You have 10 seconds to prove the earth isn't flat

You have 10 seconds to prove the earth isn't flat.

>protip: you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't look over and see Jamal in Africa?

prove it nigger

because math works.

Coriolis Effect is visible with gun firing bullet in long indoor (no air currents) range. The Earth spins. Why do smaller objects fired out of a gun ever touch the ground if gravity is not a constant, uniform force on both the earth, moon, and bullet (required to validate the claim that we're all falling though the void at the same rates allowing the Earth, Sun, and Moon to stay withing certain relative positions).
Because the earth is round, and no matter where you fire a gun from, the bullet eventually hits the ground, proving that gravity emanates from the Earth, and not some magic thing we're all flying towards in the void.
If I fired a bullet and gravity emanates from something else, the bullet would begin to rise up into the sky because it's weight is drastically less than that of the solar bodies.

>cant prove its flat
>cant prove its round
My namea tony bamanaboni

not to mention oxygen is heavier than several elements, so the void would have to made from some lighter material in order to keep all of the Earths 02 from falling off the edges or dissipating into space.

during an eclipse the earths shadow is round which is caused buy a spherical shape

> satellite
> google earth
> size of Antarctica
> 6 months of day/night at both poles
> You can webcam with a chink and see what time it is there
> Every fucking International flying/delivery services navigates assuming a spherical earth
> You can go < that way or > that way and get to the country of your choice
> Huge amount of consistent photographic evidence.
> No fucking benefit to anyone lying about this

There are mountains that go above the flat line and there are canyons under water that go below the flat line. Because of all the protrusions and stuff Earth can not be defined as flat.

protip: I son't need to

Wake up sheeple! Stop believing the lies your government spoon feeds you. Where did you get that information? On the internet? Or was it drilled into your forming brain by a government employed teacher in middle school?


Bering Straight lol

If the earth was flat it would be day at all points on its surface at once, I can call someone on the other side and check to see thats wrong.

If the sun worked like a spotlight we could still see it while not directly under it.

Also weak bait.

holy fuck you sound stupid

Because I personally sailed around it.

The earth is much more wide than you think. You can't see the sun at night because it's too far away. Do I really need to explain this to you? I guess the majority of people are less educated than I thought.

i've been to outer space. i seen it round.
>source: im a cosmonot

If the Earth was flat there would be no horizon.

>If the sun worked as a spotlight, you could still see it.
I don't think you know how light works.
You couldn't see the Sun (spotlight mode) unless you shined a flashlight at it.
Have you ever been on stage with a single spot?
You can't see the spot from the stage, you can see the light it produces.
Now, since we're in our solar system, and light comes from the Sun, you wouldn't be able to see an illuminated Sun unless you had an alternate light source pointed at it (or reflected light).
When you look at the Sun IRL, you would be seeing the light it produces, not the Sun itself.
So, if you were under the spot, it would look normal, if you weren't, you would have an awfully hard time seeing the Sun at all.

Nice arguement, moron. Keep living in your dream world where the friendly government never lies.
They have complete control over all information that gets leaked to the public. The round earth theory is a good example of how they can manipulate the population with ease.

Well, this is what happens when you discredit science to argue against evolution. You make every scientific accomplishment questionable.

Fucking yanks.

Oh shit, proof? Mother fucking Magellan up in here

The 'Earth is flat' thing depends entirely on every single company, space agency and government who has put something in space, all working together on some weird conspiracy to claim that a flat earth is round.

What would they gain from this. What different does the planet's shape make?

Logically speaking, it makes more sense that theyre telling the truth and the world is round.

So where did you get YOUR information, some cuck in a tinfoil hat?

>They have complete control over all information that gets leaked to the public.
Do you really believe this?
So Snowden was something they gave us to make us think they're fallible?

Keyword being "around". As in a circular pattern. If the earth was round, which it isn't, you would be sailing in roughly a strait line. Because it is flat, you sailed in a big circle, you could say "around" the earth.

Rockets are cheap to make nowadays. You can see the curvature if you strap a gopro on it.

Multiple people have flown and sailed across the planet.

If Earth is flat then how come you have to fly a frisbee upside down when you're on the southern hemisphere?

Checkmate flatfag.

The south pole exists

>O2 is heavy
I got that one with a birthday balloon. Something I'm sure you never had friends gift to you.

Look at the fucking horizon.

