Hey Cred Forums

Hey Cred Forums,
If you could choose to genocide a group of people (for example, Hitler chose the Jews), who would you choose and why?
Race, Religion, whatever go for it.

I'd choose mormons.

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(Reasoning is optional, but preferred)



India. Or China. I'm not a racist at all. I'm borderline SJW. I'm just pragmatic.

Reasoning being population control.

Americans of course. Duh

You have any idea what kind of power vacuum would form if the Americans disappeared? They suck, but they have to stay.

Without Jews we wouldn't even be having these issues with other races and religions except Islam.


I want a place to live in too, why must I give up the land my ancestors have tamed over the course of thousands of years in favor of Islamic invaders just so Israel can exist? Israel drove out Palestinians in such number they overran Lebanon and now they're doing the same to Syria.

Dont think i need to explain.

I think the Native Americans had a similar argument. Get over it.

All people with IQ below, say, 140.
That is because stupid ones make more children thus destroying the idea of natural selection making people furthermore smarter.

But I thought of chemical castration and to forbid them to vote or take any job in goverment except for janitors, not murder in a first place.

for the sake of experimentation i would chose white people, everyone blames them for everything and i like to see what people would do if they dont have a race to blame for everything bad in this world.

What does that even mean? It's not even an argument. Jews have been kicked out of hundreds of nations for the crime of Usury. Even the BIBLE mentions JESUS HIMSELF kicking the Jews out of the temple because of their money schemes. Just watch the documentary, spread it out over a period of time if you need to.

Below 140? That's 99% of the population sonny. I think you're aiming too high.

They will go with good'ol "hang a nigger" game.

Why bother? Just look at South Africa (white genocide in progress) and Rhodesia, now better known as Zimbabwe (white genocide successful)

Actually if you read the bible, it says they're FOREIGN moneychangers.

I would gas the commies for what they did to Czechoslovakia in 1968...

Found the retard. "White genocide"

Men with topknots/manbuns.

Everyone, call blank slate and reset for a new species to take over.

Oy vey, I wonder (((who))) translated that version.

A single google search proves you wrong on a million pages, here's one:

Yeah, that totally proved it ISN'T happening right now. Pure "white" populations are being driven into extinction like in Sweden and Germany. The USA is less than 60% "white" and this number includes NORTH AFRICANS who are not European.

I can't go into a city in Europe without seeing a different nigger every 5 seconds.

I think that there is too much idiots.
And again, I do not really want them dead. Just no voting and no job many people lives depends on.

In addition I suppose everyone with voting right should vote if such person alive and concious. You do not vote three times - there will be no fourth attempt and you no longer have such right.

If whites are the superior race, why do we sunburn so easily?