This kid keeps photoshopping my dad, what do I do?

This kid keeps photoshopping my dad, what do I do?

This is one

And another



Theres more but I dont want to show them



Show us the original


And just like that. My sides are lost forever.

Its not that funny its just annoying

Dude it's pretty funny

The gay porn ones arnt funny, or the 9/11 ones

Dub dubs for truth

It's fucking hilarious is what it is...

Did you just photoshop these yourself and are currently fishing for attention?




Stop floundering around. You did all this! Let minnow when you have a REAL problem.

Are you the guy writing commentary on George Takeis Facebook posts? I just trout I recognized your style.

I hate this place

Everyone says that. I haddock enough of these ridiculous claims. I hake you all.

You know what they say.... Carp a diem!

What's the porpoise of all this anyway? Maybe he just admires your dad.