Has Cred Forums ever had hemorroids? Did you pop them?

has Cred Forums ever had hemorroids? Did you pop them?

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You can't pop them faggot

only wait and dont do anything stupid

i thought they get big blood clots in them and you need to get them drained

I typically take a razor blade and cut it pretty deep until liquid starts flowing out

They do but most people just leave them. I pop mine though because the pain is unbearable

Don't try to pop them retard.
I think this is bait/10, but incase you are fucking stupid those are actually veins that have bubbled out. If you pop it upon, that is the same as cutting your wrist.
It might or might not stop bleeding on its own. Being a somewhat more sensitive area on the actual body and not an extremity, I imagine bloodflow to that area is significant, expect to bleed out faster rather than slower.

i've got what feels like a small egg on my butthole, and it feels desperate to pop but it's rockhard

you can pop them if your nails are long enough

with a razor blade or a pin or what? I can hardly walk

Then you're an idiot.

They're sections of the colon wall which have drooped and folded (usually due to having hard shits).

Eat more green veg, buy ointment. Popping them is a trip to the hospital.

I get them from time to time, let me say DO NOT FUCKING POP THEM!

They will go away on their own eventually

The last one I had was so bad it actually popped on its own, the pain was intense and blood everywhere

Doctors orders were to change my diet and shit where possible. Haven't had them in a few months

Had them twice. Don't pop them, they'll grow back naturaly!

Buy Sudocream or any zinc baby rash cream. Its for babies for diaper rash but will take them away in a day. I'm 30 and got my first hemorrhoid last year. Shit was rough but saw this suggestion online and it worked so fast.

thanks anons, guess i'll alternate warm baths and butthole icecubes for a few days

I've had hemorrhoids maybe like a month ago, never had them before, a few times that I took a shit, I my ass was slightly bleeding because I took such massive shits, literally 1-1.5kg shits, log-sized.

I think it might have been because I ate too much starchy shit like chips and then got busy with work so I didn't shit for a couple days.

Try adding table salt to a shallow warm bath

Helps a bit

best thing u can do is warm baths daily and DO NOT force the poo out with any force or you are done for

if you are bleeding, go see a specialist
i've hade the state before hemorroids, and i still bleed from time to time, im so glad i went to see a doctor, i can't imagine how the pain would have been worse
i was like shitting every 3 days to stop the bleeding, put my ass in some kind of liquid to help it and so on
do not wait or you'll most likely regret it

I beg to differ

could also be colon cancer, get yo butt checked out.

i just moved here and was told i'd have to wait a couple days to see someone. I had the internal ones before which just bleed a little bit when you shit, but this is seriously a rockhard golfball on my asshole somehow right in the middle which makes shitting incredibly difficult. i haven't slept much for 2 nights because i can feel my pulse in it. The baths and icecubes seem to have calmed it a bit but i was really hoping i could just explode it...

Yup, from stretching my ass out. Itches but I can take a monster dildo now and it's easier to take a dump.

this lines up with my experience so far, craving that release of pressure but i guess i'll just leave it alone

Don't fucking pop them, retards

You pop it, drain it - you have yourself an open wound. You take a shit, bacteria goes directly into the wound and you have a nasty ass (pun more or less intended) infection.


thanks for the input guys, you didn't let me down.

Had them two times so far this year. Cortisone cream does not relieve the pain...it felt like it made it worse actually

seriously, how can you even consider cutting them; that makes no sense at all (excluding the fact you're not trolling which would be the obvious one)

dude, just get some wet medicated wipes. Some perpetration H and lay on you chest. You can push em back in for some relief, but trust me it's better if you just let it heal on it's own. Ice cubes wrapped in toilet paper help too.

excluding the fact you're trolling* which would be the obvious one

Just eat more fiber, drink more water and let your shit come out naturally. Do not push

I can't remember ever having this sort of sustained intense pain before, and it's even worse due to how complicated it's made shitting.