Yep, still flat.

shit fuck lemme just build a goddam space ship in Ten Fucking Seconds and FLY YOU INTO OUTER SPACE SO I DON'T HAVE TO SEE THIS SHIT THREAD AGAIN


There's not much I can do to prove it. Me and five of my friends sailed together, in a 40 foot Hinckley yawl. We started in New England, went south through the Panama Canal, across the Pacific to Hawaii, passed North of Indonesia, round the southern tip of Africa, and back across the Atlantic. We stopped every couple of weeks to resupply our food, but not for more than a few hours at a time.

then why is the horizen a perfect disk?

>weak bait
>still takes it

>protip: you can't
yeah thats right, how the hell would i be able to proof that to you, you genius? fucking christ

Oh sweet baby kek
Did you just try to imply we're surrounded in HELIUM

You need to go get some sleep user, you're confused.

Gravity and time zones

>If the earth was round, which it isn't, you would be sailing in roughly a strait line. Because it is flat, you sailed in a big circle, you could say "around" the earth.
Someone failed Geometry.
>If the earth was FLAT, which it isn't, you would be sailing in roughly a strait line. Because it is ROUND, you sailed in a big circle, you could say "around" the earth.

>protip: you can't

This is correct. Just like theMoon Landing. Just like the Holocaust. Just like 9/11 and Sandy Hook. No amount of evidence is going to prove shit to morons who want to believe otherwise for the sake of feeling like precious little snowflakes. Trying to is a waste of time, especially when you consider that such people don't even matter to begin with.

Snowden and Wikileaks is a tiny, unprecedented leak in an otherwise airtight system. All astronauts have to sign a mysterious form before they go to space. No one knows what's on it except those who signed it. We only know that it exists.
People who fly to high altitudes have to sign a similar, and again relatively unknown form before they take off.
There was a pilot in 1993 who claimed that he could "no longer remain silent" about "the biggest secret in history" to a local newspaper in Florida, but he disappeared the night before the scheduled interview.
I don't believe in coincidence.

so, if the earth is flat, how thick is it?

you cut off the end of the video where it shows a round earth

It's a fucking figure of speech. You can walk around a square house without going in a circle. And for reference, once you're a few hundred miles from shore, you can't see land anymore. Because the curvature of the Earth hides it.

You fucking rounders are so stupid it gives me a fucking migraine. You still fucking BELIEVE we ever made it into space to begin with when its fucking been proven that the nasa launches are a fucking conspiracy you fucking morons. Kill yourselves.

>airtight system
Nigger please those baboons at the state department can't even keep their leftovers under wraps

The earth does not look like you think it does. You did not sail in the pattern that you think. You've just been taught to believe otherwise, sheep.

Show me that proof and I'll believe you. And I've also seen the ISS fly by a few times.

Masterful troll, btw.
I got it because the balloon I filled with CO2 doesn't float away, it sinks. The balloon filled with O2 maintains altitude for longer than the CO2 balloon. The balloon filled with gasses that are lighter than air rise.

Oh yay.

My least favorite shitpost.

Holy shit this is some of the weakest bait ive seen in years

Why don't you prove the earth is flat first?
Also, if the earth was as that picture, what's under it?

That is a top quality, user
>the way they toss her into the van
My sides have joined her in collapsing.

if the earth was flat it would have an edge. why hasn't anybody ever fallen off?

>I know this form exists, but I don't know what's on it.
>I know God exists, but I don't know what he looks like.
How do you know?

dubs confirm. wake up sheeple!

You have 10 seconds to prove you're not retarded
>protip: you can't

Jesus, did you even finish high school?

Yes I did. All of us both plotted (using landmarks when close to shore) and took GPS fixes every hour. If I was home I'd show you the log.

if the earth is flat why do flights from South America to Australia not take twice as long as flights from cali to japan?

That's what they want you to believe. It's all an act, one day you'll realize how naïve you've been. You don't really think that the all powerful governments of the would would never tell a lie? They lie about murdering Sam Rich over a fucking DNC nomination. They'll lie about the biggest secret in history too.

OP can have a lifetime to prove he isn't retarded he still wouldn't be able to

You shut your fucking mouth you fucking faggot. Maybe this shit would have been funny years ago but that time has long passed. Get off my Cred Forums you horrendous faggot and commit suicide. You offer nothing to this site and this world so why don't you just end it? You probably typed that out with your Cheetos covered fingers, stroking your neck beard while you consider what to write next, all while you grin as if what you're doing is clever. This thread is going to die along with your shit post so that little feeling of happiness you get pressing that post button is going to fade you faggot. You'll realize you're back in your depressing rut of a life that is waking up, jerking off, eating, getting on Cred Forums, being retarded, jerking off, eating, getting on Cred Forums, jerking off, eating, sleeping, and repeat. Your parents probably raised you hoping you'd turn out to something important and helpful to society but here you are, a filthy neckbeard, with nothing better to contribute to society but typing out stupid shit on an anonymous image board. Seriously just end it, you make me as well as everyone else around you sick.

