s were fine.

If the economy has been continuously shrinking for *decades,* why has this period of the last 8 years been so bad?

>Left wing nigger calling facts fan fiction
How loose is your asshole with the job of sock puppet?

Hahahahaha that is delicious..soon every white gonna get the same

Poor Hillary is in such bad health that she cant climb a few stairs without assistance.

Are you legitimately retarded or what?

It is decidedly so!

Because corruption doesn't happen over night.
The fact that you had to be told this disturbs me.

Everything Hillary did as Sec State turned to shit.

Babbys first epic le troll eksdee
Fuck off

see it's funny because it's true!



I love how these threads start to die down after the left runs out of autistic mad up shit to argue with.

Hillary has Parkinson's Disease. She is not fit to be president.


That's an absurd non-answer.

>what you said is mathematically impossible. Please explain.


>Thank you for correcting the record. $0.20 has been added to your account.

bwahaha this is outrageously inaccurate...

It does. Her tone of voice is important. What she was talking about is important.

She only laughed a hollow laugh when she talked about how she doesn't believe polygraphs anymore because he passed it.

Well then Hillary's fucked, isn't she?

Hillary's Parkinson's Disease is out of control.

I guess that makes her a science denier.

How the fuck is it a non-answer you mindless faggot/
The increase in corruption = the decline of the economy.
How in the actual fuck does that not make sense.
Just cast your vote into the toilet that is Shillary Clinton like the rest of your ignorant party.


>always twist every word Trump says.

They literally just play footage of him speaking.



Hillary's health makes it impossible for her to be president.

Of course not

Them emails tho.

He played the entire libtard media into covering all his retarded statements as a tactic to get free coverage early in his campaign.
Then swiftly moved into a more intelligent and political movement after he thought he had a shot at the white house.
The estimated coverage he got out of this tactic was worth 2 billion.
I'd say baited and outsmarted.

Why do people think the economy is still in shambles? The recession ended a while ago and we've been having record numbers of growth and added employment the last few years. The Fed even recently raised the interest rate for the first time in years because of how positive the economic growth has been

Kek has already decided that

> Your troll skills are super fucking weak.

I'm curious, which part of the chart in is false?

No--but even if he did--it's Mike Pence who would be President for all intents and purposes. Trump isn't going to do shit--except try to make money.


Like arguing with a wall...a soulless brainless scripted puppet of a wall.

> (You)
>He played the entire libtard media into covering all his retarded statements as a tactic to get free coverage early in his campaign.
>Then swiftly moved into a more intelligent and political movement after he thought he had a shot at the white house.
>The estimated coverage he got out of this tactic was worth 2 billion.
>I'd say baited and outsmarted.

Sounds about right.

>hey, you mindless faggot!
>increase in potatoes = decline in solar power
>how does that not make sense?


First of all, none of that is evidence of decades of sub-inflationary growth. Which you don't have, because it's nonsense.

Second, you have not described how there has been an increase in corruption, nor defined corruption, nor shown how that increase would make what you claim to be normal sub-inflationary growth suddenly more damaging.

It's all hand waving and screaming, like a global warming cultist.

>Just cast your vote into the toilet that is Shillary Clinton like the rest of your ignorant party.

Nah. She's an evil harpy.

Polio doesn't stop you from critical thinking and making decisions.
Vomitting on someone a reason to step out of office?
top fucking kek user the left is TRULY grasping at straws.

But guys, them emails tho.

>having record numbers of growth and added employment the last few years.

How do you deceitful liberal faggots live with yourselves? 2nd quarter growth was just revised downward, AGAIN, to 1.1%

Kill yourself.

>I can't handle the truth......DURRRRR

I love watching the libtards panic over their failing candidate.

>Polio doesn't stop you from critical thinking and making decisions.
neither does pneumonia


>vomited on X
Basicly both of the Bush administrations


First it was pollen.
Then it was seasonal flu.
Then it was dehydration.
Then it was pneumonia.
I'm sure they'll figure out another excuse soon.

Hillary's new book is getting terrible reviews. It is likely that there will be more negative reviews than books sold.

