Why don't you workout?

Why don't you workout?

I'm a lazy shitface

cauuse im lazy

i do 3 time a week.

boxing faggot here


>tfw workout 3 times a week
>tfw 12% body fat
>tfw underweight and sabotaging my gains because broke up with gf and I didn't eat much for a month.

Cause i'm here obviously.

My dad isn't a steroids dealer who pumped me full of PEDs

Because i dont eat and its not healthy when not eating

>getting sad over a woman

lowtest cuck detected

I got a "bridge" between my 3 and 4 ribs, on the right side, if I make to much effort my lungs will rub against the extra bone get irritated and make it difficult to breathe, to the point where I can't get up if I'm lying on my back.

Because it wouldn't matter.

Because im overweight

Busy as fuck. Full-time electrical engineering student with three kids.

Maybe next semester...

>because im overweight

That should be the reason why you do workout

Do you have the one when he creates a singularity?

If i try to, i just get exhausted in an instant

I do 20 crunches and 20 push ups every single waking hour, telling myself it will eventually work.

It doesn't.

Because I am comfortable with my body, and I am charming enough to get girls, so I don't need the hto body

You don't find time, you make it, pussy.

that's another reason to go bro

pushups/bodyweight exercises stop giving you gains after a while

I'm lazy.

My will to pump iron and be a shredded sik knt kied out with zyzz's passing.

what will work? If anything you need to research and reevaluate. Bodyweight is enough for a great workout you just need to learn how to do it well.

It will keep you from getting fat and thats about it.

Wont see much gains unless you do a Intensive workout that pushes the muscles

Well, they haven't given me any. At all.

'atta girl!

Really? Teach me, oh master, how to create more hours in a day. More hours to fit in my lectures, labs, lab reports, taking kids to their obligations and picking them up, shopping, cooking, cleaning, and all the other necessities of adulthood, while still getting more than 6 hours of sleep so my grades don't tank?

You're just a dumb kid, spouting about stupid shit you don't understand and pretending to be a hard ass.

I've already grown tired of living. I don't want this dumpster fire to pan out any longer than it has to.

it's difficult and unpleasant.

This. Lost 55lb at one time, very athletic for some years and not others, now I'm fatter than ever before and not eating right or exercising

I do physical labor for work, so I dont need to


Haha str8 rekt em m8

I've worked out pretty much almost everyday for 2 hours or more for the last 4 years of my life. I sometimes imagine what's it like too come home and take a nap or play vidya gaem all day but then it just feels wrong but I'm so used to working out


For the same reason i'm not a brilliant scientist who is taking humanity to another step.

your like me. I fluctuate between 225 and 300 lbs depending on how much i care. Try finding a reason to care about your weight/health.

Plz no thumbnails. Get ye' gone!

but mostly boring

also when I try if I skip just one day of training just drop it all due to a huge lack of motivation

I want a healthier body but maybe exercise isn't my thing

I'm pretty low energy.

I'm going at 3, actually.

Fuck off user lol. This shit happened to me too about 2 years ago. Fucked with my gains for a good month at LEAST. Happen Bro.

I do. 3-4 times a week for over 2 years now. The difference is amazing. Feel like I can accomplish anything and after the workout, I'm horny as fuck. Still retain some fat on the abs area though. Can't seem to get rid of that.

I used to be heavy into fitness and looking great/working out 2+ hours a day 6 days a week. My peak was around 220 at 12% BF. I don't know what happened but i lost almost all motivation over the oast 2 years and have gone from 12% to around 25%. I still weigh around 210. I try to get that motivation back but nothing works. Part of me feels like im too far gone to get back into it.

225 pounds is not even close to slightly athletic...

I hope this is bait, and if so, 5/10.

Ya man.
For me it's getting to the point it feels weird making fat jokes bc I'm turning into one of them lazy fucks with "genetics / hormone" problems.

Going for a 10k hike today, maybe it'll jumpstart something

Not interested. It wouldn't benefit me in any way and is very time consuming.

I do.

im 6'4, 225 isnt out of control

I'm going to redpill the shit out of you lazy faggots making excuses for not being the best possible version of you that you can be. You're not going to get off your arse out of some desire to be healthy. You're going to get of your arse due to the desire to kill. Seething, blistering hatred is the motivation that gets you to start going to the gym, you can lay on all the muh health and wellbeing bullshit later once you start seeing real gains. Let's face it, if you've gotten to the point that you recognise you're not happy with your body, it's because you don't give a shit about it. And that's fine if you're fine with it. But if you are having thoughts that it's not good enough, it's hatred that'll get you to start benching and diddylifting. That cunt with the attractive girlfriend, fuck him. Lift and take his bitch. That cunt, that didn't move out of your way in the shops today, I'll make him shit his pants next time he pulls that shit.

My fellow autists, it is frustration that gets you to start lifting.

I'm lazy

Because it's easier to drink beer

I do.
But it doesn't help my social retardation.

I dont give a shit about lifting and getting healthy because I dont give a shit. I am not out to impress no cunt and I dont give a flying fuck what any cunt thinks of me. This is me so like it or lump it I am not changing and I am going to continue being a basement dweller.

Im 198cm and weigh 120kg
I've tried to lose weight but im incredibly bad at it

Fuck you useless muscle nigger lover.

Who gives a flying fuck if you can pick up 400 pounds for 2 seconds and then drop it?
You can't even walk to the store without being winded, let alone ever run at all.

Lifting is for insecure manchildren. If you don't do cardio, then you're the human equivalent of a Ferrari with lawnmower engine.

>Implying you can't do both

Thanks mr skeltal


i have no confidence issues

You're just delusional, then?

probably, but atleast im happy as i am

Until you realize the truth, that is.

well i hope that day never comes, till then im good

I want to. I just don't know what to do.

Just keep on doing what you're doing, then.

allright, thanks mate!

if you weighed what you said then you would know its never to late ya pussy

Alright, according to you faggots, what should I be doing? Consider I cannot leave the house and go to a gym. I would be completely unable to try and workout in public without becoming a mass of the spaghettiest spaghetti out there.

I love how people always assume that they are creative and intelligent but have never proven anything in those areas because they tell themselves that they are lazy.

You are not special, intelligent or creative. Laziness is always the go to excuse for lack of accomplishment.

Because it's hard and I don't wanna

Lazy and umotivated. I mean I THINK about it... I really want to. But, you know.... internet and stuff.

I do

>q.q I have no time to work out
>has time to shitpost on Cred Forums

I do brad i rarely skip a work out and always work out each muscle every week like my shedule says

For all you faggots out there, its not as hard as you want to make yourselve believe


google bodyweight exercises, theres a shit load of stuff out there

>full time EE student with kids
>still shitposting

Because I hate myself

lol why are you so sad brah , do some push ups mate or buy a weight set...