>they fly in circles on the shorter flight to even out the times
Why? IDK, one of the flat earthers might be able to tell you why they waste fuel in order to get you to pay more when they could just charge you literally whatever they want from the get-go.
This is just what I've been told



>People who fly to high altitudes
It's hard to clean up after every other flight.

You're plotting those points on government controlled GPS systems and government made maps, on an imaginary sphere which is really a compressed version of what the earth actually looks like.
You drank too much sea water if you really think we live on some giant egg shaped rock.

Why would anyone use an anchor as bait?
Are they fishing for giant Flounder or something?

>egg shaped
You know an egg tapers at one end?

Complete fucking liar.

>You have 10 seconds to prove the earth isn't flat.
>>protip: you can't

The shadow on the moon is always circular

Next question?

I spent six months sailing around the world, always going east. How come I never fell off the edge.

Okay. Prove to me that GPS is inaccurate and I'll believe you. Prove that the charts are false and I'll believe you.

Because you fail to comprehend the simple, albiet relatively unknown fact that the earth is flat, let me explain further.
Let's pretend the earth is a sphere. If you want to sail around the giant space ball, you just travel strait forward and you will eventually end up where you were, right?
But, because the surface is actually flat, to travel around the middle zone you have to sail in a circle. It's all just basic geometry.

Can you prove the moon is round? I've only ever seen one side.

Aight, m8. Let me tell you about flaps. Flaps create lift due to the change in distance that the air has to travel when a flap is extended or retracted.
With an extended flap, air has to travel further over the wing than under it. This creates more lift. during landing AND takeoff it's a good idea to have flaps extended because there could be an engine failure at a lower velocity (during landing and takeoff) where flaps would bridge the gap between flight and crashing. Your flaps could also become jammed, so it's a good idea to wait until you're well in the air to retract your flaps, that way you have some flaps in the event of an emergency landing, as opposed to none.
Git fukt retarded trailer trash. An airplane does cost more than your double-wide.

A lot of the replies in this thread can be explained away pretty easily.
If the earth were flat, time zones could still occur if the sun were closer, smaller, and shone on different parts of the Earth at different times. Gravity could be an illusion and we could just be moving up at 9.8m/s^2. I think the best evidence for a round Earth is the fact that we have to build structures like bridges based on how the Earth curves spherically.


Show me a photo of the edge, or take me to the limit of the known world and show me undiscovered lands


I've seen a picture that showed an astronaut signing a piece of paper just before she boarded a rocket bound for the ISS, two men in dark suits and sunglasses were in the corner of the frame, watching her. They almost looked like security or something. I didn't save it, unfortunately and I haven't seen it since, but it's out there along with other small clues.

>inb4 literally posts any picture of Antarctica

Because a launched satellite uses the force centripetal that causes a rotating object to centre seek.

The amount of satellites that are criss-crossing the earth, this could not happen without a spherical mass!

You'll just have to take my word for it, retard.

> burden of proof
Bruh, the burden of proof always falls on the person with the less widely-accepted opinion.

Your flaps don't mean shit except that there is air on earth. You want a medal or something for pointing that out?

>An astronaut signed a paper under the watchful gaze of two men in suits.
Definitely not a medical release or anything like that.
The world is flat because I drew a line between the numbers 14 and 25 in a coloring book.

I Will.
Look at the Sky, newfag

Not an argument

What does any of this shit actually matter? I don't mean from a scientific or technological standpoint. I mean from the standpoint of the billions of humans whose lives are not going to change one iota of it were suddenly revealed to us that the world is flat, the Sun revolves around the Earth, the space race never happened, and those magical devices that help us find addresses and text our useless bullshit back and forth to each other are even more mysterious and magical than we've been lead to believe, cuz reasons?

Pic related. It's my job. I'm milling the open ends of beryllium-copper safety wrenches. How does the shape of the planet impact my day to day life, and career? Not that I buy into your crank bullshit. I do like to read about science, particularly astronomy in my spare time, but it's a hobby, and has no real bearing on my day to day life. Most people aren't even interested in this shit that much, and couldn't care less about any of it.

Go look any of that up, if you can do it in less time than it took me to post, I will concede. That's a summation of how flaps work in an aircraft in less time than it would take to research it fully. Do whatever you want. You don't have to believe me. I sure don't believe you.

Once again, because you ignorant rounders refuse to believe that your friendly neighborhood government would lie, all maps you see today, and all pictures of earth are either completely made up or heavily photoshopped. You have to dig pretty deep to find the truth, but it's out there.