Here's one review
The chapter where Hillbilly talks about her battle with Parkinson's Disease was difficult to read. Difficult because it was missing from the book



Trump didn't even write "his" book.

Luckily 7 million dollars is a drop in the ocean of the clinton family scandals.


Here's another

This book begins well. The first sentence says, "America is great because America is good." It goes downhill from there. My experience has been that people want to know the inside truth about their role models. I read page after page looking for tips on how to ask for big payments from rich foreign money launderers, military dictators or junk food manufacturers. It was just a bunch of malarkey even more boring than a 6th grade Common Core history book. I wanted to find out how to delete hundreds of thousands of voter registrations and emails, but no such luck. This book talks about hoe every vote counts. As long as it's for Hillary Clinton.

>random blackouts
>multiple falls
>coughing fits going back for years
>"often confused," according to her pet Huma
>can't go up stairs without help

Just pneumonia, though.

>pneumonia doesn't make you randomly pass out
>looked fine three hours later, didn't even cough, got right up in a little girl's face

But it was a special, non contagious pneumonia!

>campaign leaked stories of how pneumonia was going around the staff and that's how Clinton got it

She's been caught on camera making spastic movements.

But it's just pneumonia. A special, neurological, non contagious pneumonia brought on by heat stroke in 77 degree morning weather through the heavy exertion of talking at a podium

Don't worry he's just an inept nigger who would blame everyone before himself for his problems.
Don't waste logic on them.

>comparing polio and one occurrence of getting the flu to the steadily declining health of an elderly woman
The pneumonia is just a symptom of her overall decline, she's been having issues long before that occurred. I mean for fuck's sake she actually requested to sit down during the debates because she doesn't even know if she can stand for fucking 2 hours. And we're supposed to trust someone in that condition to do a job that requires the most constant effort and stress management of nearly any job? Look at Obama, you can just see how much the Presidency has aged him. There's no way Hillary can operate at full capacity in that kind of environment for long

skimming this thread,


you are wrong

read carefully you dumb ape

She's so fucking sick they HAVE to cover it now.
Not only did they hide the full video of her falling down they down played it at first.
After everyone got a whiff of the bull shit they had to come out and make a statement about her health.

So how fucking stupid do you have to be to trust a Clinton, user?

She's STILL winning. Who has their head in the sand, Mr Hopey McHopealot?

Also maybe you should research what a Faithless Elector is.

>destroy or hide evidence
>claim lack of evidence is ultimate vindication
>in NYT, the most hardcore partisan major media outlet in America
>ignore that Clinton's own emails showed she knew god damned well what had happened immediately, told her daughter this national security related information using secret email address, and then lied to the country, foreign countries, and the parents of the dead
>in person

>heat stroke in 77 degree morning
Who will act as president when the temperature is 78 degrees or higher?

Wow, this is the most staggeringly false infographic I've seen here.

Some of those stances aren't accounted for. Hillary answers to the Bildaburg Group, she's in bed with the Rockafellers, she answers to the rich before all else. She's been proven to accept anything and change her stance to get a vote, even two sides within months (the coal miners called her out on it). Social security is an absurd construct of the obsolete generation which makes no mathimatical sense which is why it's failing. And who honestly cares about 33 years of tax records from a person repeatedly proven to cook the books?

Trump didn't release his health records, either. Until they got it out of him and he ended up being of enviable health.

I'm not a Trump supporter, but goddamn that's a bad infograph.

Maybe you need to read again.

I bought this thinking it would be a how-to book. I wanted "How to set up your own Foundation for fun and profit." Also, would like to have seen a chapter on "Ten easy steps to setting up your own secure server in a bathroom."

>Then swiftly moved into a more intelligent and political movement after he thought he had a shot at the white house.
>more intelligent

[Citation Needed]

1. Do CC roast to whitewash image
2. Be inflammatory and pander to far right
3. Win primary
4. Throw election
5. Get paid off by Clinton overlords and more money and fame free

Is it really not obvious from Trump's entire demeanor and track record he's here for a transaction and a buck and not the presidency? Anyone notice he's not greying out with stress like every other successful candidate in history? He doesn't want it. You're all retarded.

