If the Muslims keep causing trouble will there be another holocaust for them?

If the Muslims keep causing trouble will there be another holocaust for them?

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next holocost is for whitey


there wasn't a reason for the Holocaust

there is a reason to kill all mooslims

hope so

Yes. The racial holy war will occur and the whites will finish what they started in 1099.

Except there was a reason for the Holocaust? Nobody decides to kill 6,000,000 people without reason you tardwagon.

Muslim SS in prostration

>implying there isn't a reason to kill 6 million jews
>implying the holocaust happened at all

Funny, the truth is, most of our "islamic terrorism" is blowback from shit we've being doing to them.

(1) Iraq, imagine, the west has been bombing for 25 years. Second war may have been illegal, no WMD found, yet, country and infrastructure destroyed.

(2) Libya, much of the same

(3) Iran, up to 2010, threats to invade and bomb

(4) Syria, we are propping up the 'rebels' terrorists. Why? So Russia loses its med navel base.

Millions of muslims displaced, bombed, killed, in refugee camps. Not that long ago, they live in stable (albiet dictatorships) countries.

They were not Middleeastern muslim though

Beheading and mass-raping their own people under Sharia law is because "we created them we deserve this!" Fuck you, stupid cuck. Just because we enabled them to be imbred goat fucking savages doesnt mean we "created" they're way of life. I fucking hate lib-tard hypotheticals. Islam is a cancer, period.


One can only hope...

Iraq war - war for oil.

(1) attack major oil-producing country
(2) this creates a shortage of oil
(3) all that millitary mobilazation also needs a ton of oil
(4) oil prices skyrocket, from USD26 to USD100+
(5) extraction costs are the same, profits are up
(6) Oil wins this war
(7) thank you for your service

but it gets better:
(1) USA goes into debt by trillions borrowing for this war
(2) this money is spent on arms, which is then used and needs to be replaced
(3) patriotic arms-making firms also make great profits
(4) debt to paid off for decades to come
(5) wealth transfer from the future to current oil and arms makers. A debt that will be paid off for decades.

I hope Trump goes all General Blackjack Pershing
on their asses!


>Beheading and mass-raping
do you really think that US soldiers and Russians were any better in their wars? Or the Japanese?

this ain't libtard shit, you've drank the "thank you for your service" cool-aid.

>people who worship an illiterate desert-dwelling pedophilic warlord
>hey guys it's all our fault

Kill yourself

>will there be another holocaust for them?
Hopefully. Id support that

I don't recall U.S. soldiers ever raping and murdering THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRYMEN. Even in the U.S. civil war we acted with a little bit of human fucking decency. You're intentionally ignoring the bit that they are literally fucking gimping themselves. They need to be eradicated. In world war 2, was it the Germans raping and brutally murdering or disfiguring their own citizens? No, it was the fucking Russians doing it. The point is that these people live in a fantasy world where everything is decided by a religious body - they use religion to justify what they do to their own brothers and sisters.

The rape of Atlanta was brutal enough to serve as a good counterpoint

>making excuses for religious terrorists
>b-but these other people did a bad thing one time so that makes it ok

Fucking kill yourself, apologist scum.

The Germans were great at brutalizing their own citizens OR DID YOU FORGET ABOUT THE DEATHCAMPS AND EXTRALEGAL KILLINGS????

Night of the long knives anyone?


I'm less worried about Muslims and more worried about paranoid whitey because why be afraid of a black hole far away when there are plenty of asteroids in my own neighborhood?

what do mean by...another ?

reason for holocaust: jews are the scum of the earth and abuse any country they are in/own. the numbers of jews killed is bullshit anyways.

does anyone believe the jews created islam to cpmbat the rising popularity of Christianity?

no. that would not make sense.

how so?

We're not in 1945 anymore so we can do nothing about that tho.


We're in 2016 and you know...

Dunno, its hard to kill them if they continue not useing basic hygiene and showers.

Probably, but who says they won't turn it around and the white people get holocausted

Because a White is more of a technocrat than a muslim.

The reason for the holocaust was that kikes kept hoarding all gold and silver, they controlled the banks who in their turn control intrest which causes an economical crisis. Kikes don't care what happens to the country where they're living the just want that sweet sweet jew gold

>what is the Communist coup attempt of 1918
>what is the Weimar Republic

Wow, you sure are fucking stupid. Educate yourself. Jews tried to take over Germany in 1918 like the Bolshevik Jews did in Russia in 1917. They failed, so as revenge they devaluated the currency to the point where it was worthless.


Muslim is muslim you fat fuck

How about you start one? We're overdue a good ol' war.

before the jew hatred reached total nuttyness in nazi germany the jews declared war on germany, they even killed a german ambassador. they where the scum of the earth during that time period. Also germany lost ww1 because of the jews because the jews bribed the americans to help britain so that britain would help and all germans knew that at the time

hory shet

Muslims have produced nothing for humanity for in Centuries. Love to see a war between Muslims & Niggers. Arm both sides, and hope the war continues for years with mass casualties on both sides. The world would be a better place

i mean, i don't know about you but id rather not get shot

You're a fucking retard they don't rape their own people, you get stoned for adultary why would they allow rape. I know you hate muslims but don't make up shit so you can justify yourself.