Keep believing the government lies that you've been told all your life, sheep. I'm nice and cozy over here, knowing the truth. Do some research, really look for that information and maybe you'll get lucky and find something the government spies missed, although I highly doubt you'll find anything.

if the earth was flat then the sun would have to be flat as well.

if not then how come it is night here but day in other countries?

early (primitive) navigation relies on the stars and local knowledge
If there's WWIII, you'd want to know which way is North on a clear night.

I don't get it, if the earth is flat please show me a pic of the edge of the world?

Teachers have to teach a specific curriculum, decided by the federal government. That way they keep the masses under control from an early age.
Open your eyes.

On Thursdays I ride my unicorn around the world. Sometimes after consuming a special cotton candy that makes me able to breath in space. From space I can see the world is round. After which I fly around going house to house and I can confirm Op tried to suck the cock of my unicorn

All pictures of the Edge are either deleted or under heavy security in the secret vault where all the hidden truths of the world are stored, including the lost scrolls from the library of Alexandria. Almost no one knows about this. Who knows what else is in there.

They have to speak on certain subjects, but no one tells them line by line what to say or how to arrive at that conclusion.
The only proof I can conjure up is that Asians do math differently but still end up with the same answers as us. Either it's a world-wide conspiracy, or you're retarded and knowledge is often empirically proven.

you had one chance to convince me and ya blew it

Copper wrenches? Copper is such a weak ass bitch metal. Poor choice

Dude, I'm in the air force maintenance team, I can teach you this shit, son. No matter how much you fly these beasts, we'll always know better than you, retard.

You've been taught to believe that the phenomenon of lift is caused by a convenient explanation that fits their ill constructed round earth theory. Like many others, you have been lied to from your first day in school, and now you don't know the truth when you see it. I wish I had all the links and research that PROVE EARTH IS FLAT, but all the information has been far removed from the public and I lack the skill or technology to retrieve it single-handed, so forgive my lack of sources.
However if you think about it logically, it makes sense that the earth is flat. If it was spinning, mountains would grow in a curved shape due to weathering, but obviously they don't.

Tldr you are a faggot
you have 5 seconds to prove you're not a fag

Believe it or not, the earth is flat and the information is hidden. It's called the "vault" because all we know is none of the information is digital, this makes it impossible to hack. The only way to retrieve it is to find this "vault", wherever it is.
Don't tell me you think every scroll was destroyed when Alexandria was sacked. There are groups of people who give their lives to defend this secret and others like it, I'm sure they would have risked everything to save that precious info.

The atmosphere moves with the Earth. So the mountains would be straight anyways.

>hurt durr I can't read that many words
This is why you're so easy to control, I spell out the truth for you and you just refuse to read it. Typical sheep.

Trips speak truth


Neither one moves, that's why mountains grow straight up.
Think about it.

Why does the big super all powerful government that controls the world hide the flat earth? for the lols.

It's a worldwide conspiracy hidden by the leaders of countries that either have access to the Vault or have a space program. So Europe, Russia and North America. Not too many rockets coming from Africa, so I doubt most African countries are in on it.

They do it to control the masses. If people knew what earth really looked like there would be a global revolution. Borders would dissolve, countries would burn and the government would loose control. They don't want the people to know the truth.

Lift literally has nothing to do with the Earth itself.
I can achieve lift in any gravitational field filled with fluid ( inb4 o2 isn't a fluid). Flat or round, Your logic is disconnected here:
the phenomenon of lift is caused by a convenient explanation that fits their ill constructed round earth theory
Everything after this is explained away by empiricism.
I hope you're not for real, m8
Have a good one.

There you have it: "They"
>as always

I love the how your entire reasoning comes down to "but the government lies" You are why we can't have nice things.

>The Earth is flat, so let's dissolve our borders and burn our countries because potato.

>think about it
This is my new phrase whenever I want someone to think it is be like it do when.
Think about it.

the sun creates lights in all directions you cunt

Air lift is only possible because of the flat surface of the earth. Liquid has different properties than gas, and all liquid tests are done in water tanks with a flat bottom, mimicking the earth's surface anyway.

If you knew what earth looked like, you would understand you silly rounder.

By "they" I mean the governments of the most powerful countries in the world, the countries that have control over this information.

but they do lie, look at hillary clinton for just one example.

shadows having different lengths along the same path from equator to a pole. Shadow's length is being resized per location equally as it would happen on a sphere. Proving the earth is not flat without the needs of tools beyond a stick and something to measure the length of a shadow.

yeah, but a spotlight does not
re-read the posts
(where the Sun was a spotlight in an effort to prove a point)

Uh, I fell today, but I didn't ascend.

finally a voice of reason. thanks user, these ignorant sheeple don't like new ideas that go against big daddy government's lies.

hahahahahahaha that one was fucking gold
>Lift is only possible
Proof? No? I'll wait while you create an entire spherical planet to test as a control.

