Whats the best way to lose weight?

Whats the best way to lose weight?
I need to make some changes before it's too late I want to become vegan / vegaterian and start exercising what's the best excercise you can do to lose weight?


Fucking cardio man. Don't worry about being vegan and shit, just eat right.

If you just want to loose weight don't even bother exercising, just eat less. If you want to get fit as well then lift weights, the food you eat doesn't really matter, just eat less of it.
tldr. go read the sticky on /fit

running & eating well will cause you to lose the most weight but you will be losing muscle and fat and become gross skinny fat. Lift weights and eat well and let it take its time.

Rock climbing and hiking.
Don't be vegan. At least vegetarians can drink whey.


Calories taken in

skip the carbs

protein powder is stupid

People that run regularly are not skinny fat. Skinny fat implies no exercise and bad nutrition.

stop eating so much asshole

It's delicious, filling, and it works.

Yeah if you use milk. The serving amount of protein powder needed daily combined with the amount of milk needed is a lot of Fucking milk.

How about just being vegetarian?
Can i lose weight and build a little muscle while im at it just by lifting?

don't be a vegetarian. Just follow a no carb diet for 4 days, then eat regularly for two, and cycle this. During this do high cardio

run, swim or have sex more than you should

Lift Monday Wednesday and Fridays, run Tuesdays and Thursdays. When you lift, do the 5 by 5 program. 5 sets of 5, use around 80 of your max. For example, if your max bench press is 100 lbs. Do sets of 80 lbs. If.you have you to do drop sets to make it through, do it. Just finish the routine every time.

yes, but exercise doesn't burn many calories, if you lift weights and eat the same you wont loose weight, you will probably gain some as muscle but you wont see it because you would still be fat.

being vegetarian allows you to get more protein/ nutrients from eating less. But ofc if you like the vege. food and eat alot it wont matter.

I eat a very bad diet now, do you think id see change in my weight just by becoming vegetarian

I'm trying to get back motivated to lose the weight I have put back on. 5 of 6 months ago I started going to a gym, stopped drinking soda and started eating less. I went from 256lbs to 242 lbs within months but recently I have slid back in to drinking soda and eating fast food. I jumped up to 252lbs in no time and now I hate myself.

exercise helps, but it's mostly what you eat. start counting calories, and either eat more full-filling calorie light foods, or whatever you eat now but less.

2.4 dnp

Went to gym, cut down sugar, lost weight.

Stopped gym, started eating sugar, gained weight

There is a pattern here

It isnt mostly either. You have a stable weight that depends on both diet and exercise.

Improve one of the two and the weight goes down. Go overboard with one and you may well reach your ideal weight.

Or be a sensible human being and follow the advice of every single weight expert that has ever existed and do some of both without going overboard on either and hit your target weight

I'm not asking what happened, I'm just sharing. I feel so disgusted with myself I just want to lay down and die