Muslims don't rape each other fucking liar. Us soldiers rape children but hey it's okay as long as they aren't american children right

yeah, it sucks western civillians have to pay for what our military has been doing. maybe eisenhower was right in his farewell address.

Why would they create a people that hates their own guts. Kikes are smart and sneaky but they aren't all powerfull

>People actually believe this
Jesus Christ fuck off back to mama

I am fine with that, as long as the Soldier puts a bullet in the kids skull after he is finished with them. Fun is fun, but at the end of the day you need to kill terrorist, and "I'm only 7" is not a free pass.

We can only hope

>Falling for the "muslims are so pious and moral" meme

I bet you think Catholic priests are all holy and clean too, you gullible queer.

Draconian bronze-age savagery =/= moral uprightness.

I wish i could know the truth among all those reasons and de 1000+ other reasons. I really don't know which one is right or wrong. Problem is you cannot make yourself a good opinion on this matter nowadays as there is too much conflicting info everywhere. Today any 12yo can spread his opinion like it is a universal truth.
Is there any reliable yet concise sources on the reasons of the holocaust somewhere?

This thread is awful.

You're talking about a region of the world where they have cultural idiosyncrasies like special words for "gang-molestation with robbery" and "cross-dressing child sex slave".

If you think the Muslim world is anything other than a disgusting shithole full of wretched savages, you are just plain delusional.

Why? Because liberal hippies get a big fat spoon of reality?

Yes the Holocaust was horrible... But Hitler was kind of right, Jews do a lot of fucked up things.

Go fuck yourself delusional retard, everyone is a rapist except americans right? Hey isn't that your sister getting fucked by a black guy? Aren't you gonna do something about it? Oh yeah americans don't do shit because they're fucking cucks. Go rape some children in vietnam piece of shit

You're wishing for the death of millions of people, who most of them are innocent

The only death camps were found in Russian territory. Who ruled Russia? Bolshevik JEWS. The whole holocaust conspiracy has 0 evidence of having ever happened, that's why the (((media))) and (((hollywood))) are constantly telling us it happened, it definitely happened and that's why it's illegal for Europeans to investigate or ask questions about the Holocaust on the punishment of long term imprisonment.

Religion is perfect but humans aren't. Also i'd rather live their than in your 'free' society where every girl is a slut and ever guy a cuck or a faggot


Uh huh? Which ones are specifically innocent? Niggers where 1 in 2 have gone to jail at some point because their crime and murder rates are 200 times higher than anyone else's?

Or is it the religion of pieces?

Don't say stupid shit if you don't know what you're on about.

It would amuse me if it happened.

Tin-hat wearing nazi retard found

I sure as hell hope so, the sooner the better.

Kill da mooslimes

>believing that 6 mill jews died
dont fall for it fags

Are you really that dumb?

>a-anyone who doesn't buy the far fetched holocaust conspiracy theory must be a nazi!

Nice argument, faggot. Anyone can just look up the maps with the locations of the death camps, all deep in Russian territory.

Fuck off Hillary.

False. Both are flawed.

Oh, I did. Most of them were in Poland. Remind me again what started WWII?

Nah you are pretty dumb. You can disputed the number but at the end the day the holocaust did happen.

there will be a or more holocoust either for muslims or for non muslims. I would prefer a nuclear holocoust for muslims. There are so much of them a nuclear holocoust could do it.

Dumb-ass I'm Libyan. I know more about Muslims than anyone in this cancerous thread

1. Jews were some small minority that dame up something like 2.15% of the total population. Arabs aren't.
2. Jews, in large part, were a a non-violent, and generally no-aggressive, leading to little resistance up until it was late. Arab's, as a population, are violent and aggressive.

Jews run the world every major war in the past 400 years has been paying those big nose motherfuckers the federal reserve has been cucking us all for the longest :^/

The holocaust and world war 2 it was all just *business*

i would name it selfdefence and not holocoust

Our way is better and peaceful, we are taking over Europe quite nicely, soon it will be irreversible with the birth rate of muslims in Europe. We like it there, easy white women and welfare, its all good.

There are millions of muslims in the US and more christians are converting.


When did I say any of that?

All religions are shit. The mudslimes are just the ones being the biggest douchebags right now.
Let Christians put the 10 commandments in a courthouse, and next they'll be lobbying to burn witches. Let them teach creationism is schools, next they'll be burning schools. Mudslimes are being the cancer because the rest of the planet has been letting them get away with it too long.

Stop insulting Islam, you'll set them off and they'll become terrorists.

Which has nothing to with Islam, of course.

this, except there seems no problem with buddhists