She's actually not winning and when she doesn't show up to the debate in the following week she'll only sink lower.

I mean they died to preserve the union. Ending slavery was just tied into it. Northerners were racist too, but their economy didn't rely on slave labor.

Citing truth to a liberal or COINTELPRO op is like administering medicine to the dead, Cred Forumsrosef.

>who has their head in the sand?

I'm the one with command of current polling data and their trends over time by state.

I also know that polls historically overrepresent Democratic turnout by an average of 2.5%.

I also know that Julian Assange has been bragging about having devastating revelations to make about Clinton over the next couple of months.


Goes from saying I'm going to bomb the hell out of people.
To laying out a solid economic and trade policy.
I'd say that's more intelligent


>you are now aware that those are photographs of several different women

Also, consider this: who else could Hillary beat? Fucking no one. She NEEDS Trump there because she's a charisma-less evil harpy and can't get the USA people to listen to her for 5 mins, she loses to anyone else.

>terrrorist attacks
In the last decade, more American have been killed every year by lawnmower accidents than by terrorists

The average American is FAR safer today than 20 years ago. Dont be a sheep, stop buying garbage cuckservative propaganda, and check the facts and figures for yourself

>actually replying to the science denier comment

Hahahaha! You fuckers are absolutely desperate!

>polygraphs work by measuring physiological responses
>they are complex sensors
>literally science

>I've been polygraphed.

>i'm bored so I hope he does something that entertains me which is destructive to my country
What the fuck are you?
Kill yourself.

Lol, "Jesus", sure.

Assange has been grasping at straws for years, he's obviously deteriorating in that embassy. Oh yeah and no one wants to leak to a cunt that gets you thrown in prison for 50 years and takes all the credit. He'll leak 25,000 documents and everyone will be all "wow" until someone goes through them and they are pretty much lunch orders like the last 3 times.

>citation needed on the lawnmower stat

considerably less stupid than anyone who trusts Trump


Can the pope fly a helicopter?

>That BATF assault in Waco

I'll never forget that. To think the gov't can pull that off in our homes is harrowing. And that those soldiers didn't say "no" to command on that one.
The Clintons are some seriously evil people.

>Hillary answers to the Bildaburg Group,

>People die because of x
>Lets sweep terrorist attacks under the rug because of that
Mcfucking kill yourself.


You've implicitly admitted there are more terrorist attacks now. You just adhere to the Barack Obama school of national resilience, which holds that they don't matter because they can't kill all of us.

Asidw, I bet you and your leftist ilk still argue for banning AR 15s, even though many more people are beaten to death with hands and feet per year than shot by such so called assault weapons.

Somebody's biometrics changing as they answer questions is no indication of truth or lies. The threat of polygraph is good for confessions, in practice it's as bad as eyewitnesses and inadmissible legally.

After Obama's legacy sperg I think it should be painfully obvious who the people are voting for. Who the electoral college votes for is another matter.


It depends on how quickly Hillary Clinton destroys herself.

At this rate: It's starting to seem more likely.

As a Conservative: I don't know which is worse, frankly. I don't want Hillary to be president ever, but I also don't want Trump to define the Republican Party.

Fuck it all.

>he didnt go bankrupt
>he filed chapter 11!

>he didnt rape her
>he just had sex with an unconsenting woman!

>she didnt get an abortion
>she just had a Dr end the pregnancy early!

>he didnt commit sedition
>he just advocated an armed revolution against the government!

This is how retarded you sound

Yeah. The revelation of how the DNC rigged the primaries was no big deal at all.

Wrong way around, she's got the easy path, she just needs to not fuck up. For all her warts she doesn't gaffe. So the plan will be fly under the radar then wait for Trump to fuck up too badly and be the lesser of two evils.

>A handful of businesses out of hundreds went bust.
Actually his record is fairly phenomenal as far as business. How he acts is another matter entirely.

Here is a case specifically holding they are admissible.