What crackpot conspiracy you gonna cling to after Virgin Galaxy launches?

omg, stop, i'm not advocating for you
I'm destroying faulty logic wherever it lies.
I care not for your troll. Do not include me.

How about having the ability to sail around the world? How the fuck can you sail completly around something flat? You'd eventually have a drop off. This shit is stupid. Name one other planet or thing in space that's flat? You can't.

>Curved windows distort your view of the Earth
>Curved eyeballs distort your view of the Earth
Something like this, user.

While I do that, why don't you build a ridiculous spherical model that mimics the round earth theory? I can guarantee that even if you manage this feat, you won't be able to create the lift that aircraft generate in the atmosphere.


You clearly do not understand programming. If I were to create a world in a simulation (I asked you to do it in reality) couldn't I just program in flight physics?

Collectively we believe the govt. lies and it's reasonable to believe that and we have evidence. What's not believable is the Earth being flat due to the overwhelming tidal wave volume of evidence stacked against you.

If you could prove it in 10 seconds, it would probably be easy enough, that even flat earthers would get it

Blue. Balls.

>faulty logic
You mean like the round earth theory? Why don't you destroy that next, it's full of holes and faulty logic, should be easy for a master logician like you.

Tur dat.

Even commenting on this is intellectually embarrassing.

because i can't see brittain from the dutch coast

You are a retarded moron

precession of the equinoxes

Holy fuck people wake up why are you biting this stupid bait

Flat earth theorists are all around the globe :/

Fucking quads dude. Everything I said must be right.

I have been busy destroying your flat earth, but so far all you can conjure up is "lies" or "government lies" despite mountains of empirical evidence.
So, since you have no proof, I think i'll retire from this thread.
G'day m80

You could, and you would find that the simulated airplanes would simply not fly in the round earth theory model. They can only create that degree of lift over a flat surface, but I digress. Very little is known about the true shape of the earth, but enough information has been leaked that we know it has to be flat.

Those are not quads newfriend


Because this arseclown probably believes it. Much like fuckloads of people who all seem to live in America.

Oh? Does it look like a penis?

Every arguement you've presented can be explained by the massive cover up that hides this information from the public. Have you ever been to space? If not, then you only know what you've been told about it by government employed teachers.

sheep that you are

sad this

Mountains you fucking faggot

No you fucking troll, stop thinking about dicks and do some research.

Yep fuct it up.

I'll go back to lurking.


>flat earth

Pick one, fucking luddite.

>Going to space is the only way to prove the earth is round despite the fact that if you went into space at a perpendicular angle to the flat earth it would look no different from a round earth save the rotational axis
One last chuckle for the road, thanks.

Of course I believe it, it's more or less a proven fact, we just don't have the proof because the governments cover it up very well. They have spies and "clean up crews" everywhere.

>inb4 images not to scale


Other way around faggot. You have to prove the earth IS flat. All the evidence points to otherwise

Clearly you need to do more research if you still believe in the centuries old round earth theory.


>can fly non stop from South America to Australia in 10 hours
>if OP's pic were how the earth really were, that travel time would be impossible

Theirs too much water to be(e movie) flat and have land

As an Italinian ameriggo I resent those remarks

look the fucking sea, it's curved.




You can also see Mt Rainer from Canada on a clear day but because of curvature you can only see the apex

Going to space is the only way to see the truth, as almost all the documentation and research about the flat earth theory are safely locked away. You have no idea what the governments are capable of, they'll do anything to keep this a secret.

oh, and if the earth was flat you'd somehow not be able to see Africa from NYC, but you could see some how it from space despite your vision supposedly only being able to go so far while on Earth because magic.

No it's less of a proven fact than the "fact" that llamas are capable of teleportation is you feed them oranges.

>Proven fact
>Don't have proof.
Govt's can't clean up shit (provable) so the question is. Is it more believable that the govt. have clean up crews or you're IQ deficient?

>the sea
If you really believe that the water in the ocean is actually curved, then I have some bad news for you, buddy.

>Nice arguement, moron.
you're presented with an argument, which you disregard whilst typing "wake up sheeple" and then you mock the lack of arguments when you're called stupid.


.. cool runnings, dude.

fuck off.



could you find a more obviously doctored image? i think it would be difficult to do so.

yeah man, she doesn't exist. She's a 3D projection from a satellite or some shit.



The lizard queen is real, and she lies. I bet she's done her fair share of cover ups in her time.