There's a lot of people on other sites saying they've done it, but doctors telling them not to.

At this point a colostomy bag sounds amazing.

don't listen to the fucktards on bodybuilding forums or yahoo answers.. If you have a doctor make an appointment. Otherwise avoid all types of fiber, and just keep yourself hydrated. The less you sit directly on your ass, the faster it'll heal.


THIS, try bananas and fiber pills.. Also, lots and lots of water and avoid Milk products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.

Your ass will thank you.

Avoid fiber or get more? I figured firmer shits would make the cleanup easier and prevent straining, but i don't know if a hard shit will get past this fucker without ripping it off.

Fiber is your friend. I don't know if it's a typo or the guy is mistaken. But according to my doc and most sites if you do your research Fiber helps you shit better.

i've had some fiber pils called "fibion" that helped me through the process
but the salted hot water was even more helpful than fibers

thanks buddy

Hmmmm.. salt hot water? first time I hear this one. I'm going to give it a shot. Do you shuts drink a cup every now and then or how does this work?

this thread made me look up videos where hemorroids are popped, but couldn't find any

can you guys hook me up?

pretty sure as a bath

lol, sorry it wasn't clear
i wasn't talking about drinking it, but to apply on your hemorroid
personnally i used this pharmaexpress.be/files/product/big/Bain-De-Siege-069-1-Piece.jpg
you put the water, than you put it on your toilet like you sit when you shit, you wait like 10 mins and it helps if you do it a few times a day or before and after shitting

I do have them. And I also have anemia because of chronic bleeding. If you have them OP just buy a fucking cream. It can help a lot, but you've got to contact a doc or else you'll be fuck like I am.

Hahaha, I don't know what I was thinking when I typed that. Next thing you know I'm having hallucinations from drinking all that salt water.. hehehehe.

I have used salty warm water to help the healing after having teeth pulled. you spit the water after a minute or two.

I have IBS and hemmeroids and they have been ongoing since I was 22 and only gotten worse (now 28).

Imagine if your ass had constant tears like overly chapped lips being stretched, all the while you shit out highly acidic diarrhea. It truly makes me want to kill myself.

I’ve unfortunately had issues for about 15 years, with the same internal to external when it flares up. I’m 38 now & have tried about everything except real surgery.
At 22 I went to the er since I was in so much pain & could barely walk. The er Doctor wanted to cut, which I have just never been able to justify personally. I can’t imagine the recovery. I tried the rubber bands but they were very painful & came out in a bowel movement within an hour of getting home from procedure. So no luck there either.

But the one thing that works best for me over a decade is icing it for 20 minutes, then followed by 20 minute sitz bath with Epsom salt.
I put a few small pieces of ice in the corner of a plastic wal-mart bag & tie it into a knot & cut the excess bag so I have a small closed plastic bag of ice. I then wrap in a washcloth & use a rubber band to tie the washcloth over the plastic bag. The first time you sit on it it almost immediately numbs the pain & starts helping with the excruciating pain immediately (for me at least)!!! The ice melts almost completely after the 20 mins. Put washcloth in freezer & let the water freeze again. Then I repeat for as many times as necessary until I can join the normal world again. Takes anywhere from 4-10 times daily & anywhere from 2-6 days but it treats the acute phase for very cheap & super fast relief from that horrible pain. I do all the other things everyone on here has listed but hadn’t seen the ice/freezing method which has worked better than any of the other things & its not even close. Really hope this can help especially if you don’t have good (or any) health insurance.

Instant relief, not an instant fix at all, but will certainly help you manage the pain until you can find whatever method fixes the problem for good. Works so good for me that I would never consider surgery until this doesn’t work so please give it a shot if you or a loved one has ever dealt with this excruciating pain type that I get

Kek I remember that thread, I saved those too and was about to post the same

That's not what you're supposed to do at all

I didn't