What makes white girls so into black guys?

What makes white girls so into black guys?
It's very easy for black guys to get laid, nowadays, while if you are a white man, chances are you are a virgin.

What makes white girls so into black cock?

White men are still the most attractive out of all races. All races of women (except black women, which white men tend not to like anyway) agree on this.

The only men who have a right to complain about their race making them unappealing are Asian guys.

What's wrong with Asian guys?

What isn't?

Id link you back to Cred Forums but im sure you already know how to get there.

Daddy issues.

Lel once a woman goes black XD xD
They are basicaly worthless lol doesnt matter
How hot you are, your value is still Zero xD

well to be fair... the only reason why white girls would be ok with a black guy is because they're out of luck. They've got a reputation of being a lose whore, and once that happens... no white guys will touch them, so they go to blacks instead. But what does it matter... every beat up whore who breeds with blacks only makes the black guys more stupid, driving them closer to slavery and lack of education in every generation.

>10 shekels have been added to your account

high body weight and generally unfit



thank you for your race-mixing propaganda contribution

1 shekel has been added to your balance with Goyim TSB

the biger penis is for the make sex better yes

>$0.10 has been added to your paypal account

But attractiveness is subjective.

you really believe that?

This is true, but you would have to be a moron to believe that certain groups of people aren't at a disadvantage.

If you're morbidly obese, disfigured manlet chances are you're not gonna be swimming in puss.

Face it, it's an undesirable quality.

white girls are the result of pigs fucking cows

Nice stoner science you got there m8

try removing the fedora.

This thread is literally muh duck

Go find a cuck board this same shit gets posted 10 times a day fucking faggots.

Black bloke here.
I talk a lot of slang to white girls and they go for it.
White girls love that shit boi

No, black women think white men are more attractive too.
There's a chart somewhere I just don't have it

Because nigger culture closely resembles female culture.
Insecure, loud, passive agressive, ignorant, idiotic, cowardly, entitled. Leeches to society. Absolutely no worth outside from what they claim physically.
Niggers are the women of race.
Women are the niggers of gender.

I stand corrected, then.
There is officially zero reason for these threads to exist.