Oh look, another nigger committing a violent crime

Oh look, another nigger committing a violent crime.

No he didnt do nuffin !!!!

>look at me just a laxy pokemon player


Fake and gay

>Dindu Nuffin
>he was going to school to change his life
>He had a scholarship to play basketball
>Wite bois can't compete with the BBC's
>He bout it bout it

How do you figure


fucking niggerss...everytime I see a nigger I think about how they could be a criminal or something it's like they have no soul to me no matter how hard I try to make them look human in my eyes it's just not possible tehy're animals through and through thank god we left them at the superdome like the animals they were they trashed it within four days of hurricane katrina like the animals they are it took four days for them to fuck everything up and then complained that they were left behind to die when in actual reality that's exactly what was happening since they were still acting like animals fuck the old people too they needed to die nobody cares about old people...they don't really impact the working class unless you count social security wich in that case they're fucking leeches and need to die faster. all niggers must die.

>Nigglet used steal

What's more likely...someone faked getting mugged? Or someone got mugged by a nigger?
Before you decide, go walk around at night by yourself in an area with a lot of black people.

nobody should ever help a black person ever even if they are bleeding to death just let them die like the scum they are.

The guy deserved it.

Why was he walking around by himself in a ghetto? Probly a jew who wants to make money

With a bunch of equipment strapped to you no less

>central park

Lots of people been raped in Central Park nigger

Indeed, whoever could have possibly predicted such an outcome.

Why does the nigger have a go pro headset on? Is he livestreaming the mugging too?

around blacks don't relax! he relaxed!

Probably got it from the guy he mugged previously

Why cant white people fight? What a fucking pussy. Survival of the fittest. If you can't defend your property you deserve to have it taken from you.

Personally I am shocked.

dude got sucker punched to the jaw, not like he can fight when he's on the floor

A wild nigger appeared

>a wild Niggachu appeared
>wild Niggachu use Thief
>It's super effective!
>Glasses boy fainted
>wild Niggachu fled!

Did the guy get caught?


Ground. We call the floor outside, the ground. But yeah, good point about the sucker punch.

looks like the dindu had a gopro attached to its head, I think he was streaming it aswell

Watch the video clearly he escaped. Boy should have at least used a great ball.

>Niggachu stole Glasses boy's Phoneberry

More like:
>a wild niggachu appeared
>wild niggachu used sucker punch
>its super effective!
>glasses boy uses flail
>nothing happens
>wild niggachu uses thief
>niggachu takes glasses boys phone berry
>glasses boy uses flail
>nothing happens
>a wild niggachu flees

Cant trust niggers as far as you can throw them