This is the lefts only viable strategy.
To deflect attention away from their own corrupt deity.
I wonder if the media in the pocket of the Clinton's has been schooled not to yell multiple questions so she doesn't turn into a bobble head again.

>I posted a picture of a payed-for fear-monger with tin foil shooped in so everything you said is completely false.

Those moldy old tactics work on baby-boomers addicted to daytime gameshows, not Cred Forumstards.

One thing to rig a primary, another thing to rig a general election. From the perspective of the party though I can see why run clinton even if I don't like her, saunders is feeble and too easily alienated by using far left rhetoric like "pro-socialist." Can't say that shit to america in those words. And he would have been an all-talk president, just like Obama was 1st term, if he even survived it.

>implying Trump would be better for the U.S. dollar
>implying foodstamps are a limited commodity
>implying 1/5 of "gun nuts" could even defend themselves without shooting their own foot off

Israel/Jews are 1 of Trump's biggest supporters.

>No one shed a tear... No one gave a shit
Yeah except Timothy Mcveigh when he blew up a federal office building in Oklahoma City and killed 168 innocent people. Also, the ATF accidentally started the fire that killed people, it's not like they deliberately executed them by firing squad or some shit. And it all happened because some religious nut job who thought he was prophet brainwashed a bunch of people to kill themselves and their kids. Yeah, ATF fucked up but they were good intentioned in trying to save people. Doesn't excuse the mistake, but it clearly wasn't purposeful murder. Stop being an extremist douche bag and trying to use this random example from 23 years ago about how the government is such an evil entity

Hillary Clinton promises a separate, more lenient justice system for women

>Women follow different paths to crime than men, and face different risks and challenges both inside and outside the prison walls, and every part of the justice system, from sentencing to the conditions of confinement to re-entry services, should reflect women's unique needs.


>I will institute gender-responsive policies in the federal prison system and encourage states to do the same.

Hillary Clinton, April 27, 2016

Show one example from history where a state's electors spontaneously decides to ignore their constituency and vote for someone else?


>implying you're educated enough to know anything about any of this

That's from Texas. Fuck Texas.

And all the people who support Hillary are brainwashed sheep.

>continues to believe propaganda the republicans themselves discredited
>continues to use dead American hero (who supported HRC) as propaganda after his mother begs people to stop

you are the cancer killing America

Oh, look. A picture. It must be true.

>the DNC chairman who rigged the primary for Clinton and was then hired on by the Clinton campaign?

It's almost like... Jews have differing opinions and DON'T actually exist as a monolithic block.


Yeah, and all the shills denying the possibility are only hurting themselves.

Hardcore Trump supporters know about media narratives and know that CTR exists. Old republicans despise Hillary and are very reliable voters. They won't be staying at home on Election Day.

You know who's more likely not to vote? Liberal millennials. Look at the primaries and Brexit for proof.

>omg how could bernie lose?
>not fair! we didn't vote, we want another referendum
>I can't wait for all these old racist white people to die

Let them keep convincing themselves that Hillary can't lose. It will help Trump win.

In reality, Hillshills should be sweating about now. She's not even up in the polls, which target registered voters of previous elections. Remember that record-shattering new voter turnout for Trump in the primaries? That is not something you can ignore.

inb4 "lololol delusional trump kiddies it's over hail madame president"

>being jealous of Texas

We need a racial cleanse.

Tbh I think most of the younger generation will be voting third party because people are sick of this lesser of two evils bullshit. Gary Johnson has like 19% in the polls, that's fucking huge for a third party candidate.

Anyone who genuinely supports Trump is getting swindled. He's here for the cash and credit, not the work, and when he can walk away with a payday he will. Even if he's winning he'll fuck it on purpose, he has 95% of what he came for. You're the same as the many dumbasses over the years who lent him money and got handed a chapter 11 as soon as your check clears.

I said this a year ago because i thought he would ruin the country and in the process destroy the republican party but I didn't think he'd actually have a shot a winning.

Why don't you just stomp your feet, too?Show me on the doll where Texas touched you.