They hide the truth because with true knowledge comes the reality that even atheists are wrong. The earth would be known not to be created by pure chance. But. It in fact made by intelligent design. Use your fucking heads as to why this would be hidden. Look at some basic arguments that the flat earthers show and then compare it and do your own research. Failing that continue to be a sheep and just base all your evidence on wiki and what NASA give you. At least all the flat earthers use the given data and question it from that basis.




right, the first thing I'd do if I was proven that the Earth is flat, is to burn my country. Of cause, it's the only valid course of actions.


>What are mountains

What's your arguement, "holy fuck you sound stupid"? Yeah I'm totally convinced. Go back to sleep little sheep.



Why am I able to see satellites in the sky at night?

True, but beryllium-copper, when heat treated is comparable to steel in strength and hardness. The reason people use these tools is for working in hazardous environments, where sparking could be deadly. They make brass ones for the same reason, but brass tools won't hold up as long as these. These are top dollar tools, but they don't need to be replaced constantly.

Honestly though, that's all they have going for them. We machine the casts for the company that manufactures them, and they half-ass on those casts. It's quite annoying and infuriating some of the garbage they send to us. The most common problem I run into is getting the slot or the boxed-ends centered well enough not to look like total shit. If they castes and ground them consistently it wouldn't be an issue at all, but whoever they have doing that apparently doesn't give a shit. Not that that stops the company from botching at US for not being able to work miracles.


>Me and five of my friends sailed together, in a 40 foot Hinckley yawl

That must have been really cool.
My wife and I have talked about doing something like that (around the world over a few years).
Any advice?

/Been sailing since I was 5 yo and learned celestial navigation at 12.

Yeah and I'm the king of Atlantis.

That's exactly what they want you to think, good sheep.

>You have 10 seconds to prove the earth isn't flat.

Trigonometry works

Of course, only fanatical religifags would swallow this massive load of bullshit. How did i not notice?

>The atheists are WRONG! So, we're gonna burn everything because potato.

I fucking hate these rounders, why can't you see that the government is lying to you. Please go outside and do some real research, wake up.

>gimme proof sheeple
>btw all proof is false fucking sheeple
>now show me the fucking proof fucking sheeple


Alright, listen the fuck up. Let me explain it to you faggots in a way your puny little brains will understand.

Take a line.

Copy it, move it away, what's the space between the lines called? A square.

Take the square.

Copy it, move it away, what's the space between the squares called?

A cube.

When you moved the line away to make the square, you had to move it in a new direction, one the line didn't extend in. Same with the square: to make a cube, you had to move the copy of the square in a new direction, one the SQUARE didn't extend in.

Now, try, if you can, to imagine a direction a cube doesn't extend in. (Hint: you can't.)

Copy the cube, move it away in that direction, what do you get?

A hypercube. Something that's like a cube, but "bigger."

A tesseract.

Now repeat this process 10 more times or so. You should now have a "cube" extending in more directions than there are in the universe under any model of physics yet considered.

Take the last new direction you found in that process. I.e., the thirteenth axis.




no she's not, you slumbering sheep. Look at the evidence, right in front of your eyes, look at the pictures and videos. She's a combination of CGI and 3D image projection, she never existed.

wake up.


I didn't suggest that religion was correct. I merely pointed out that science would be reduced to little merit especially as science is supposedly rational theory, to which case would be false.

Try harder with your attempts to fit in with the sheep.

Touche... I think...

would you, if offered, accept a ride in a spaceship into outer space, beyond the Karman Line from where you could, with your own eyes, look down the Earth and see that it is a round, spinning ball travelling through space?

would you?

it's what I just said, supreme moron. Like when my parents told me Santa wasn't real, I killed those lying fucks and burned down the house.

I'm typing this via osmosis, from my cell in Arkham Asylum.


I love you.

Chicago Skyline from Michigan city, Indiana

the arguments are right here:
feel free to disregard them again, and scream about sheeple instead.

Toronto from New York State

>Invents time machine
>Goes back to the day your parents fucked
>Kill both

ignorant rounder, the truth is right before your eyes and you refuse to believe it. you want to talk about derp? rounders are the biggest derps in history.

i have proof that the earth is flat right here that doesn't contradict any of the proof you've cited

This. Go outside, rounders!

Yes. I'm not someone who will deny anything in the sense that hard evidence was presented to me. Such as seeing it truly for myself. I'm on the fence with it all. I used to believe the earth was round given what I was taught in school. But now, looking at the alternative evidence and the constant fuck ups by NASA as happily seeing something not quite right in the status quo. NASA won't even take and genuine picture of the planet.

