Let's get one of these started

Let's get one of these started

Fly for sure

Grey any day cause I'm lazy and selfish.

Assuming grey is just a way of saying telekinesis, then grey.

Not only do you get pick stuff up and move it with your mind, you'd be able to fly/levitate via picking yourself up, you'd technically be able to "shapeshift" if you became well practiced because you could bend light around you in order to form the perfect look, and if you REALLY practiced hard enough to the point of damn near omnipotence, you could 'theoretically' be the deadliest villain by destroying buildings/cities/countries, or even possibly cause nuclear detonation via splitting atoms with your mind. (The last point is just alot of wishfull thinking and theoreticals, but it's a cool thought nonetheless)

Yellow because I'm lazy and selfish.

Grey. Telekinesis would be great for many things at work and around the house.

Also, imagine running your own prostate with your mind.

which one of these kills my dad?


can't steal with the rest of them

even invisiblity, fuck that shit, they can just see their purse flying away man, what's the difference

Or rubbing even.

that was quite a leap you did there


Red Duh
id love to be unnoticed
and you can hount some people for fun
and also sneak up on naked women
or sneak into cinemas
also stalking for ages unnoticed =D and realy close ;)
being a king in hide and seek
also sneak into strip bars or other sexy places ;) also discos
you can avoid people you dont like or hate
you can drive people insande thinking they are the only person who can see you
ow yea them possibilitys ^-^


Ehh, Its mostly stuff that other people pointed out that I just paraphrased. There was more, but I'm just tired.

Green, turning into animals would be great.

time travel yay ^-^
corecting all the shit youve done is just the best it also provides you with years of experience what may sem to others in 1 second since you can travel whenever you whatn means you could basicly stop time too

UM if your clothing is invisible, than so must be your pockets and everything in them.
Put on Big Coat, walk into bank, get into vault, put bills in pockets or just put your clothing that is till on you like a long towel atached to you over the money and walk away. Infact you could hide anyting you wanted to if you were wearing big enough clothing like wear a 12x12 tarp like a cape, now its invisible, or a car cover that is attached to you so you can drive an invisible car.

Why would anyone take the red pill instead of the warrior one?

who said the object can phase through the wall

or even your clothes

Yellow for sure.... All u other fgts r confuz

Elemental, because you can control Oxygen, which means you can control any organic life form, the atmosphere and water. You could literally control the air in someones lungs, or remove the water from there body, turning them into dust.



creep into homes with kids, drug them quick with chloroform and rape the shit out of them

go to farms and fuck horses and dogs and whatever is in the barn lol

steal all kinds of shit ( you have invisible pockets right?\

sneak past TSA and get into flights all over the world by sitting at the door right before it closes on air plains.
sneak onto cruise ships and travel,

you can sneak into hospitals and places with weed or guns or drugs or anything and get what ever you want so long as it fits under your jacket or such.

you could get out of jail any time if some how you got into one,

you could assassinate Hilary Clinton or trump
be a rich pedo zoo fag that can fly or go anywhere and do anything

grey button, its too easy

Elemental, I've always wanted to be an Air bender

I don't get the "clingy" shit. You're literally trapped in a room. How the fuck does being clingy or not even matter


seriously, the red pill would crush the warrior and then some.

Pink. Imagine all the good you can do with that.

Healer definitely

green holy shit.
girl bends over to pet a cat and u get gr8 tit shot.
plus cat naps and jumping high??

yea i dont see anything bad happening there

Healer is by far the best option, its not even close

>phase through anything
That doesn't specify PHYSICAL.
You could theoretically phase through all photons, be literally immune to light and invisible.