"individual judges have discretion to decide if a polygraph will be admitted based on certain criteria." - See more at: blogs.findlaw.com/blotter/2013/01/are-lie-detectors-admissible-in-court.html#sthash.bz0npiRH.dpuf

That was the Supreme Court's call.

...why would his mother give a shit if it's supposedly fake?

This is what lefttards actually believe when all the information they've gathered is from social media. cnn, and MSNBC

Trump wins.

>nuclear war.

That's all there is to it.

Trump: "Well why can't we use nukes though?"
"I'd definitely consider using nukes."
"I'd blow those Chinese fighters right out of the sky."
"I'd blow those Iranian boats right out of the water."
"I'd consider a first strike."

So yeah, literally only a retard - a legitimate retard - would vote for Trump.

What's Aleppo?

>going full potato

America should have never been discovered in the first place

>country has weapons
>any leader who says he might use the weapons is retarded

Eurocuck detected.

Trump's ahead nationally, now. Ahead in almost every swing state.

Almost ahead in Michigan. Ahead in Ohio and Florida.

The race is basically over. And Assange will release MORE emails in October.

>I hope they legalize weed
>My life has devolved to the point where I don't have a reason to live without my joint.

If fucking mountain dew were illegal you'd also want it to be legal. There's no reason to prohibit it and the legal repercussions of getting caught are fucking insane.

>you smoked a joint so you get to stay in prison with rapists and murderers for a decade

sure kid

> comparing a hallucinagenic drug is the same as Mt. Dew

Please, do go on.

not too bright, are you?

>4 out of 500

But we can totally trust Hillary right? She's never done anything greedy and unethical... just ignore all those "speaking fees", foreign donations, Clinton foundation money laundering, and pay to play federal positions.

"Look instead at Trump. Isnt bankruptcy a scary word? Remember when your uncle had a bankruptcy because he ran out of money? Well Trump has had FOUR of them! It's probably the same thing, no need to research further my fellow progressive liberals."

Really fires up off ol' sinapses, huh?

thank you for proving my point.

Honestly, it could be legal. As long as it's like alcohol I really don't see the problem.

i kek'd hard thanks for vid.

trump 2016

Trump will ban porn. Which is great.
Trump will criminalize encryption - which will keep us safe.
Trump will criminalize marijuana in states that legalized it - which will obviously make a huge dent in organized drug-related crime.

I can't find 1 Trump Policy I disagree with at this point...

He never said that. It was unverified hearsay.

I'm more worried about Hillary wanting to attack Russia because the DNC git gached.

Got hacked*

No, she's a fucker. I personally hate her, and I'm usually left-leaning. I think it's a close debate which one shouldn't be president more, but I'd rather err on the side of the person who isn't clearly there to fuck me over. And at least Clinton has some existing track record of not destroying the country in a public office.

Why's that such a stretch? By running/becoming president he's guaranteed a huge increase in financial success for the rest of his life. The whole thing is just a massive publicity stunt, which is why he makes mostly outrageous claims for shock value and outlanding promises that aren't anywhere close to feasible (e.g. eliminating a 14 trillion dollar debt in an 8 year presidency).

He has no real goals as President
He gains popularity through his personality and criticism of others
He is motivated by his own wealth and nothing else
He is nothing but a caricature of his own self

Sauce, for my curiosity.

>or I'll go find it nbd

>>you smoked a joint so you get to stay in prison with rapists and murderers for a decade


Link to sentencing guidelines for possession of marijuana that recommends (or statute requiring) a decade in state prison.

Really. Please.

The Davidens were definitely wrong people but that doesn't give the gov't permission to snuff them all, without even an unfair trial to defend their wingnut decisions. The gov't didn't show up with "swift and silent", strapped to the teeth with an Abrams tank in tow (military equipment on US soil against civilians) because they meant to serve a simple warrant. The BATF went in guns blazing, prepared to blitz the place and it's obvious by their equipment/elite manpower choice alone.

Police have to do more difficult raids with less equipment all the damned time and manage to make collars without casualties.

And I didn't defend Tim so you can shove that cherry-picking strawman back up the dusty uterus you pulled it out off.