Well I've never seen her in real life, only holograms of her at conventions and CGI on TV. There may be something to your theory.

I find it funny the fact that none of the flat earth fags in this thread had countered this argument yet. All they can say is "government" and "lies". Fucking retards.

clearly doctored images. believe whatever you want, sheep. the truth is right under your nose.

All retard round-earthers need look no further than here for absolute proof the earth is flat:

>Clearly you need to do more research if you still believe in the centuries old round earth theory.
>I however, believe in the centuries old flat earth theory

lmfao, clearly fake. Not even rockets "leave" the earth that quickly (that is assuming those rocket launches we see ARE real and not models/3d graphics)

no bro, that ain't proof. It's a theory, it's mathematical gymnastics, and it counts for shit all when you factor in the real evidence like ships disappearing below the fucking horizon.

if you are a round earther you are WRONG and this is PROOF:

You must lack the intelligence to fully comprehend the scale of this cover up. It's one of the biggest secrets in history. All that false information the user posted (in meme arrows, no less), is spread by the governments and taught to kids to indoctrinate them in school.

exactly, brother. Spread the word.


Take a look at the standard flight paths for all flights going anywhere. You'll find they all make stops that do not make sense on a globe as it should be straight forward. Yet on a flat earth it would make sense then. The irony. Look it up yourself. It's out there.

If you'd actually read the theory you'd know the idea that the earth is an oblate spheroid (which I wholly support) does not contradict the idea that it's flat. In fact, ALL three dimensional objects are flat. IN FACT, all objects of ANY dimensions are flat.


That phenomenon occurs when the ship gets too far away, the human eye can't see it because it's too small and the humidity above the ocean obscurs it. Either that or the ship really did find the Edge, in which case it will never be heard from again.

>the truth is right before your eyes
I know, and I've seen it. Out the windows of countless, commercial jets I've flown as a passenger through the years. I've looked out said windows, and seen the curvature of the Earth, and in doing so I've seen first hand the evidence that is Earth is round.


The earth is flat and this is proof: (disclaimer: it is also proof that everything is flat including things that have depth and are round)

The earth is both round and flat:

Those flight paths are made up. Only the air traffic controllers know the true flight path, but they're sworn to secrecy like astronauts and high altitude pilots.

yes, we get it, you're a fucking pancake now shut up.


Stupid faggots.


gravitational fields

So are you, everyone's flat.




How can you be so retarded? Just look at nasa images and you'll se that they are photoshoped.
Pic related is the blue marble, they must be really desperate.

neither of these disprove this proof that the earth is indeed flat:

Do you know what an optical illusion is? Do you think the governments are so fucking stupid that they don't curve every single airplane window to make the surface appear round? The problem is that you underestimate the scale of this secret, it's unprecedented.

I pick up a grain of sand and turn it over- another side! Apples are round. Water drops are round. You're retarded.

You can believe in aliens with no proof, big foot and a god. Yet evidence found and put to NASA who ignore it and provide you with releases of images and math theory that don't up is believable? And when questioned for it get slammed down hard for not following the rules. Seriously?

>show me the evidence
>btw all evidence is false
>now show me the evidence

When I was a kid I digged a huge pit in my garden, it took me years, then I falled face to face with a fucking chinese digging verticaly like me. I did a 360 and went back.

this proof that the earth is flat requires no evidence:

That never happened, because the earth is flat of course.

Its simple

We kill the Batman

No but serious just look at those pics Armstrong took while the Apollo 11 Mission

If the world would be flat, u could See asia, merica and africa the Same time as the poles and Europa and 'stralia

Mt Rainier can be seen from Victoria, BC. Population 80K.

Chicago can be seen from Cichigan city, population 30K

Toronto can be seen from Youngstown, NY. Population 2k. Also can be seen from Niagara on the Lake, population 15K. Buffalo pop 250K and even Niagara Falls with good enough conditions.

So either you're bullshitting, or scientists have found a way to alter things we see with our own eyes.

I'll leave it up to you to figure out which one is more likely.

the earth is flat and also a three dimensional oblate spheroid and indeed everything existing in any number of dimensions is flat


Those photos were doctored very carefully, in the real picture you can clearly see all the continents and even the Edge, or so I've heard. The original photograph is either destroyed or being kept in the Vault. Who knows.

nice trips

you're right, the earth is round and has visible curvature

but it's also flat


oh, I've also parachuted form high altitudes... same height, same curvature of the Earth. Are you now gonna tell me that my wind goggles where "curved" to create an "optical illusion" so that I'd think the Earth was round? And that said "curve" in my wind glasses disappeared magically once I touched terra firma?

sure you are.


we pancake now mamma

you're right but the earth is still flat anyway, see:

This is caused by the distorsion of the atmosphere you fool. Go back to school learn basic physics.

