Death battle. Who would win Cred Forums?

Death battle. Who would win Cred Forums?

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Ernest would jack his jaw.

Ernest has retard strength but Pee Wee has some brains.

Tough one but I say Ernest because I could see him snapping in to a violent rage

Jim Varney won years ago.

Whoever wins; we all lose.

I believe that lung cancer has already decided this one user.

I would say Ernest out of the gate but peewee has random black magic possessed inanimate objects constantly surrounding him and a disembodied head in a box. Ernest may be a man but peewee might actually be Satan.

this peewee is satan in his human form.

Yep. He's all innocent and childlike but you turn your back for a second and he has masturbated his way into political power and now controls the world with Ernest's head on a pike.

Ernest has beaten supernatural beings before.

Part of me is still sad that they never got a chance to team-up.

Anyway, don't forget that before Pee Wee was Pee Wee, he was in some Cheech and Chong movies:

Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing really.

Peewee has jerked off in a theater and got busted for kiddy porn, so he's got that going for him.


How about Mr. Bean vs The Black Adder?

>I'm not sorry!!!

Ernest is dead already so......

I was looking for the one where he was a hotel clerk. That shit was gold. He was basically doing the Pee Wee act but as a really mean-spirited asshole.

I don't know what that other thing is.

This right here. Peewee would whip his schlong out and fire a blinding wad off in Ernest's eye then proceed to use his tard magic to finish the job



It's his other famous character. Seriously look it up on youtube. It's highly worth it.

Ernest P Worrel any day


Don't get me wrong. I ain't happy about it. He seemed like a really nice guy on and off camera. Kinda weird that he basically got famous for doing local TV commercials around Nashville though. I mean he started out trying to sell adults on switching to natural gas, and ended up doing kid movies and being on like lunch boxes and Trapper Keepers and shit.