Found a wallet full of money, around $1600, returned it to the person, mad?

Found a wallet full of money, around $1600, returned it to the person, mad?
Pic not of wallet.

I'm confused, is the pic related or not?

Not of the wallet I found, but related.

So its your wallet?

fucking mental


Good shit user. I would have done the same thing. I lost mine a few months ago with about 300 cash and the usual items of need. Was a shit experience and i know some fuck took the money and probably threw the rest in the bin

That sucks

so, the wallet you found was not your wallet, but the pic is your wallet, so you returned your wallet to someone that lost their wallet, but you have your wallet which you did'nt lose. is that the money from the wallet, in your wallet, because you did say you returned the wallet but not the cash in the wallet?

same thing i would have done if i knew whos it was

What the person said to you?

Did you get the 10% of the sum ($160) as reward?

Did you ask for a complimentary blowjob?

he said returned it... meaning the wallet and its contents. the pic is just representative of what he found

he found his wallet? i'm pretty sure he said that pic was of his wallet.

idk what you expected out of this thread OP

if the story is true, you have just done what most people would do, hooray for you.

Wouldn't have returned it, but I'm not proud of it. You're a better man than me OP. Congrats.

so the wallets mine?

Most people, fuck that, i don't know what greener grass world you live in, but most the fucks in this world would of spent that shit without the slightest hint of guilt.

Absolute madman!
Good job on not being a nigger

You lost your wallet? OP found a wallet, maybe its yours?

I got nothing, only satisfaction of giving someone all there shit back.
Lol, thanks? Btw, could have gotten like 2.3 ounces.

Don't reply to this user. He's being stupid on purpose.


congratulations on not being a nigger

can't wait for the thread you post when you resist raping your sister

What quantity of wallet is it?

Hurr Durr

hello newfriend

It's not my wallet

Neck yourself. You're not funny. Are you fucking 12 years old or something? You cunting faggot.

2.3 ounces? The fuck you live? I'm in a weed legal state so my pricing is so fucked up. I can get 3 ounces mid-high quality for under $500. Not bitching/mocking I'm genuinely curious.


Just a joke, I have no clue how much 2.3 ounces costs where I live.


Gambia, m8

Ah ok. Didn't know you were just throwing a number out. My bad user.

What do you mean? I'm asking for the quality of wallet.

keep it

no one keeps 1600 dollars in their wallet without being a drug dealer or someone that losing 1600 dollars won't hurt at all, meaning they're already rich as fuck

Good on ya. I would have taken the money personally.

Good for you. Good job.

There are a lot of drug dealers where I live so people carrying $1600 isn't very rare.
It was a leather wallet if that's what your asking.

That doesn't excuse you from stealing you poor fuck get a job

>I got nothing

I don't know the law in your country but in mine I get the 10% of the value of the lost & found item, in this case $160.

He/She could've given you at least $50 for the bastard.

It would still play on my conscience

It won't, in turn, happen to you in one form or another. People who have no guilt tend not to self sabotage at all though.

Nice job OP, that was the right thing to do.
Don't call me a fag or anything but Christ will reward you in heaven for that. Keep up the good work.

Eh, I don't need anyone's money.


What's the point OP? Proud of you and shit. But really wondering why someone who returned the money, and got no credit, would even make a thread. Maybe I'm jaded.




I will laugh when OP gets hit by a car and is a vegetable for life and screams where's my good karma.

>Dumb ass should have kept the money

I did the same thing a few years ago, though I'm not sure it was the wise choice: a couple grand in cash could have made a pretty big difference to my broke ass at the time, and she who walked around with that much as if it's business as usual probably wouldn't have missed it much.