Hey Cred Forums I have come to the conclusion that this girl is a shitty person. Anyone interested in a nood dumb?

Hey Cred Forums I have come to the conclusion that this girl is a shitty person. Anyone interested in a nood dumb?

Proceed my nigga.

Let's have them, then.




ok stop posting, we were wrong




Yeah, I'm leaving now...

Fucking fags dont like tits? Ill see more keep posting, ove seen way worse here


so was that all you had?




Never done this. But. Moar of her plz



Keep it up my dude!


Did you fuck her op?

Nah we only hung out once and she was on some moral shit

Last pic. I have video but files are too big.

What moral shit?

Didn't want to bang on the first "date" for the sole reason of it being the first time we hung out

post it somewhere else then

They are nothing spectacular, her blowing a dildo.

I see. So she blows dildos but not your dick on the first date?


Alright, so we went out then I had to go out of town for a few weeks and when I came back she was all about it but before I got together with her she started pulling some shit about serious commitment. A lot more than is reasonable for only have hung out once.

You must look like Brad Pitt to her if she's so serious about commitment.

Nah she is just shitty. She wanted to be super manipulative, but was very transparent about it.

Whats her SC username?

I'm not trying to ruin her life