...because he's really dead? are you serious?

by trump 2016 you mean this is the year he keels over dead from all the toxic shit he puts on his body, right?

>Fuck Texas
>The state everyone is running away from the rest of the US with.
>Posted from a device filled with semi-conductors.

>Trump could be selfishly out for his own interests, I don't know yet
>Hillary is definitely a verified, corrupt scumbag... but at least I know it
>better vote for the sure thing

Oh lord.

>country has weapons capable of ending all human life
>so do dozens of others
>all countries agree to mutually not deploy them

>saying you might use them makes you retarded

yes, yes it does

good ole' Bill"slick dick"Clinton

Let me save some time for you. It's all horseshit.

The shills just routinely lie because they know most people are too lazy to fact check.

how were they supposed to get them to trial exactly, you insipid faggot? They had to get them out of the compound where they had barricaded themselves in first, eh? If you have laws then you need to willing to enforce them, isn't that what you trump fags are always on about? You want the fed to deport 10 million people.

Good thing he never said it. How about you produce a first-hand quote for me. I'll wait.

As if Trump isn't a verified scumbag.

>Police have to do more difficult raids with less equipment all the damned time
Citation needed. They were preparing to storm an entire fucking compound that was crawling with dozens of enemy combatants all wielding powerful weaponry. Feel free to name any recent domestic operation that has had that kind of organized opposition before. Bet you fucking can't faggot. And you're still acting like it was done purposefully, even though I'll reiterate that it was clearly inadvertant. They were trying to save the lives of fucking innocent children you autist, how hard is that to understand?

Missed out the part where those are allegations ay? Allegations he was tortured isnt the same.

>>all countries agree to mutually not deploy them

You think Russia, North Korea, and China have developed, constructed, and fortified nuclear weapons so they'll never be used? You think Russia has dozens of nuclear bombers and submarines for looks? And China, with its mobile launchers? And Korea with its missile sites?

If you have a weapon and you say you'll never use it, you may as well not have it. THAT'S retarded.

Credibility matters. That's why Obama's pathetic "red line" debacle was so damaging. He said using chemical weapons was a red lines that would trigger American involvement in Syria. Syria thought that was bullshit because Obama is a pussy (he is) and used chemical weapons. Nothing happened. So they've used them regularly since then, and no one believes Obama anymore. Russia siezes Crimea and nothing happens. China builds out their artificial islands and militarizes them and nothing happens. North Korea detonates more nukes and nothing happens. Iran kidnaps US citizens and they get PAID for it.

Credibility matters.

If win


>Meanwhile, all the other candidates are instigating conflict with Russia, who is gaining world power because their leader isn't a complete idiot.

I don't disagree with your post, but be fair. He is the only one not instigating the most nuclear country ever. China and Iran aren't as useful with nukes as crazy Ivan's "mutually assured destruction" powerplay.

>all wielding powerful weaponry.


>they were trying to save the lives of fucking innocent children

Who were not in danger and were, in fact, killed by the government's actions.

>it's ok the government killed dozens of people in their home on the suspicion that one of them is a statutory rapist
>even though the president at the time was an ACTUAL rapist
>because it was an accident, see?

"Massive, murderous incompetence on the part of the feds is alright, because they killed people I don't like." That about sum it up?

If what you mean by that, is that Trump's literally Putin's bitch, then I'd agree.

That YouTube video was conclusive. Game over.

It makes me sick how the corrupt DNC fucked over Sanders for her.


>republicans are warmongering
>vote democrat if you want peace

"But Trump us the only one who doesn't want to instigate war with a nuclear superpower."

>lol what a little bitch

This election is hilarious.

>If you don't want to make kike bankers more money you're a bitch
Good goy

He will make less money as prez. Have to put your monies in a blizzind trust to be prezzy

>comparing chemical weapons to nuclear weapons
>not understanding the concept of mutually assured destruction
>not understanding that the only reason to get nuclear weapons is just to make sure you are safe from other nuclear powers (because of the aformentioned MAD)

Anybody who uses a nuclear weapon will automatically make themselves an enemy of like 80% of the rest of the world, many countries of which have nukes themselves. Putin is insane, but he's not suicidal. China relies far too heavily on Western consumerism to be a concern, and North Korea is just a fucking joke, plain and simple.