If the earth was round, you couldn't see that far away. You just proved my point. The ONLY reason you can't see further is because of humidity in the atmosphere and weather conditions.

yes we are all thirteen dimensional pancake

>curve every single airplane window to make the surface appear round?
then how come said horizon ain't round at take off, on the ground, but first appears once well into the sky?



then explain why the line between how far we can see and what we can't see is very clearly and narrowly defined rather than just a gradient fade out as if due to fog

The illusion only works when you're high above the surface, when you get closer you can see the flatness much better.
Have you ever parachuted without your government approved wind goggles? No? Strange.

someone else photoshopped that, not nasa

>this proof requires no evidence
said no scientist, ever.

I'm not a scientist, I'm a mathematician. It's a mathematical proof. It does however rely on the assumption that the universe extends in a finite number of dimensions. The idea is basically that whatever dimension comes AFTER that finite number, the earth is irrefutably flat IN THAT DIMENSION. If the universe extends in infinitely many dimensions, my proof is no longer sound.

also known as the yummy dimension, dude.

It must have something to do with the upward movement of the flat earth, but I'm not sure exactly. It makes sense that the light waves are moving down as the earth moves on its constant upward journey, so that could be it.

Look at the original image

When you throw a rock it doesnt go straight forward but moves in an arch. This is because of the roundness of the earth


>Have you ever parachuted without your government approved wind goggles?
I've never owned any "government approved wind googles", I simply donned an old pair of workmans glasses, like so many parachuters do that can't be assed to pay shitton for useless tacticool gear.

so, there we have it. The Earth is round.

the earth is both round and flat, see:

Another interesting one..

>government approved wind goggles
jesus christ, look at what you just wrote and then reconsider your life, man.

holy shit

If the earth was round, how the hell could I catch fat bitches, dumbasses ?

No, idiot. It's because of air friction, the rock slows down and loses momentum causing it to meet the rising surface of the earth

>It's a mathematical proof
exactly, it's not evidence. Case dismissed, thrown out and closed.


Argue this one Sheep? NASA themselves provided these images, found on their website.

Go for it, I dare you.

no it flat


It's a Selfie you faggot.

Why should I? Keep being crazy, I don't give a shit.

>I guess the majority of people are less educated than I thought.

Only on the minutia of your frankly insane and utterly impossible conspiracy theory only compelling to idiots, lunatics, or both.

it's not evidence, but it's proof. unless you claim the universe extends in infinitely many dimensions which is an idea no self respecting physicist would entertain.

Says the person who clearly doesn't understand what they are looking at.

Well done.

the same guy who was phone

.. btw, the picture is of the landing pot LEAVING the moon, and is taken with timer from a camera left there for the very same purpose.

>not sure if retarded or bait

It's expanding=mind blown

Also, dipshit, if you want a selfie, how about this one?

Got anything decent to say about this, that will actually contribute to anything other than trolling?

No? Didn't think so.

>there is no such thing as research
>the modern camera was only invented once and never had to be improved
>the differences in the pictures of the earth must be badly manipulated

it's the same in all the pictures, you endless idiot. Except the quality increases and cloud coverage changes.

jesus titty fucking christ

Don't hate the new science my friends

Provide me the proof that in 1969 they had cameras with timers, that also got themselves back onto a ship heading back to earth?


You flat eathers are soon behind



These images were provided by NASA, that means the size of the Countries change due to cloud coverage? You're sure about that?

If we're going that deep we should also assume the possibility that reality itself does not actually exist.
We presume it exist because of our capacity of perceiving the environment. In other words, our brain uses our senses and creates the "Illusion of Reality" in which we live in.

If reality is an illusion, the Earth is not real either, so it cannot be flat nor round, which makes this entire thread absolutely pointless.

End of discussion.


When you are high eolnough you can see a curve

What kind of shadow does a circle make

did you try login and fact yet? I guess it's hard to know anything about the actual world from your mom's basement you fat Fuck.

The sad part is, these are the literal arguments flat-earthers use. Might not even be bait.

Why are people still debating this when I've already proved the earth is flat? Round-earthers have ridiculed my proof but none have been able to refute it. I acknowledge all their evidence as true and not a conspiracy, but NONE of it so far has been relevant at ALL to my proof in particular. My proof is compatible with their evidence.

My proof:

self timers on cameras have been around since the early 20th. century, try a quick google my man. And no, the camera didn't have to fly to Earth itself, they collected it when they returned for the Apollo II mission.

>wut is Occam's Razor

Flat earthers are cancer.
