Ylyl, no cancer banna

ylyl, no cancer banna

Other urls found in this thread:






shitty post op, this is gonna be a shitty bread

Lost fast, wasn't expecting.



Haha great pic

fuck you oldfag

I have lots of the banana!


That's racist!

This is now get bread!

dr pepper is good but the dew is better

Are you proud of yourself OP? Are you proud of what this thread has become?

You've created yet another vehicle for "le funny banana maymay" to be posted. That's all you've done by creating this YLYL thread. I know what you were thinking. "I'll share some laughs with my fellow anons by creating a YLYL thread on Cred Forums! That will help me pass some time." But look what happened. Your entire thread is filled with pictures of that fucking banana.

And honestly, what were you expecting to happen? If you've been in any YLYL thread, any one AT ALL in the past year, then you've witnessed this happening. Every thread is the same. Sure, every once in a while something funny gets posted. But then the inevitable: the banana. We all know it's going to happen. It's happened here. It's going to happen in the next thread, and the next one after that. You should know better by now.

Sure, it's not your fault that these faggots keeping posting pictures of a naked banana. It's not your fault that the users here are too fucking stupid to post original content instead of regurgitating the same 9gag-level images day in and day out. But you know what? You're an enabler. By creating YLYL threads, you're inviting people to come in and post mundane, idiotic garbage. We all know that every YLYL is shit, so what makes you think yours is going to be any different? If you know that this banana shit is going to happen and then ignore it and create a thread anyway, you're part of the problem. You are exactly what people are referring to when they use the phrase "the cancer that's killing Cred Forums." You should be ashamed of yourself.


cringe alert kanye west fan youtube.com/watch?v=0doIQ267PuY


Cred Forums needs that yellow capsule right about.....now

>be me
>has ex gf over last night for Netflix and chill
>nice sexy time
>wake up before alarm because piss of a thousand race horses in my bladder
>no time to make breakfast so nice guy I am makes coffee instead
>ex walks into kitchen just as coffee is finished brewing
>we enjoy coffee and conversation by the window
>best morning in a long time
>ex has to go home and get ready for work
>walk ex to front door
>kiss and hug
>get on with my morning when coffee gets to my baby bladder
>go to bathroom
>coffee filter and grounds still in the toilet
>bathroom right next to kitchen counter so I put filter and grounds from last batch in toilet because closer than trash can
>mfw it was still pretty dark out this morning
>mfw ex didn't go pee this morning
>mfw ex probably thought there was a big unflushed shit in the toilet and was scared to go pee


Really really really too soon.

>>no time to make breakfast so nice guy I am makes coffee instead
sorry for english i russia

d pep lol

> mfw this just really happended but without the girl
> cause you don't have a gf

ex gf

do you even read bro?

haven't showered yet. wish you could come over and smell my dick. then I could try my best to explain to you what a vagina feels like.

check out my get niggers

Reminds me of that thread earlier


Nice one, Lori.

Save it my friend. It's All yours.




Yellow, definitely yellow.



I would pick the yellow pill u dumb nigger. Can u fucking read?




"You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this eggs"

>You don't have to tell me what happened you just have to eat this