Why won't he release his finances birth certificate?

You dummy


You mean repulsive.

They have dictionaries on the internet, use them.

I agree with the sentiment though. Hillary can't beat anyone else.


Shut the fuck up. Jesus christ.



I think all the retarded attacks from the Liberal left could conceivably put him in the presidency.
If you were dumb enough to believe all the attacks, you would think Trump is Hitler x 10.
Even rabid Liberals don't believe that shit anymore.

Kinda like when anyone and everyone who disagreed with Obama was "racist". It was overused to the point where nobody pays any attention to it anymore.

Literally propaganda.. holy fuck

>were better than republicans
>uses the same tactics

Nice fucking memes dog.

>Who were not in danger
Are you serious? How can you be so uneducated about an event that you are staunchly arguing over? They were planning on killing themselves and killing all of the kids you fucking retard. The feds had to act fast or they were all going to die. And anyway, I never said it was okay, I said that it was a mistake, and that the fire was unintentional, nobody was killed on purpose. But as usual you have completely mulled over this crucial fact and instead claim that by some sort of ridiculous extrapolation, the entire government of 2016 must be evil because of the mistake of one ATF team back in 1993. I'm done trying to reason with somebody who is so stubbornly foolish, clearly you are beyond help. The government is inefficient and in some places corrupt, but your blanket association based on a single and relatively tiny incident from 23 years ago is just sad. Try to actually learn how to construct a valid argument before making any more bullshit claims


Don't forget women voters. They have the ability to really fuck things up.

Definitely not pro-Clinton but I love how the Trumpfags didn't respond to this.

hes not going to win, i think someone will assasinate him if he comes close to winning

>muslims aren't a problem

You love that they didn't respond to bait?

Not once did anything I said say I was a "Trump-fag". I'm a "due-process" and "accountability" fag if you can believe those exist anymore. You showed off your ability to make shit up on that one.

Woman, I've seen Camden County cops use fire ladders to get into the second story of places because the first floor enterances are booby-trapped or blocked with cement bulkheads *with* thugs armed to the teeth and nothing to lose. I will grant you that it was the US Marshalls that entered and collared the building, not regular peace officers. Growing up in Camden, you see marshalls do work all the time. There were however *no tanks*. I will also admit that I don't have a large bible of police raids to defend against your "you've no evidence so it cannot be true" fallacy. So take heart your appeal to ignorance play might work on Cred Forumstards who haven't been there and
seen that.

The question is, why are you guys so misinformed *and* asspained about the whole thing?

Watch the video then talk.

>You love that they didn't respond to truth?



Trump will win., but because of liberal divisiveness Trump will have to enact a series of Executive Orders to get his legislation passed to limit Congressional gridlock.

>nigger who would blame everyone

Britbong here, I hope he does win for the bantz, and to see all the triggered SJW's and feminazis

When an electrician accidentally burns a house down, he gets tried for professional negligence.

When the BATF acting on Clinton orders burn a house to the ground, nothing.

I'm seeing a pattern of unaccountability here, for how excited you were to assert accountability to those loons in Waco.

...No, we don't.

Not interested. It is obvious bait, in the obvious bait format of a custom graphic designed to make a one-sided point, offered without comment and only a youtube link.

That you're bringing special attention to it and demanding that someone watch the video before talking implies that you're not the neutral observer you say you are.

Seems like you planted bait and are just mad no one took it. In any case, not interested.

>I admit I can't provide any real evidence to support my claim but you're wrong because I swear I've seen lots of cops invading armed thug fortresses

Trump is going to nuke your shitty country m8

I don't really get what you're trying to say. Trump is liar and so is Clinton. Good day.

I never said I supported Clinton, I think she's a total shill and her husband was a shitty president. And yes, there is a lack of accountability. But characterizing the entire government as evil because of one decision made under one president 23 years ago is the logic of a simpleton.

y tho

>and so is Clinton

not really